Claustrophobia: Box Cover Front

Claustrophobia Review

Tried 'Claustrophobia' with buddies - it's a strategic riot against demons! Perfect mix of nail-biting decisions & laughs. Although, if luck dictates your mood, brace yourself. It's more chess with monsters than dice rolling. Solid 4/5!
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Theme and Atmosphere
  • Replay Value
  • Ease of Learning
4/5Overall Score

'Claustrophobia' offers strategic depth, replay value, and a thrilling theme. Perfect balance between skill and fun. Highly recommended.

  • Number of Players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Game Type: Strategy/Adventure
  • Theme: Horror, Exploration
  • Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Modular Board, Variable Player Powers
  • Complexity: Medium
  • Strategic gameplay
  • Immersive theme
  • High replay value
  • Easy to learn
  • Learning curve steep
  • Luck factor present
  • Limited scenarios
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Today, we’re taking a look at Claustrophobia, a thrilling board game that pits humans against demons in a battle for survival. In this review, we’ll dive into the mechanics, theme, replay value, and ease of learning to give you a well-rounded perspective of the game’s ups and downs. So, grab your dice, and let’s see if Claustrophobia is worth adding to your gaming collection.

How It Plays

Let me break down how ‘Claustrophobia’ unfolds. This game is like that one time my friends and I decided to explore a supposedly haunted house. Except here, you’re delving deep into catacombs, and the goal is slightly less about scaring each other and more about strategy. Kinda wish we had these rules back then; might have helped with the ‘ghosts’. Anyway, onto the game.

Setting up

First off, you’re picking sides: humans or demons. It’s like choosing between movie genres; do you feel like a heroic tale or a horror flick tonight? You lay out this huge, dark map that’s your playground for the evening. Each player grabs their characters – these beautifully detailed figures – and places them on the starting points. Humans get their weapons and maps, while demons get their… well, demon-y things. Setup’s done quicker than a microwave dinner, which means more playtime.


Gameplay’s like a dance – strategic moves and counter moves. Humans are trying to get through the catacombs to complete a mission, while demons are throwing all sorts of obstacles their way. Each turn, you’re rolling dice not just for movement, but to decide actions and combat outcomes. But don’t worry; it’s not all left up to chance. Your choices really shape the game. It’s a mix of luck and strategy, like trying to pick the fastest line at the grocery store.

Winning the game

Victory conditions are as straightforward as they get. Humans win by completing their mission – be it slaying a certain number of demons or escaping the catacombs. Demons, on the other hand, win if they can stop the humans in their tracks, either by depleting their numbers or halting their progress. It’s a race against time and each other. Winning feels as satisfying as finding money in an old pair of jeans.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Claustrophobia.

Mastering the Dark: Claustrophobia’s Gameplay Mechanics

When you sit down to play Claustrophobia, you’re in for a wild ride through the dark and daunting underground. The game cleverly divides players into two teams: humans versus demons, setting the stage for an epic showdown. One of the standout features is how well-balanced the game feels. The humans might seem overpowered at first with their weapons and armor, but trust me, the demons have tricks up their sleeves that can turn the tide in an instant. It’s a constant back and forth, a real nail-biter.

The mechanics encourage strategic thinking rather than relying on luck. Sure, dice play a role, but it’s how you use those rolls that count. This balance keeps every game fresh and exciting, leaving you wanting to come back for more. Just when you think you’ve mastered the darkness, Claustrophobia reminds you there’s still much to learn.

The suspense doesn’t end here; let’s plunge into the eerie depths of the game’s theme and atmosphere next.

The Creepy Crawl of Claustrophobia’s Theme and Atmosphere

Right from the get-go, Claustrophobia plunges players into the depths of terror and suspense. It’s like the game’s box whispers secrets of the lurking horrors waiting beneath the surface. The theme is not just a backdrop; it’s the soul of the game, giving every decision a weight and every victory a delicious relief. As you guide your band of humans through the dark, claustrophobic tunnels, fighting off demons, the atmosphere tightens around you like a vice. The art and components amplify this eerie sensation, making you feel like those tight, suffocating passages are closing in. It’s a brilliant execution of theme, making every play an experience rather than just a game.

But hey, don’t let the shadows scare you off just yet; there’s more to explore, especially when we dive into Replay value and content next.

Boosting Your Game Nights: Replay Value of Claustrophobia

When it comes to keeping a board game from gathering dust on the shelf, the magic lies in its replay value. Claustrophobia, with its thrilling theme of underground exploration and demonic combat, shines bright in this aspect. Every game feels like a new challenge, thanks to its dynamic scenarios and the intrinsic strategy involved. The variety of characters, each with unique abilities, and the randomness of dungeon layouts ensure that no two games feel the same. Whether you’re navigating through the dark, cramped spaces as the humans or commanding the demonic forces, the game offers a rich narrative that evolves with each play.

The extensive selection of missions, coupled with the game’s inherent balance between strategy and luck, means that Claustrophobia stays exciting and engaging through numerous game nights. Its modular design not only enhances replayability but also makes each session a unique narrative experience.

Now, let’s tunnel through to the next challenge: mastering the rules of Claustrophobia.

Mastering Claustrophobia: A Breeze for Beginners and Veterans Alike

Let’s talk about the learning curve in Claustrophobia. You might think a game that pits humans against demons in tight, dark spaces could get complicated. But, surprise! It’s like they made the rulebook thinking about my grandma – clear, concise, and with enough pictures to make a picture book jealous. Sure, there’s a bit to digest at first glance. But once you’ve had a go at it, everything clicks like that last piece of a puzzle. The game’s designers did a stellar job weaving complexity into simplicity. You won’t spend hours buried in a manual; instead, you’ll dive straight into the action.

And here’s the kicker: despite its ease of learning, Claustrophobia doesn’t scrimp on depth. Each choice feels weighty, making for an endlessly engaging play-through. So, do I recommend it? Absolutely – it’s a win-win for both newbies and seasoned players craving strategy without the headache.


Wrapping up this deep dive into ‘Claustrophobia’, I gotta say, it’s been a heck of a ride. Between the creepy-crawly theme that had us on the edge of our seats, to the strategic gymnastics we had to do to outsmart the demons (or humans, depending on the side you’re on), this game is a rollercoaster. It blends ease of learning with a depth of strategy that keeps it fresh every time you play. The balance is spot on; it’s more about your moves than the luck of the draw. Sure, it’s got its quirks, like any board game. But the amount of replay value and the sheer fun of the theme make it hard to resist. So, whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking for your next challenge or a newbie eager to dip your toes into the world of board games, ‘Claustrophobia’ delivers. It gets a solid thumbs up from me, quirks and all. But hey, what’s a good game without a little character, right? So, grab your flashlight, gather some pals, and get ready to face those demons. Who knows? You might just come out braver on the other side. That’s all, folks, for this review of ‘Claustrophobia’. Remember, in the end, it’s all about having fun.

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.