Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Ingenious - Box front, Finnish edition - Credit: noursy
Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Ingenious - Box back, Finnish Edition - Credit: noursy
Ingenious - A four-player game, a few moves from completion - Credit: dafair
Ingenious - Ingenious - 4 player - Credit: mark_pugner
Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Ingenious - End of 2p game - Credit: paulclarke339
Ingenious - Devir Spanish Red Box Edition - Credit: bunny_and_mono
Ingenious - Einfach Genial, KOSMOS, 2023 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  1. Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  2. Ingenious - Box front, Finnish edition - Credit: noursy
  3. Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Ingenious - Box back, Finnish Edition - Credit: noursy
  5. Ingenious - A four-player game, a few moves from completion - Credit: dafair
  6. Ingenious - Ingenious - 4 player - Credit: mark_pugner
  7. Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  8. Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  9. Ingenious - End of 2p game - Credit: paulclarke339
  10. Ingenious - Devir Spanish Red Box Edition - Credit: bunny_and_mono
  11. Ingenious - Einfach Genial, KOSMOS, 2023 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Ingenious Review

'Ingenious' hits the sweet spot between being easy to learn and offering deep strategic play. With its high replay value and great component quality, it's a must-have in any game collection, despite its luck factor. A solid 4 out of 5 stars.
  • Gameplay and Strategy
  • Quality and Design of Components
  • Ease of Learning
  • Replay Value
4.8/5Overall Score

'Ingenious' stands out with its strategic depth, quality components, ease of learning, and high replay value. A remarkable board game.

  • Number of players: 1-4
  • Playing Time: 45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 10+
  • Game type: Abstract Strategy
  • Mechanics: Tile Placement, Pattern Building
  • Designer: Reiner Knizia
  • Learning curve: Easy to learn, challenging to master
  • Easy to learn
  • Strategic depth
  • High replay value
  • Quality components
  • Luck can influence
  • Can feel repetitive
  • Learning curve for some
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my review of ‘Ingenious‘, a board game that’s as entertaining as it is brainy. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the scene, this game promises to engage your strategic thinking in ways that are both challenging and fun. Get ready to find out why this game deserves a spot on your shelf!

How It Plays

Ingenious is a game that truly lives up to its name, providing a brain-teasing experience that’s as addictive as it is fun. Let’s break down how this gem of a game unfolds, from setting up your board to claiming victory.

Setting up

To kick things off, each player grabs a rack to keep their tiles hidden from their opponents. The game board is laid out in the center of the table, sparkling empty and ready for the taking. Players then draw six tiles from the bag, placing them on their rack, and you’re off to the races!


Turns in Ingenious are a simple affair on paper but a conundrum in practice. You place one of your tiles on the board, trying to match it with similar symbols to score points. Every time you place a tile, you score points for the symbols you extend or connect. Easy, right? Wrong. The catch is, you’re aiming to rack up points in all symbols equally. Let one fall too far behind, and it could cost you the game. And don’t forget to refill your hand to six tiles after each turn!

Winning the game

The twist in Ingenious is that your final score is your weakest symbol. That’s right. You could be a champion in green points, but if your blue points are lagging, that’s your score. Game ends when the board is full, and the player with the highest score in their weakest symbol area is declared the ingenious winner!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Ingenious.

Unlocking the Strategy of Ingenious

When you first lay your eyes on ‘Ingenious,’ you might think it’s all bright colors and simple matching. But, oh, how wrong you’d be! This game packs a strategic punch that sneaks up on you. Each tile placement feels like a mini-battle in a larger war for points. You’re not just trying to score for yourself; you’re also blocking your opponents or setting up for a future move. It’s like chess with hexagons and colors. The beauty of ‘Ingenious’ lies in its balance. It’s not just about having a sharp mind but also about reading the room. Can you out-think your friends and adapt your strategy on the fly? That’s the real challenge.

Now, after delving into the depths of gameplay, let’s shift gears and check out the stars of the show: the quality and design of the components.

Ingenious - Box front, Finnish edition - Credit: noursy

Unboxing ‘Ingenious’: A Look at Its Components and Design

When you first open ‘Ingenious’, you’ll notice the quality of the game pieces. They’re colorful, durable, and just feel nice in your hand. This isn’t a game where you worry about pieces wearing out after a few plays. The game board itself is simple yet functional, with a design that’s easy on the eyes and makes gameplay smooth.

Each tile’s design, with its clear, bright symbols, not only adds to the visual appeal but also aids in gameplay, making it easy to spot matches and plan moves. The storage in the box is well-thought-out too, keeping everything organized for setup and pack away. It’s clear the makers of ‘Ingenious’ put a lot of thought into how the game is presented and used.

But, what’s a game without understanding how to play? Let’s slide into the next topic: Ease of learning for newcomers.

Ingenious - Ingenious, KOSMOS, 2023 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Mastering ‘Ingenious’: A Newcomer’s Guide

Stepping into the world of ‘Ingenious’ for the first time, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how straightforward it is to pick up. Trust me, I’ve introduced this game to a bunch of my friends, and even the ones who usually glaze over during rule explanations were grabbing tiles and plotting their strategies in no time. The rulebook is a gem – clear, concise, and with examples that make you go, “Ah, so that’s how it works!” faster than you can say “ingenious”. It’s this ease of learning that really sets ‘Ingenious’ apart. You’re not bogged down by complicated mechanics or a dizzying array of options. Instead, it’s all about placing those colorful tiles in the smartest way possible, which feels like a fun puzzle rather than homework.

But don’t let the simplicity fool you. As we’ll explore in the next section, ‘Ingenious’ offers a depth of replay value and scalability with players that keeps the game fresh and exciting every time you bring it to the table.

Ingenious - Box back, Finnish Edition - Credit: noursy

Unpacking ‘Ingenious’: A Game That Grows With You

One of the shining gems in ‘Ingenious’ is how it scales beautifully with the number of players. Whether it’s a cozy game night for two or a lively party of four, ‘Ingenious’ adapts seamlessly, offering a rich and engaging experience each time. The game’s design ensures that with more players, the strategy becomes more complex, pushing you to think harder about every move you make. But don’t worry; it never feels overwhelming.

Now, let’s talk replay value. ‘Ingenious’ is like that one song you never get tired of. You know, the one that feels fresh no matter how many times you hit repeat? Every game unfolds differently, thanks to the game’s inherent variability and the unique strategies of your opponents. This ensures that ‘Ingenious’ will be a staple in your game nights for years to come.

Considering all this, would I recommend ‘Ingenious’? Absolutely. It’s a game that refuses to grow old, providing endless entertainment and mental stimulation.

Ingenious - A four-player game, a few moves from completion - Credit: dafair


Wrapping up, ‘Ingenious’ truly stands out as a board game that seamlessly blends simplicity with deep strategic elements. From the first play, the quality and design of its components set the stage for a visually appealing experience. What’s really ingenious about ‘Ingenious’ is how accessible it is to newcomers, offering easy-to-understand rules that lead to complex gameplay decisions as you get more involved. The game scales beautifully across different player counts, ensuring that each game feels fresh and maintains its replay value. While some board games rely heavily on luck, ‘Ingenious’ strikes a perfect balance, making it a game where skill and strategy are the keys to success. For those looking for a board game that’s both thought-provoking and fun, ‘Ingenious’ is a fantastic choice. After several sessions with friends, it’s clear this game deserves a spot on any gamer’s shelf, promising hours of engaging gameplay. So, concluding this review, ‘Ingenious’ gets a hearty recommendation for anyone looking to add a brilliant strategic game to their collection that’s as enjoyable as it is challenging.

4.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.