Cartographers Heroes: Box Cover Front

Cartographers Heroes Review

Cartographers Heroes impresses with smart map-drawing mechanics, lively social interaction through scoring, and high replayability through varied goals. It's strategic yet accessible to all, providing endless cartographic adventures.
  • Game Mechanics
  • Social Interaction
  • Replayability
  • Ease of Learning
4.5/5Overall Score

Engaging strategy, spirited competition, and diverse objectives make 'Cartographers Heroes' a delight for every game night.

  • Number of Players: 1-100
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 10+
  • Game Type: Map-drawing, Strategy
  • Designer: Jordy Adan
  • Publisher: Thunderworks Games
  • Engaging map-drawing mechanics
  • Highly social scoring system
  • Great replayability with goals
  • Strategically rich choices
  • Luck Dependent Draw
  • Potential Analysis Paralysis
  • Sometimes Repetitive Scenarios
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to a world where the might of your pen can rival that of a sword. In this review, we delve into the cartographic delights of Cartographers Heroes, freshening up the beloved flip-and-write genre. Armed with paper and pencil, players are whisked away to a realm that begs to be charted, where each game unfolds a new territory ripe for plotting. We’ll navigate the mechanics that make for a thrilling map-drawing journey, touch upon the social banter encouraged by the competitive scoring system, and weigh anchor at the bay of replayability, where the game’s varied goals cards keep the winds of excitement in perpetual motion. Buckle in as we chart the lands of ‘Cartographers Heroes’ and unearth whether this title is well-suited in one’s trove of board games.

How It Plays

Setting Up

Cartographers Heroes starts with distributing map sheets to each player. Select four goals from the deck, visible to everyone, setting the stage for point-scoring opportunities throughout the game. Each player needs a pen or pencil for drawing, and a sheet of specific terrain cards is placed nearby, ready to shape the landscapes.


Gameplay spans four distinct seasons, each bringing a varied number of terrain drawing challenges. Players draw the shared terrain cards and fill in their map grid, trying to satisfy the known scoring goals. Decision-making is key as players maneuver around monsters and undercut one another for the most tactically advantageous territories.

Winning the Game

The winner isn’t merely who draws the prettiest map—but who masters the art of fulfilling the preset scoring conditions over four seasons. After the final Autumn card is drawn and players squeeze the last few points out of their maps, scores are tallied, with the highest score declaring the map-making master of Cartographers Heroes.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Cartographers Heroes.

Unveiling the Cartographer’s Craft

When venturing into ‘Cartographers Heroes’, one element that truly sets the compass swinging is its map-drawing mechanics. As a veteran of countless maps sketched and territories claimed, I can attest that the draw-and-write system has a knack for delivering engaging challenges each time. You’re not just drawing; you’re strategizing your every line.

Dynamic Terrain Puzzling

The feeling of a fresh sheet awaiting its first mark brings an anticipatory thrill. Remember that time we just couldn’t fit the perfect square because of a previous decision – absolute agony and laughter! That’s the game’s beauty, the ebb and flow of spatial riddles, each choice building or crumbling future prospects.

Spiral of Decisions

The fantastic part of ‘Cartographers Heroes Review’ is how every map unfolds; a private masterpiece or a mosaic of ‘what-ifs’. Watching friends huff in exasperation at a tight canyon or a misplaced river feeds into the social bonds Crafted during play. Overall, mastering these mechanics lends a satisfying tangibility to your claimed territories, paving the way to victory… Or so one hopes!

Threaded through these map-edging endeavors is the ever-present tussle for dominance, elegantly segueing us into the intriguing world of Social Interaction: Competitive scoring.

Championing the Trails: A Score to Settle!

In Cartographers Heroes, the social jostling leaps off the map and onto the scoreboard. Brotherhood forms in the mutual distress of drawing the perfect map, but competition becomes the heartthrob encircling every decision. Each score phase converts laughter into groans or cheers; I recall one session where my meticulously drawn ‘Dragontail Field’ turned into my opponent’s goldmine, highlighting the swings of rivalry and elation.

Picturesque Scoring Blitz

Moving past the initial friendly terrain plotting, my playgroup delved into devious scoring traps. Transitioning into a close-knit theater of treachery, our jostle for points was equally critical as our adjoining realms. Strategic positioning abruptly foiled another’s master plan, a move both revered and resented.

Grinning Plots of Player Versus Player

The review of Cartographers Heroes paints a social game where allies become fun-induced adversaries. What surmised as a collegial foray into cartography quickly pivoted to a fiercely amusing tableau of Best Laid Plans; pleasure amplifies with each game’s unexpected victor being crowned.

As the dust of competition settles, one marvels at how these skirmishes refresh the game, leading us next to the topic of Replayability: Varied Goals Cards, a facet ensuring every new voyage across the land yields untold stories and triumphs.

Never the Same Map Twice

Replayability is the lifeblood of any board game worth its salt, and it shines bright in Cartographers Heroes. Through the lens of my own experiences, I’ve noted just how pivotal the varied goals cards are to this title’s longevity. More than just a mechanic, they are a fresh gust of wind each time the game hits the table.

Ever-changing Objectives

Remarkably, with ever new play, these goal cards twist familiar strategies, forcing players to adapt. Recounting evenings spent charting fictional landscapes, it becomes clear that one’s ability to win can never rest on past victories alone each session is a new puzzle.

Boundless Combinations

The depth added by these ever-rotating cards is substantial, teeming with potential that rouses the strategist in us all. As for recommending Cartographers Heroes? If you yearn for strategic depth and blossoming variety with every play, then unequivocally, yes – snag a copy pronto.


Concluding this review of Cartographers Heroes, we’ve journeyed through the intricate mechanics of map-drawing which fuse strategic depth with accessible rules for a broad audience. The competitive scoring seamlessly brings a dash of delightful tension to the table, promoting lively interactions and laughter among friends and rivals alike. The replayability factor, driven by the varied goal cards, ensures that each game remains a fresh adventure, constantly offering new Challenges to master. In weighing the strengths of gameplay, social interaction, and variation, Cartographers Heroes firmly holds its ground as a standout title in roll-and-write genre that can delight strategists and casual gamers alike. My sessions have seen many territories morph in unexpected ways, sparking joy in the uncertainty of creation and competition. In conclusion, whether you’re delving into the world of Cartographers for the first or hundredth time, prepare for a map-making escapade that promises enduring entertainment.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.