Guardians: Box Cover Front
Guardians - Cards example - Credit: jlele
Guardians - Each location brings its own considerations. - Credit: The Innocent
Guardians - Ouchie. - Credit: The Innocent
Guardians - Another day, another battle. - Credit: The Innocent
Guardians - Ultimates take a while to charge, but they’re worthy of their title. - Credit: The Innocent
Guardians - Contested locations are fun and profitable! - Credit: The Innocent
  1. Guardians: Box Cover Front
  2. Guardians - Cards example - Credit: jlele
  3. Guardians - Each location brings its own considerations. - Credit: The Innocent
  4. Guardians - Ouchie. - Credit: The Innocent
  5. Guardians - Another day, another battle. - Credit: The Innocent
  6. Guardians - Ultimates take a while to charge, but they’re worthy of their title. - Credit: The Innocent
  7. Guardians - Contested locations are fun and profitable! - Credit: The Innocent

Guardians Review

Guardians offers balanced gameplay with unique characters and stunning visuals. While luck can play a small role, it’s a solid choice for a fun game night!
  • Character Variety
  • Visual Appeal
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Balance and Fairness
4.3/5Overall Score

Review of Guardians: Balanced gameplay, stunning visuals, unique characters. Slight luck involved but still a fun pick for game nights!

  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 45-60 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game Type: Strategy, Card Drafting
  • Components: Game board, hero cards, miniatures, tokens
  • Publisher: Plaid Hat Games
  • Year Published: 2018
  • Balanced gameplay
  • Stunning visuals
  • Unique characters
  • Engaging mechanics
  • Occasional luck factor
  • Hero imbalances
  • Steep learning curve
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey gamers! Ready for an epic battle? I’ve got my hands on Guardians, and let me tell you, this game’s got it all. From unique characters with jaw-dropping powers to stunning visuals that make you feel like you’re in a comic book, this review will cover every detail you need to know. We’ll dive into the gameplay mechanics, character variety, balance, and fairness (yes, I know how important this is), and of course, the visual appeal. Ready to find out if it’s worth your game night? Let’s get started!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, pick your hero. Among the colorful and unique characters, each with their own powers. Shuffle the deck of cards, then deal five to each player. Place the board in the center and set up the tokens.


Players take turns in this action-packed game. Your options? Move your hero, attack enemies, or use special abilities. Each hero has their own deck of cards that can be used for different powers and attacks. Watch out for your energy; you don’t want to exhaust it too soon!

Winning the Game

To win, you need to complete objectives. These objectives vary based on the scenario you pick at the start. It could be defeating a certain number of enemies or capturing strategic points on the board.

The game ends when one player completes their objectives or all other players are eliminated. It’s a thrilling race to see who can outwit and outplay their opponents while managing their hero’s strengths and weaknesses.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Guardians.

Gameplay Mechanics of Guardians: Balancing Act or Tipping Scales?

The core of Guardians revolves around players controlling a team of heroes, each with their unique abilities and powers. Now, don’t be fooled by the superhero charm; it’s the gameplay mechanics that decide if this game will fly or crash-land. Picture this: you’re at a party, and everyone is excited to play Guardians. You start drawing cards, building your deck, and strategizing. The atmosphere buzzes with energy, like a superhero movie premiere.

Every player gets to choose three heroes from a pool of ten. You use these heroes to capture objectives on the board. Each hero comes with their own set of cards, which you can use to attack, defend, or use special abilities. This isn’t a game you can sleepwalk through. You have to think on your feet, which I found both exhilarating and a bit nerve-wracking.

Now, let’s talk balance. Most of the heroes feel well-tuned and have their roles, but occasionally, you might feel like you’re stuck with the Aquaman of the superhero lineup. One hero might slightly outshine the others, making some matches feel a bit skewed. While strategy plays a big part, luck does sneak in, especially with card draws, which can tilt the game.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s unfair, but some might find it frustrating. To cap it off, while the gameplay mechanics are generally solid, the game’s reliance on card draws can add unpredictability. Next, we’ll explore the wonderful world of Character Variety in Guardians, so stay tuned!

Guardians - Cards example - Credit: jlele

Guardians: A Colorful Cast of Characters

Let’s talk about the heart and soul of Guardians – the characters! Imagine a superhero team where each member brings their own zesty spice to the table. When you open the box, you’ll find a fantastic variety of heroes to play with, each boasting unique powers and backstories. It’s like a comic book come to life!

Take, for example, Nightshade. She’s the sneaky assassin type who can teleport around the board, making her a real pain for your opponents. Then there’s Apex, the hulking brute whose strength can turn the tide of battle in an instant. And who could forget Pyre, whose fire-related attacks can cook an opponent’s goose before they know what hit them? Talk about a hothead!

The character art is stunning, too. Each hero looks like they stepped out of a Saturday morning cartoon. Nightshade’s dark attire contrasts brilliantly with Pyre’s fiery armor, and Apex looks every bit the gentle giant. These visual touches make each game feel fresh, no matter how many times you’ve played.

But here’s the kicker—each hero has their own deck of cards, loaded with actions and special abilities. The variety in these decks means you’ll always find a new strategy to try out. It’s like a mini-brain exercise each time you suit up, and this keeps the game engaging.

Next time, we’ll discuss whether Guardians manages to keep things fair and balanced, or if it tips the scales like a mischievous gremlin. Stay tuned!

Guardians - Each location brings its own considerations. - Credit: The Innocent

Balancing and Fairness in Guardians: A Closer Look

Guardians tackles balance and fairness like a tightrope walker on a windy day. Most of the time, it nails it. The heroes each have their own strengths and weaknesses, meaning your choice of guardian can really sway the tide of battle. But here’s the thing – sometimes, Lady Luck decides to join the fray. A bad draw can leave you feeling like you brought a water gun to a flamethrower fight. No amount of strategic genius can save you from a terrible hand.

The game does give you a toolkit of ways to mitigate the pain. Drawing extra cards, swapping out heroes, and a few other tricks can help. But, if we’re being honest, some tactics feel way more powerful than others. I’ve seen matches where one player steamrolls the opposition just due to a killer combo of cards and abilities. It’s like that scene in every superhero movie where the villain gets the upper hand – thrilling for the viewer, less so for the hero getting pummeled.

Another bone to pick with Guardians is the occasional imbalance between heroes. While most are well-crafted, a select few feel like they’ve been drinking super-soldier serum on the side. This can lead to a bit of frustration, especially in longer plays. You know that sinking feeling when your opponent’s hero just won’t go down? Yeah, Guardians can give you a healthy dose of that.

Overall, Guardians manages to stay on the right side of fairness most of the time. Just be prepared for a few moments where luck and imbalance take center stage.

Next, let’s talk about Guardians’ dazzling visual appeal!

Guardians - Ouchie. - Credit: The Innocent

Guardians: A Feast for the Eyes

When you crack open the box of Guardians, your eyes are in for a treat. The first thing you’ll notice is the vibrant, dynamic artwork on each card. It’s like a comic book artist and a graphic designer had a baby and that baby grew up and made board game art. Each character and scenario oozes personality and style, making the game a visual delight.

The game board itself? Oh boy! It’s sleek and clean, but with enough details to keep you engaged. The designers clearly put a lot of thought into making sure everything is not only functional but also gorgeous to look at. Even the tokens and markers are well-crafted, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal.

But let’s talk about my favorite part – the miniatures. They are detailed and just begging to be painted. If you’re into customizing your minis, Guardians will not disappoint. Even if painting isn’t your thing, these miniatures look fantastic right out of the box.

Now, you might think, “Jamie, is all this eye candy really necessary?” And to that, I say, absolutely! A game that looks good makes you want to play it more. It draws you in and adds to the whole experience. Sure, great gameplay is essential, but a visually appealing game is like the cherry on top.

So, do I recommend Guardians based on visuals alone? Heck yes! It’s like a blockbuster movie in board game form. However, hang tight for the rest of the review to see if it lives up to the hype in other areas.

Guardians - Another day, another battle. - Credit: The Innocent


So, Guardians is a pretty solid game. You’ve got a cast of unique, colorful characters that keep things interesting. The visuals are a real treat for the eyes, making it all the more fun to play. The gameplay strikes a decent balance, although a bit of luck and some imbalanced heroes sneaked in. But, hey, no game is perfect, right? If you’re looking for an engaging game night with friends, Guardians is worth a shot. This concludes my review. Now, go forth and conquer!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.