Paths of Glory: Box Cover Front
Paths of Glory - Paths of Glory, GMT, components - Credit: FortyOne
Paths of Glory - Prezcon - Credit: charlescab
Paths of Glory - Senderos de Gloria (spanish edition Paths of Glory) board detail - Credit: Lev Mishkin
Paths of Glory - The Great War before 4 years of death and destruction sorted it out - Credit: angst
  1. Paths of Glory: Box Cover Front
  2. Paths of Glory - Paths of Glory, GMT, components - Credit: FortyOne
  3. Paths of Glory - Prezcon - Credit: charlescab
  4. Paths of Glory - Senderos de Gloria (spanish edition Paths of Glory) board detail - Credit: Lev Mishkin
  5. Paths of Glory - The Great War before 4 years of death and destruction sorted it out - Credit: angst

Paths of Glory Review

"Paths of Glory combines captivating gameplay, historical accuracy, endless replayability, and impeccable components, offering a truly immersive and strategic experience that will keep players engaged for hours on end."
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Historical accuracy
  • Replayability
  • Component quality
4.5/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Paths of Glory is a war-themed board game that expertly combines captivating gameplay mechanics, meticulous historical accuracy, immersive replayability, and top-notch component quality. With a dynamic card-driven system and innovative combat mechanics, players are engrossed in strategic decision-making and unpredictable battles. The game's faithful representation of World War I, multiple factions, and varying historical scenarios ensure endless opportunities for exploration and enjoyment. As if that's not enough, the impeccable quality of the game's components adds to its overall visual appeal and longevity. Paths of Glory is a highly recommended choice for board game enthusiasts seeking a meticulously crafted and engaging gaming experience.

  • Number of players: 2
  • Playing Time: 4-5 hours
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game Complexity: High
  • Game Components: 1 game board, miniatures, player aid cards, event cards, counters
  • Game Designer: Ted Raicer
  • Engaging gameplay
  • Meticulous historical accuracy
  • Endless replayability
  • Impeccable component quality
  • Long playing time
  • High complexity
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my review of Paths of Glory, a captivating war-themed board game that combines engaging gameplay mechanics, meticulous historical accuracy, endless replayability, and impeccable component quality. In this review, I will delve into each of these aspects, giving you an in-depth look at what makes this game so special. From the dynamic card-driven system to the realistic map and historical scenarios, prepare to immerse yourself in the world of World War I and make strategic decisions that will alter the course of history. Let’s begin!

How It Plays

Setting Up

Before diving into the intense battles of Paths of Glory, players must first set up the game. This involves placing the game board on the table, distributing the faction-specific pieces and cards, and organizing relevant markers and counters. Additionally, each player will need to familiarize themselves with their faction’s unique abilities and starting positions.


Paths of Glory utilizes a card-driven system, where players use their hand of cards to execute actions, such as moving units, initiating battles, or conducting special operations. Each card presents players with multiple choices, creating tactical dilemmas and strategic decision-making.

On their turn, players can choose to either play a card for its event to leverage historical happenings or play the card for operation points to carry out military operations. The event cards bring extra historical flavor and surprises to the gameplay, while operation points allow players to perform a wide range of actions like mobilizing troops, attacking enemy positions, or reinforcing fresh units.

The game progresses with alternating player turns as they assess the evolving state of the war, recalibrate their strategies, and adapt to opponent movements. Careful resource management, terrain analysis, and timing become crucial to success in this high-stakes conflict strategy game.

Winning the game

The objective of Paths of Glory is to score victory points by accomplishing various objectives based on the historical scenario being played. Victory points can be gained through the control or loss of vital territories, the achievement of strategic objectives, or the decimation of enemy forces. The game may also end early if one of the sides reaches a predetermined victory point threshold.

Earning victory points hinges on successfully deploying military tactics, seizing opportunities, and adapting to the ever-changing conditions of the battlefield, ultimately leading to victory as the Allied or Central Powers.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Paths of Glory.

The Engaging Gameplay Mechanics of Paths of Glory

Paths of Glory is an enthralling war-themed board game that captivates players with its innovative and well-designed gameplay mechanics. From the moment you sit down at the table, you’re instantly immersed in the strategic decisions and thrilling challenges that lie ahead.

Dynamic Card-Driven System

At the heart of Paths of Glory is its dynamic card-driven system, which adds an element of unpredictability and strategic depth to each turn. Instead of relying solely on dice rolls or predetermined actions, players must carefully manage their hand of cards and creatively use them to execute their strategies on the battlefield.

The card-driven system not only adds an extra layer of complexity to the game but also injects a high level of tension and suspense into each decision-making process. You have to formulate plans, adapt to changing circumstances, and anticipate your opponent’s moves based on the cards available in your hand.

Innovative Combat Mechanics

The combat mechanics in Paths of Glory are refreshingly innovative, bringing a sense of realism and strategic depth to battles. Instead of using dice to determine the outcome of conflicts, the game utilizes a combat resolution system that takes into account factors such as unit strength, terrain advantages, and supply lines.

This unique approach to combat requires players to carefully plan their offensives, balancing their forces and maneuvering them to exploit weaknesses in their opponent’s defenses. It leads to intense battles, where every decision and calculation can have a significant impact on the outcome of the war.

Intuitive Command Point System

Paths of Glory incorporates an intuitive command point system that simulates the challenges of commanding large armies during World War I. Command points can be used to activate units, reinforce troops, and unleash special abilities, adding a strategic layer to the game.

The command point system forces players to prioritize their actions and make tough choices, as they can never do everything they want in a single turn. It creates meaningful resource management decisions that impact the overall flow of the game and require careful planning to maximize the effectiveness of your forces.

The next section will delve into the historical accuracy of Paths of Glory, allowing players to immerse themselves even further in the tumultuous events of World War I.

Paths of Glory - Paths of Glory, GMT, components - Credit: FortyOne

Immerse Yourself in History with Paths of Glory’s Historical Accuracy

Paths of Glory not only offers a captivating gameplay experience but also stands out for its meticulous attention to historical accuracy. This war-themed board game takes players on a journey through the challenging times of World War I, allowing them to relive the key events and decisions faced by the nations involved.

Realistic Map and Historical Scenario

The game’s map is a faithful representation of the European theater during World War I, featuring meticulously designed territories, cities, and crucial landmarks. From the vast and treacherous trench networks to the strategic mountain passes, every aspect of the battlefield is carefully recreated, providing players with a realistic sense of the challenges faced by the warring powers.

Furthermore, Paths of Glory offers various historical scenarios that allow players to engage in specific moments of the war. Whether it’s the explosive early stages of conflict or the grueling final push, each scenario offers a unique historical setting that immerses players in the narrative of World War I.

Accurate Unit Composition and Command Structure

In addition to its detailed map and historical scenarios, Paths of Glory pays close attention to authentic unit composition and command structures. Each army in the game features the same divisions, corps, and commanders that were present during the actual war.

Moreover, the command structure is accurately represented, with players assuming the roles of decision-makers like Field Marshal Douglas Haig or General Erich Ludendorff. Commanding massive armies carries the weight of historical accuracy, as players must consider the limitations and strategies of their real-life counterparts.

Event Cards Based on Historical Events

Paths of Glory incorporates event cards that reflect the major historical events and breakthroughs of World War I. These cards introduce surprise factors into gameplay, simulating the actual uncertainties faced by generals and political leaders.

As players draw and play event cards, they will stumble upon events like the Battle of the Marne or the Christmas Truce, altering the course of the game and forcing them to adapt their strategies to unexpected situations. This element of unpredictability adds an exciting and historically accurate twist to the gameplay experience.

The next section will explore the replayability factor of Paths of Glory, ensuring that players will find themselves drawn to revisit the trenches of World War I time and time again.

Paths of Glory - Prezcon - Credit: charlescab

Infinite Possibilities: Paths of Glory’s Endless Replayability

Paths of Glory is a board game that guarantees never-ending entertainment, thanks to its exceptional replayability. With its vast array of strategic options, unpredictable events, and historical scenarios, each session brings forth new challenges and opportunities for players.

Multiple Factions and Strategies

One of the main factors contributing to the game’s replayability is the inclusion of multiple factions, each with their own distinct abilities and strategies. Whether you choose to play as the powerful British Empire, the formidable German forces, or any other nation involved in the conflict, the game offers a diverse range of playstyles to explore.

Furthermore, each faction presents players with different strengths and weaknesses, leading to various strategic approaches and decision-making processes. Experimenting with different factions and strategies not only keeps the gameplay fresh but also adds depth and complexity to the overall experience.

Varying Historical Scenarios

Paths of Glory provides players with numerous historical scenarios, enabling them to explore different aspects and periods of World War I. Each scenario presents players with specific objectives, events, and challenges, creating unique gameplay experiences every time.

Whether you opt to play a quick skirmish or embark on a full campaign, the varying historical scenarios ensure that every session feels like a new chapter in the larger story of the war. From the early clashes on the Western Front to the harrowing battles fought in the Ottoman Empire, the possibilities for immersion and enjoyment are boundless.

Strategic Depth and Uncertainty

The strategic depth of Paths of Glory ensures that no two games play out the same way. Each decision, from troop deployments to combat maneuvers, bears both immediate consequences and long-term effects, fostering a gameplay experience that is both challenging and unpredictable.

Players must continuously adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield, identify and exploit their opponent’s weaknesses, and make difficult choices when allocating limited resources. The combination of strategic depth and uncertainty creates an engaging and dynamic gaming environment, where the outcome of each game is never predetermined.

User-Created Scenarios and Community

Adding to the immense replayability of Paths of Glory is the enthusiastic and dedicated community surrounding the game. With its active fan base and extensive user-created content, players have access to an ever-growing collection of custom scenarios, variant rules, and multiplayer options.

These user-generated materials expand the possibilities for gameplay, allowing players to embark on new adventures, experiment with alternative rulesets, and engage in thrilling multiplayer battles against opponents from across the world. The vibrant Paths of Glory community ensures that there will always be fresh content to explore and new challenges to conquer.

The next section will delve into the component quality of Paths of Glory, demonstrating the attention to detail and craftsmanship that enhance the overall gaming experience.

Paths of Glory - Senderos de Gloria (spanish edition Paths of Glory) board detail - Credit: Lev Mishkin

Top-Notch Quality: Paths of Glory’s Impeccable Components

Paths of Glory is not only a brilliant game in terms of gameplay and historical accuracy but also impresses with its impeccable component quality. From the sturdy game board to the detailed miniatures, every element of the game has been crafted with precision and attention to detail.

High-Quality Game Board and Player Aid Cards

The game board in Paths of Glory is a sight to behold. It is made from thick, durable cardboard, ensuring that it will withstand countless gaming sessions without losing its vibrant colors or structural integrity. The board’s clear and concise design makes it easy to navigate and keeps players immersed in the action.

In addition, the player aid cards offer a wealth of information in a compact format. These cards are thick and laminated, ensuring longevity and ease of use during gameplay. They provide players with essential references and reminders about rules and game mechanics, facilitating smooth and enjoyable gameplay.

Detailed Miniatures and Counters

The miniatures and counters in Paths of Glory are of exceptional quality, adding a visually appealing element to the game. The miniatures are finely sculpted and accurately represent the various military units involved in the war. They are made from sturdy plastic and are easy to handle on the game board.

Furthermore, the game includes a variety of counters that are used to track and depict elements such as casualties, supply lines, and control of territories. These counters are thick, durable, and have vibrant printing, making them easy to read and manipulate during gameplay.

Organized and Well-Designed Components

Paths of Glory stands out for its excellent organization of components within the game box. Each faction’s units, markers, and cards have designated spaces, ensuring efficient setup and easy access during gameplay. The rulebook also provides clear instructions for how to set up the game and properly handle the components.

The attention to detail in the component design extends beyond organization. The rulebook itself is well-written, providing comprehensive rules and explanations, as well as examples of play. The clear and concise layout of the rulebook increases ease of learning and reduces any potential confusion.

Considering all these factors, it is evident that Paths of Glory offers impeccable component quality that enhances the overall enjoyment and immersion in the game.

Without a doubt, I highly recommend Paths of Glory to board game enthusiasts who appreciate strong gameplay mechanics, historical accuracy, and exceptional component quality. This immersive and engaging experience will undoubtedly provide countless hours of strategic enjoyment for players.

Paths of Glory - The Great War before 4 years of death and destruction sorted it out - Credit: angst


In conclusion, Paths of Glory stands as an exceptional war-themed board game that delivers a gripping gameplay experience with its dynamic card-driven mechanics and realistic depiction of World War I. The meticulous attention to historical accuracy immerses players in the tumultuous events of the war, while the game’s replayability ensures endless hours of strategic enjoyment. Additionally, the impeccable component quality enhances the overall gaming experience, creating a visually stunning and well-organized game. With its engaging gameplay, historical immersion, replayability, and outstanding component quality, Paths of Glory is a must-have for board game enthusiasts seeking an immersive and thought-provoking gaming experience.

[This concludes the review of Paths of Glory]

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.