Ravensburger Memory cover
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  1. Ravensburger Memory cover
  2. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  3. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  4. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  5. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  6. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  7. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  8. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  9. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  10. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater
  11. Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater

Memento Review

Memento mixes memory challenges with social fun. Balance is fair with minimal luck. Replayability is high, making each game unique!
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Player Interaction and Engagement
  • Game Balance and Fairness
  • Replayability and Enjoyment Level
4.3/5Overall Score

Memento mixes memory challenges with social fun. Fair balance with minimal luck. High replayability keeps each game unique and fresh!

  • Number of players: 2-6
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 10+
  • Setup Time: 5-10 minutes
  • Game Type: Memory, Family, Party
  • Publisher: FunGames Inc.
  • Components: Memory cards, Challenge cards, Score journals
  • Engaging memory challenges
  • Fun social interaction
  • Fair gameplay balance
  • High replayability
  • Slight luck factor
  • Limited player count
  • Repetitive for some
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey folks! Gather ’round, because today we’re taking a closer look at a quirky little brain-teaser of a board game called Memento. This review dives deep into its gameplay, player interaction, balance, and much more. Let’s see if this game can tickle your brain cells and become your new favorite, or if it’s destined to gather dust on the shelf!

How It Plays

Setting Up

To set up Memento, spread the memory cards face down on the table. Each player picks a journal card. Place the challenge deck within reach.


Players take turns flipping over memory cards, trying to find matching pairs. If you make a match, you get to keep those cards. If not, flip them back over.

Next, draw a challenge card. These challenge cards throw curveballs, like making you remember past matches or specific card locations. The trickier the challenge, the more points it’s worth.

Winning the Game

The game ends when all memory cards are matched. Players tally up their points from matches and completed challenges. The player with the highest score wins and earns the title of Memento Master!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Memento.

Gameplay Mechanics and Rules for ‘Memento’

Alright folks, let’s get into the heart of ‘Memento’ – the gameplay mechanics and rules! Picture this: you’ve got a table shaped like a battlefield of brainpower. Each player starts with a hand of cards representing memories. Think of these memories as jigsaw pieces you need to put in the right sequence. Sounds simple, right? Wrong!

The cards come in three types: True Memories, Distorted Memories, and Forgotten Memories. Each type has a different rule for how they can be played. True Memories must be placed in chronological order. Distorted Memories can mess with the order and twist your plans. Forgotten Memories are like a ticking clock, adding a layer of urgency.

But wait, there’s more! The twist here is the Memory Challenge. You can challenge your pals on the accuracy of their memory sequences. If you’re right, they lose points and have to discard cards. If you’re wrong, well, you lose points and look like a fool. More often than not, this leads to a lot of bluffing and second-guessing.

Then there’s the Memory Journal. Each player keeps a little journal where they jot down clues. This part is brilliant because it feels like you’re a detective piecing together a mystery. The journal entries can be quite the lifesaver when you’re stuck.

Playing ‘Memento’ is like juggling knives blindfolded. You need a sharp memory and even sharper wits. Speaking of sharp, the next section will slice into Player Interaction and Engagement!

Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater

Player Interaction and Engagement in Memento

Playing Memento with friends feels like you’re in a memory heist movie! This game thrives on player interaction. Each turn, you’ll find yourself trying to remember past events while keeping an eye on your sneaky friends.

The game’s journal mechanic adds a delightful twist. You jot down key events, but here’s the kicker—you can’t be too obvious! If your buddy catches on, they might use your notes against you. It’s like high school, but more fun and with fewer awkward dances.

Challenges in Memento often require teamwork and discussion. You might have to convince your friends to trust your memory, which is harder than it sounds. I once convinced my friend that I remembered a key event, only to reveal I was bluffing. The look on their face was priceless!

Engagement levels soar as you rely on both social skills and memory. This isn’t just about who has the best recall; it’s about reading people, making clever notes, and sometimes bluffing. Be prepared for lots of laughter, accusations, and those sweet moments of triumph when you remember that one crucial detail.

The game’s pacing keeps everyone on their toes. You can’t afford to zone out, or you’ll miss out on key information. Plus, the journal entries serve as a fun way to recap the game’s story, adding a layer of narrative that keeps everyone invested.

All in all, Memento is a blast with the right crowd. You get to mess with your friends in the best way possible. Next up, let’s talk about the game’s balance and fairness!

Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater

Game Balance and Fairness in Memento

Let’s chat about the game balance and fairness in Memento. To put it simply, this game’s balance is like a Swiss watch – precise, but it can still tick you off if you’re not careful. Memento relies heavily on memory, so those with a knack for remembering details have an edge. Everyone else? Well, let’s just say they’ve got a tough row to hoe.

But here’s where it gets interesting: the game implements clever mechanics to level the playing field. For example, the ‘Journal’ cards let players jot down hints, which can help jog the ol’ noggin later. Then there are the ‘Challenge’ cards, adding twists and turns that keep even the sharpest minds on their toes. Still, don’t expect it to be a walk in the park; forgetfulness has its price!

On the fairness front, Memento does a decent job. No one player can steamroll others without consequence. Plus, the game includes enough randomness to keep things unpredictable but not so much that it feels like you’re shaking a Magic 8-Ball.

However, I noticed that a bit of luck still sneaks into play. Sometimes, you might draw the perfect card at the perfect time, making you look like a genius. Other times, you might feel like your memory’s been swapped for a goldfish’s. This slight unevenness drops it down a peg for me, but it’s not a deal-breaker.

Ready for more? Next, we’ll explore the Replayability and Enjoyment Level of Memento. Stick around, things are about to get even more exciting!

Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater

Replayability and Enjoyment Level in Memento

Let me tell you, Memento isn’t just a one-hit wonder. This game packs a lot of replayability, and you won’t be getting bored anytime soon. Each session offers new challenges and surprises – it’s like a magic trick that keeps getting better each time you see it.

What really makes Memento shine is the way every game feels unique. The setup changes every time, and the different card combinations ensure that no two games ever feel the same. My friends and I have played this game countless times, and every match still feels fresh and exciting. Even my buddy Dave, who usually hates playing games more than once, keeps asking for another round. That’s saying something!

The game’s mechanics are simple but not simplistic, making it enjoyable for both new and experienced players. You won’t need a PhD to figure out how to play, but mastering it? That’s another story. The layered strategies and memory challenges keep your brain sharp, and the laughter and groans from all the hilariously unexpected twists keep the mood light and fun.

If you’re someone who loves diving into a game with friends and finding new surprises each time, Memento is a must-have on your shelf. It’s like a good pizza – you can enjoy it many times, and it’s often just as good, if not better, on the second slice.

So, do I recommend Memento? Absolutely, yes. Grab it, play it, love it – you won’t regret it.

Memory - Friendly Animals Illustrated by Brandon Reese - Credit: Nater


After playing ‘Memento’ many times with my friends, it’s easy to see why it stands out. The memory and social skills required make it a lot of fun, especially with the hilarious bluffing moments. While it has a slight reliance on luck, the overall game balance is fair. It’s replayable and always brings something new to the table. If you’re looking for a game that challenges your memory and makes you laugh, ‘Memento’ is a solid choice. And that concludes my review! Happy gaming!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.