Fort: Box Cover Front
Fort - 3 player game. - Credit: Hipopotam
Fort - Best theme, best look, and great mechanics. Plays fast and you can teach it in 10 minutes. - Credit: Hipopotam
Fort - Such a great theme. Works perfectly. - Credit: Hipopotam
Fort - Resources. Nay, Stuff. - Credit: The Innocent
Fort - Your personal fort grows to hold more stuff and extra lookouts. - Credit: The Innocent
Fort - Fort is a game about kids. Cool kids. - Credit: The Innocent
Fort - 2 - Credit: Phreekshow1
Fort - Bug has big plans. - Credit: The Innocent
Fort - Made-up rules and perks shape each play. - Credit: The Innocent
Fort - 1 - Credit: Phreekshow1
  1. Fort: Box Cover Front
  2. Fort - 3 player game. - Credit: Hipopotam
  3. Fort - Best theme, best look, and great mechanics. Plays fast and you can teach it in 10 minutes. - Credit: Hipopotam
  4. Fort - Such a great theme. Works perfectly. - Credit: Hipopotam
  5. Fort - Resources. Nay, Stuff. - Credit: The Innocent
  6. Fort - Your personal fort grows to hold more stuff and extra lookouts. - Credit: The Innocent
  7. Fort - Fort is a game about kids. Cool kids. - Credit: The Innocent
  8. Fort - 2 - Credit: Phreekshow1
  9. Fort - Bug has big plans. - Credit: The Innocent
  10. Fort - Made-up rules and perks shape each play. - Credit: The Innocent
  11. Fort - 1 - Credit: Phreekshow1

Fort Review

Fort captures the essence of childhood with a twist of strategy. Its vibrant artwork and card mechanics make every game night a hit. Though luck plays a part, it's your cunning that makes or breaks your fort.
  • Gameplay and Strategy
  • Artwork and Components Quality
  • Fun Factor with Friends
  • Replay Value and Variety
4.5/5Overall Score

'Fort' offers a perfect blend of strategy, vibrant artwork, and nostalgia, ensuring endless fun and challenging gameplay with friends.

  • Number of Players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 20-40 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 10+
  • Game Type: Deck Building, Strategy
  • Designer: Grant Rodiek
  • Artwork: Vibrant and engaging
  • Replay Value: High, with various strategies and outcomes
  • Engaging strategy
  • Vibrant artwork
  • High replay value
  • Fun with friends
  • Can be complex
  • Requires strategic thinking
  • Limited solo play
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Today, we’re taking a look at ‘Fort,’ a board game that’s been capturing the hearts of players with its intriguing mix of strategy, beautiful artwork, and dynamic interaction among friends. This review dives deep into what makes Fort a standout choice in the crowded tabletop landscape, from its gameplay mechanics to the endless fun it offers with every play.

How It Plays

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a kid again, building forts and making friends? Well, put on your nostalgia goggles, because Fort is here to take you back to the glory days of childhood—but with a strategic twist. You’ll be gathering resources, recruiting friends, and constructing your fort, all while keeping an eye on your opponents. Let’s break down how to play.

Setting Up

First off, each player picks a player board and gets a starting deck of cards representing their besties. You’ll shuffle these and draw five to start. The park and the lookout are filled with public friend cards, and the resource tokens are placed within reach. You’re now ready to build the mightiest fort in the neighborhood.


On your turn, you play a card to take actions—collecting resources, recruiting friends, or fortifying your fort. But here’s the kicker: the friends not played go to your yard, making them fair game for others to recruit. Passing your turn without playing a friend from your yard? That’s a party foul; they all go home (back to the friend deck). Keep an eye on your resources, as they’re the key to upgrading your fort and scoring points.

Winning the Game

The game ends after a player reaches level 5 on their fort or triggers the end game with their score marker. Then, players tally up points from their fort level, made-up rules, and any end-game perks their friends might have. The player with the highest score is crowned the fort master. Congrats, you’ve just relived your childhood and out-strategized your friends at the same time!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Fort.

Mastering Gameplay and Strategy in Fort

Fort brings a new level of fun and challenge to game night with its unique blend of strategy and card management. You’re kids building the best fort, and let me tell ya, it’s no small feat. You’ve got to pick your friends wisely, because these cards dictate what moves you can pull off. Every choice is a bet between beefing up your own fort or messing with your neighbor’s plans. And with the deck constantly evolving, every game feels fresh. It’s a brain-burner, but in the best way. You’re not just tossing dice and hoping for the best; you’re plotting, planning, and maybe even backstabbing (all in good fun, of course).

The real magic happens when you find that perfect balance between upgrading your fort and keeping the cards to do so. It turns the game into a thrilling tightrope walk of risk and reward.

Next up, we’ll take a peek at the game’s Artwork and Components Quality, which is just as impressive as the gameplay itself.

Fort - 3 player game. - Credit: Hipopotam

Stunning Artwork & Top-Notch Quality of ‘Fort’

When you first lay eyes on Fort, you’re immediately struck by its vibrant and engaging artwork. The illustrations are not just pretty to look at; they immerse you into the theme of building the best fort in the neighborhood. Each card is a feast for the eyes, with detailed and playful images that make every game a visual delight. It’s clear the designers put a lot of love and thought into these components, making sure they are not only functional but also enhance the gaming experience.

Quality That Lasts

The components of Fort are made to last. From the sturdy card stock to the chunky wooden resources, every piece feels premium. This isn’t a game that shows wear and tear easily, ensuring that you can keep building and rebuilding forts for years to come.

Now that we’ve admired the game’s aesthetics, let’s slide into the next section where we discuss the laughter and strategy that blossom when you bring Fort to the table with friends.

Fort - Best theme, best look, and great mechanics. Plays fast and you can teach it in 10 minutes. - Credit: Hipopotam

Why Fort Becomes the Centerpiece of Every Game Night

Gather your pals and prep for laughter because Fort isn’t just a game; it’s a friendship catalyzer. Picture this: each of us strategizing to build the most impressive fort, while simultaneously trying to lure each other’s friends with pizza and toys. It’s like being kids again, but with the competitive edge of grown-ups. The dynamics of Fort carry an unpredictable mix of alliances and betrayals that only get more hilarious as the night wears on. The game expertly balances strategy with moments of pure silliness, ensuring that no two games are ever the same. You’ll find your group recounting epic moments of triumph and hilarious failures long after the game has returned to the shelf. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, Fort surprises you again, proving its worth as a staple in your game rotation.

Stay tuned for an insight into Fort’s replay value and variety that keeps this game fresh and exciting every time.

Fort - Such a great theme. Works perfectly. - Credit: Hipopotam

Unlock Endless Fun: Fort’s Replay Value and Variety

Let’s get one thing straight – when it comes to Fort, you’re not just playing a game; you’re embarking on a new adventure every time you open the box. The beauty of Fort lies in its dynamic gameplay and diverse strategies. Here’s the scoop: each game feels fresh thanks to the variety of cards and paths you can take to fortify your… fort. You’re not getting a one-and-done deal here.

What’s the secret sauce? It’s the game’s clever design that encourages players to adapt and evolve their strategies with each play. You’ll find cards in Fort that you’ll want to play over and over, discovering new combinations and tactics that keep the game exciting. Plus, the competitive edge adds a zesty flavor to the mix, keeping everyone on their toes.

To cap it off, do I think Fort deserves a spot on your game shelf? Absolutely. With its engaging gameplay, stunning artwork, and a knack for bringing people together, Fort isn’t just a game; it’s a gateway to countless nights filled with laughter, competition, and fun. Highly recommend!

Fort - Resources. Nay, Stuff. - Credit: The Innocent


Wrapping up, ‘Fort’ is a standout in the world of board games. Its mix of clever strategy, eye-catching artwork, and high-quality components make it a joy to play. Plus, the sheer fun you’ll have building forts with friends adds to its charm. The game shines with replay value, promising a fresh experience with every round. Despite a few hiccups, like any game might have, ‘Fort’ is a solid pick for anyone looking to add a fun, strategic game to their collection. It’s been a blast diving into this game with my pals, and I’m confident it will be a hit at your game nights too!

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.