Pandemic Legacy: Season 0: Box Cover Front
Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — components ready for play (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — midgame - Credit: W Eric Martin
Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — lots of activity in northern Europe... - Credit: W Eric Martin
Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  1. Pandemic Legacy: Season 0: Box Cover Front
  2. Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — components ready for play (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — midgame - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — lots of activity in northern Europe... - Credit: W Eric Martin
  5. Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 Review

"Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 thrills with its immersive espionage narrative, strategic gameplay, and exceptional component quality. A must-play for board game enthusiasts seeking a captivating and constantly evolving gaming experience."
  • Gameplay mechanics and strategy
  • Story, plot, and narrative
  • Component quality and production values
  • Replayability and longevity
4.5/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

In Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, players embark on a thrilling spy-themed journey, where every decision and action carries weight. The game's strategic gameplay mechanics, captivating storylines, and exceptional component quality create an immersive and engaging experience. With its branching narrative, evolving gameplay, and high replayability, each playthrough feels fresh and unique. The game's attention to detail and impeccable craftsmanship further contribute to its appeal. Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 is an outstanding board game that offers endless hours of excitement and challenges, making it a must-have for both fans of the Pandemic series and newcomers to the world of legacy-style games.

  • Number of players: 2-4 players
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14 and above
  • Game Designers: Rob Daviau, Matt Leacock
  • Game Type: Cooperative, Legacy
  • Number of Campaigns: 18
  • Expansion Availability: Yes
  • Engaging gameplay
  • Immersive narrative
  • Exceptional component quality
  • High replayability
  • Complex rulebook
  • High learning curve
  • Limited expansion availability
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to our review of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0! In this in-depth review, we will explore the gameplay mechanics, story, component quality, replayability, and longevity of this highly anticipated board game. Prepare for a thrilling journey into the world of espionage and international intrigue as we delve into the captivating elements that make Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 a standout game.

How It Plays

Setting up

To start playing Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, you and your fellow players will first need to set up a new campaign. This involves carefully preparing the game board, distributing role cards, and setting up the initial threat level. Each player will take on a specific spy role, with unique abilities and secret directives.


In each game session, your team of spies will be tasked with completing a series of missions across various locations around the world. On your turn, you will perform actions, such as gathering intelligence, neutralizing threats, and establishing cover identities. Cooperation and strategic decision-making are essential as you strive to unravel the mysterious plot behind the global conspiracy.

Winning the game

To win Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, you must accomplish your mission objectives while managing the spread of infectious threats. You will need to collaborate closely with your fellow players, utilizing each character’s unique abilities, exchanging intelligence, and implementing well-coordinated strategies. Success hinges on your ability to stave off global chaos and uncover the truth before it’s too late.

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 presents an immersive gameplay experience where every choice matters, fostering a sense of tension, teamwork, and excitement. As each game progresses and multiple sessions are played, the story unfolds, new mechanics are introduced, and the world of espionage grows in complexity and depth.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Pandemic Legacy: Season 0.

A Winning Strategy in Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 Will Keep You on Your Toes!

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 offers a thrilling gameplay experience with a wide range of mechanics that will challenge even the most seasoned board game enthusiasts. From the very beginning, you will find yourself immersed in a strategic world where every decision counts. The game seamlessly combines elements of teamwork, resource management, and deduction, creating an engaging and intense experience.

Quick Action Selection

One of the standout mechanics in Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 is the quick action selection system. Each player takes turns choosing from a limited set of actions, ensuring that every action is crucial to the team’s success. This mechanism adds an intense level of decision-making, forcing players to think strategically and prioritize their moves. One wrong move can quickly escalate the situation, leading to a cascade of devastating consequences.

Intelligence Management

In this spy-themed sequel, players must manage their intelligence resources carefully. Gathering crucial information is essential to uncovering the hidden threats and completing missions. However, intelligence resources are limited, and players must allocate them wisely. Choosing when and where to spend your intelligence becomes a strategic dilemma, as it can determine the success or failure of your mission. The game constantly challenges you to make tough choices and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of espionage.

Cooperative Gameplay

Similar to its predecessors, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 emphasizes cooperative gameplay. Players must work together, sharing information, and coordinating their actions to combat the infectious threats and complete their objectives. The strong collaborative aspect of the game keeps players engaged and fosters a sense of unity as they strive to save the world from biological catastrophe.

As you master the gameplay mechanics and refine your strategies, you will uncover the hidden layers of excitement and challenge that Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 offers. Every decision you make carries weight, and success hinges on your ability to adapt and make the best choices under pressure. Whether it’s neutralizing covert threats or rescuing crucial assets, the game keeps you on the edge of your seat, anticipating every move your opponents might make.

With the gameplay mechanics and strategy discussed, it’s time to dig deeper into the captivating plot, thrilling narrative elements, and immersive story of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0. Prepare to embark on a top-secret mission that will test your skills as a spy, your ability to unravel intricate puzzles, and your appetite for espionage. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of covert operations and secret agendas!

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — components ready for play (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

An Epic Spy Thriller: The Story of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0

The story and plot of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 are nothing short of epic, immersing players in a captivating narrative that unfolds gradually as the game progresses. Set during the height of the Cold War, you and your team of spies are tasked with unraveling a global conspiracy that threatens global security. Every game session takes you deeper into a web of intrigue, where every decision you make can have far-reaching consequences.

A World in Turmoil

The game starts amidst the chaos of a world grappling with political instability and clandestine operations. The narrative captures the tension and uncertainty of the Cold War era flawlessly. As you uncover clues, decode messages, and thwart enemy plans, you’ll feel the weight of your mission and the urgency to succeed. The intricate storyline keeps you engaged and yearning for more as you piece together the puzzle one move at a time.

Twists and Turns

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 is full of unexpected twists and turns. Throughout the campaign, you will encounter surprising revelations and intricate plot developments. NPCs with hidden motivations and double agents will keep you on your toes. The storyline constantly challenges you to adapt your strategies and anticipate the next move of your enemies. The intricate narrative keeps you engaged and invested in the outcome of your spy exploits.

Player Agency and Impact

What sets Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 apart from other board games is the sense of player agency and the impact your decisions have on the unfolding story. The game features a dynamic and evolving narrative where your choices directly affect the outcome. Each successful mission or failed operation influences future events and alters the course of the game’s plot. This mechanic adds a layer of immersion, making you feel responsible for the fate of the world within the game.

The story, plot, and narrative of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 create an immersive experience that will keep you engaged from start to finish. Delve into the intricate web of espionage, unmask traitors, and discover the global conspiracy that threatens the world. As the story unravels, you’ll be on the edge of your seat, eager to unravel the next chapter in this thrilling espionage adventure.

As we conclude our exploration of the story, plot, and narrative of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, it’s time to delve into another essential aspect of the game: its component quality and production values. The game impresses not only with its gripping gameplay and storytelling but also with the high-quality components that enhance the overall experience. Get ready to admire the attention to detail and craftsmanship that elevates this game to a whole new level!

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — midgame - Credit: W Eric Martin

Impeccable Craftsmanship: Component Quality and Production Values in Pandemic Legacy: Season 0

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 not only shines in terms of gameplay and story but also impresses with its exceptional component quality and production values. The attention to detail and the overall visual and tactile experience make it a joy to play and elevate the game to a whole new level.

Beautifully Designed Game Board

The game board of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 is a work of art. The intricate design transports players to the gritty world of Cold War espionage. The map beautifully represents various geopolitical locations, making each mission feel like a global operation. The attention to detail is evident in every corner of the board, drawing you into the immersive narrative and enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

Premium Quality Components

The components included in the game are of top-notch quality. From the sturdy player cards to the meticulously designed character pawns, every piece feels premium and durable. The cards are thick and resistant to wear, ensuring that they will withstand the rigors of repeated play. The game also features high-quality tokens and markers that add a tactile element to the gameplay.

Exceptional Art and Graphic Design

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 boasts exceptional art and graphic design that enhance the theme and immerse players in the world of espionage. The illustrations on the cards and the player boards are stunning, capturing the atmosphere of the Cold War era. The graphic design is clean and intuitive, making it easy to understand and navigate the game’s various mechanics. Overall, the visual aesthetics contribute to the overall enjoyment of the game.

Attention to Detail

One of the standout features of the component quality in Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 is the meticulous attention to detail. The game is filled with small touches that add to the immersive experience. From the detailed character sculptures to the hidden compartments and envelopes that contain surprises throughout the campaign, every element feels carefully designed to enhance the narrative and surprise players along the way.

The impeccable craftsmanship and high production values of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 are a testament to the dedication of the designers and the publishers. The components not only enhance the gameplay but also contribute to the overall immersion and enjoyment of the game. With each turn, you’ll appreciate the attention to detail and the quality of the components that bring the Cold War world to life.

Now that we have explored the component quality and production values of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, let’s turn our attention to another important aspect: the game’s replayability and longevity. Brace yourself for countless hours of excitement and unfading enjoyment as you venture through a campaign that promises endless twists and surprises!

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 — lots of activity in northern Europe... - Credit: W Eric Martin

Endless Excitement and Lasting Value: Replayability and Longevity in Pandemic Legacy: Season 0

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 offers exceptional replayability and longevity, ensuring that the game remains engaging and enjoyable even after multiple playthroughs. The carefully crafted campaign, branching storylines, and the potential for numerous outcomes make each session feel fresh and exciting.

Multiple Paths to Explore

The game features multiple paths and storylines to explore, ensuring that no two campaigns are the same. With different mission objectives, secret agendas, and hidden threats to uncover, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 presents players with a high degree of variability. Each playthrough introduces new challenges and opportunities, making the game infinitely replayable.

Branching Narrative

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 guides players through a branching narrative that adapts to their choices and actions. The decisions made in each game session can have significant ramifications for future missions, altering the narrative and its development. This feature invests players in the outcome of their choices, heightening the replayability as they strive to explore the different narrative branches and uncover each story thread.

Evolving Gameplay

As a legacy game, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 introduces new mechanics, components, and rule updates over the course of the campaign. This evolution keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, adding new challenges and strategies to consider. The gradual introduction of new elements ensures that players never grow tired of the game and are excited to see what surprises each new session brings.

The replayability and longevity of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 are outstanding, offering countless hours of thrilling gameplay and surprises. With each playthrough, you’ll find yourself fully immersed in the ever-evolving world of espionage, eagerly anticipating the next twist and turn in the narrative.

Based on its exceptional gameplay, captivating story, high component quality, and impressive replayability, I wholeheartedly recommend Pandemic Legacy: Season 0. Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or new to the hobby, this game will provide endless excitement, countless memorable moments, and an incredible gaming experience that will leave you longing to return to the world of spies and suspense.

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Z-Man Games, 2020 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin


In conclusion, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 delivers an exceptional gaming experience, providing a perfect blend of strategic gameplay, engaging storytelling, high-quality components, and impressive replayability. From its immersive spy-themed narrative to its captivating gameplay mechanics, this game offers endless hours of excitement and intrigue. The impeccable component quality, branching storyline, and evolving gameplay ensure that each session feels fresh and unique. Whether you’re a fan of the Pandemic series or new to legacy-style games, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 is a must-play. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey through the tumultuous world of espionage and unravel the secrets that lie within. This concludes our review of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.