Target: Box Cover Front

Target Review

Target combines strategy and skill with stunning components. Highly replayable, it's a hit for game nights. Minor luck factors exist, but the fun outweighs them. A must-try!
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Balance and Fairness
  • Component Quality and Design
  • Replay Value and Enjoyment
4/5Overall Score

Target is a strategic and skillful board game with high replay value, perfect for fun and competitive game nights.

  • Number of players: 2-6
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 8+
  • Game Type: Strategy and Dexterity
  • Complexity: Medium-Low
  • Components: Sturdy board, high-quality discs, target markers
  • Setup Time: 5-10 minutes
  • Strategic gameplay
  • High replay value
  • Quality components
  • Fun for game nights
  • Minor luck factors
  • Skill level variability
  • Limited player interactions
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey there, game lovers! Jamie here with another board game review. Today, we are talking about Target. This game promises a blend of strategy, dexterity, and loads of fun. I’ve had the chance to play it with my friends, and I’m ready to spill the beans on whether it’s worth your game night. From flicking discs to hitting targets, let’s see how Target stacks up!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, lay out the game board on a flat surface. Each player picks a color and takes the matching discs. Place the target in the center of the board. You’re ready to go!


Players take turns flicking their discs toward the target. You get points based on how close you land to the center. Beware – other players can knock your discs away! There’s also a bonus round where hitting a small target can score you extra points.

Winning the Game

After a set number of rounds, tally up the points. The player with the highest score wins. Simple, right? Just remember, a good flick can make all the difference!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Target.

Gameplay Mechanics and Rules of Target

Let’s talk about the mechanics and rules of Target. First off, it’s a game that demands both strategy and dexterity, which makes for a fascinating combo! Picture this: a bunch of friends around a table, aiming and firing at targets while trying not to knock over the game board. Yes, this happened to us!

The game starts with players setting up their targets on the board. Each target has different points, making them more or less attractive to aim for. We had plenty of laughs aiming for the highest points but landing our tokens in no-man’s land. Players take turns trying to hit these targets by flicking small discs. I admit, some of us had better flicking skills than others, which led to some good-natured ribbing.

One of the neat mechanics in Target is the ability to knock off other players’ discs. It’s both a curse and a blessing because while you may score, you might also give your opponent an opportunity to do the same. It keeps everyone on their toes, which is great for engagement. However, luck plays a bit too big a role here. Sometimes, no matter how much you strategize, a bad flick can ruin everything. This unpredictability made a few of us grind our teeth.

There are also bonus rounds where you can earn extra points. These rounds are a hit with everyone, adding that extra layer of excitement. You know what’s coming next? Buckle up as we discuss how fair and balanced the game really is!

Balance and Fairness in Target

Let’s talk balance and fairness in Target! For a game that relies on skill, you’d expect the playing field to be level, right? Well, mostly it is. The game has a good balance of risk and reward. You flick your discs at different targets, each with varying points. The high-risk, high-reward strategy works but doesn’t overshadow conservative play styles. That said, I have seen instances where skill gives way to sheer luck.

Imagine this: my buddy, who couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, scored big by accidentally flicking his disc and hitting the jackpot. Such moments can leave you questioning the fairness. The game includes rules to penalize errant flicks, but they don’t always level the playing field as intended. Small variances in disc quality can also tilt the game slightly, but it’s minor enough that casual players might never notice.

It’s crucial to ensure everyone starts with the same set of discs to avoid any imbalance. Competitive folks might scrutinize each disc for any slight advantage but, let’s face it, that’s taking it too far. Overall, the game does a decent job in keeping things fair and balanced, though it’s not perfect. It’s fun enough that these small quirks don’t ruin the enjoyment.

Next up, let’s see if the game’s components are as sturdy as they claim. Stay tuned!

Component Quality and Design

If you’re anything like me, you appreciate good craftsmanship in a board game. Target doesn’t disappoint! When you first crack open the box, you’ll notice the game pieces are top notch. The discs are smooth, and they glide beautifully across the board, which is a key feature given the nature of the game.

The board itself feels sturdy enough to withstand many enthusiastic game nights. It’s colorful, vibrant, and adds a nice visual appeal. I remember my friend Tom, who is a bit of a klutz, accidentally spilling his drink. Amazingly, the board didn’t warp! Kudos to the creators for choosing high-quality, spill-resistant materials.

Then there are the targets. These little guys hold up well under constant flicking. They have a nice heft to them, making them easier to aim at and hit. No cheap, flimsy pieces here. I once joked that if I ran out of coasters, I could probably use the targets and get away with it! (But don’t actually try that… my wife didn’t appreciate the laugh).

Furthermore, the package includes a neat little bag to store the discs. It’s a small touch, but it makes packing up the game a breeze. Attention to detail matters, and Target nails it.

Even the rulebook is well-designed, with clear instructions and lots of visuals. It makes learning the game quick, which is always a plus in my book.

Ready to see if this game stays fun or fizzles out? Stay tuned for the scoop on Replay value and enjoyment!

Replay Value and Enjoyment of Target

When I think of replay value, I think of those late Friday nights where one game leads to another, and then another. That’s exactly what Target delivers. My friends and I found ourselves saying, ‘Just one more round,’ into the wee hours of the morning.

Target has a knack for keeping folks engaged. The game is fast-paced, yet nuanced enough to require some strategy. Each game feels fresh because no two games pan out the same way. It keeps you on your toes.

An interesting aspect is how different players can adopt different tactics. Some of my friends focus on long-distance shots, while others prefer precise, short-range flicks. Both approaches can win, depending on the situation. This adds a layer of depth that I didn’t expect at first glance.

The game is also accessible. My younger niece had no trouble picking it up, and she even won a few rounds! Simplicity meets depth in a way that’s rare and delightful.

One thing to note is that the flicking mechanic might not be everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re someone who gets frustrated easily by physical skill games, then Target might wear on you after a few rounds. But for those who enjoy a bit of dexterity and friendly competition, it’s a blast.

Overall, the replay value and enjoyment factor are quite high. I’d say this game is a winner for families and friends looking for a fun, engaging time. I totally recommend picking up Target for your next game night.


Wrapping things up, Target has a lot going for it. The mechanics demand strategy and dexterity, and the components are top-notch. Balance and fairness are solid, with skill being the main factor but a dash of luck keeping it interesting. The replay value is high, making it a hit for frequent game nights. However, if you’re not a fan of flick mechanics or any form of luck influencing your game, you might want to look elsewhere. Overall, I give Target a strong recommendation for those seeking a fun, skill-based game that keeps everyone on their toes. And that, my friends, concludes our review!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.