AuZtralia - AuZtralia, SchilMil Games/Stronghold Games, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
AuZtralia - AuZtralia, SchilMil Games/Stronghold Games, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
AuZtralia - Play example - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Back of box FR - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Plateau joueur - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Cartes personnages - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Tuiles Découvertes - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Tuiles Grands Anciens - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Cartes Personnages - Credit: jlele
AuZtralia - Chinese Version - Credit: Auto520
AuZtralia - Components - Credit: jlele
  1. AuZtralia - AuZtralia, SchilMil Games/Stronghold Games, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  2. AuZtralia - AuZtralia, SchilMil Games/Stronghold Games, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. AuZtralia - Play example - Credit: jlele
  4. AuZtralia - Back of box FR - Credit: jlele
  5. AuZtralia - Plateau joueur - Credit: jlele
  6. AuZtralia - Cartes personnages - Credit: jlele
  7. AuZtralia - Tuiles Découvertes - Credit: jlele
  8. AuZtralia - Tuiles Grands Anciens - Credit: jlele
  9. AuZtralia - Cartes Personnages - Credit: jlele
  10. AuZtralia - Chinese Version - Credit: Auto520
  11. AuZtralia - Components - Credit: jlele

AuZtralia Review

Auztralia mixes train routes with Lovecraftian horrors. Great components and engaging gameplay, but luck can affect outcomes. It's a thrilling ride worth playing!
  • Gameplay
  • Theme and Storyline
  • Component Quality
  • Player Interaction and Replayability
4.3/5Overall Score

Auztralia blends strategy with Lovecraftian horrors, featuring quality components and engaging gameplay. Discover if it's worth your time!

  • Number of players: 1-4
  • Playing Time: 30-120 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game type: Strategy, Adventure
  • Designer: Martin Wallace
  • Publisher: Stronghold Games
  • Complexity: Moderate
  • Engaging 1930s theme
  • High replayability
  • Quality components
  • Strategic gameplay
  • Heavy on luck
  • Lack of proper insert
  • Unbalanced at times
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey folks, Jamie here with another board game review! Today, we’re talking about Auztralia. Join me as I unpack its mix of strategic train routes and monstrous battles set in a thrilling Lovecraftian 1930s backdrop. Trust me, it’s a wild ride with top-notch components and immersive artwork. But is it worth your hard-earned cash? Let’s find out!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First things first, lay out the board and make sure everyone can reach it without causing a domino effect with their drinks. Each player picks a color and gets their train pieces, farms, and starting resources. Don’t forget to shuffle and place the Old One tiles facedown, so no peeking! Set up the military units and place the coin tokens within reach. Finally, arrange the time track and place your markers at the start.


Players take turns in clockwise order, spending action points to build railways, farms, and hire military units. You’ll also explore territories, and trust me, you’ll uncover some nasty surprises. Each action pushes you forward on the time track, adding an extra layer of strategy. Do you rush to get those resources or take time to prepare your defenses? When the Old Ones wake up, watch out! They move and attack based on a specific sequence, and you’ll have to fend them off.

Winning the Game

The game ends when all players have exhausted their time tokens or the Old Ones overpower the players. Victory points are calculated from farms, resources, military units, and how well you handled the Old Ones. The player with the highest score wins, proving they can both manage a rail network and outsmart ancient horrors. Talk about multitasking!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for AuZtralia.

Game Mechanics and Rules of Auztralia

Auztralia is a quirky mix of train routes and eldritch horrors. The game has a tight balance of strategy and luck. The mechanics are straightforward but rich. You start by building railroads and farms. This brings much-needed resources, but also wakes up ancient monsters. No one likes a party crasher, especially if they have extra tentacles!

The game uses action points that players spend on various tasks. Planning each move becomes a mini brain workout. Choosing whether to expand your railroad, farm, or fight the monsters is a crucial part of the game. And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good monster smackdown?

The clock is always ticking. The game uses a time track which adds tension as the ancient beings awaken. This keeps you on your toes. I once thought I had things under control, only to have my carefully laid plans ruined by a rampaging Shoggoth. Good times, right?

Combat is a card-driven affair that mixes strategy with a bit of luck. It can be frustrating when luck isn’t on your side. But, it adds to the thrill of the game. However, if you prefer your board games to be more skill-driven, this might annoy you.

The game scales well with different player counts. But, I noticed it gets chaotic with four players. Friendly advice: make sure your friends know how to play before you start. Nothing kills a game night vibe like a 20-minute rules explanation!

Next, we’ll explore the intriguing theme and captivating storyline. Prepare for a journey down the dark alleys of imagination!

AuZtralia - AuZtralia, SchilMil Games/Stronghold Games, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Theme and Storyline of Auztralia: A Wild Adventure

You’ll never forget the first time you open Auztralia. Picture this: You’re in an alternate history where the Great Old Ones have risen. The world is on the brink of chaos. It’s up to you, brave explorer, to colonize and defend the last untamed part of the world—Australia. But hey, there’s a twist! It’s the 1930s, and you’re riding trains, fighting monsters, and farming. Yes, you read that right. Farming!

The thrill of Auztralia lies in its unique mix of themes. H.P. Lovecraft fans will drool over the Cthulhu mythos elements, while history buffs will appreciate the blend of real 1930s aesthetics with fantastical adventures. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving while facing the lurking horrors. You’ll gather resources, build railways, and prepare for epic battles against ancient evils. All this while a Lovecraftian nightmare could be creeping up on you at any moment.

The game’s storyline keeps you on the edge of your seat. Each playthrough feels like you’re part of an old-timey serial. Think Indiana Jones meets H.P. Lovecraft with a dash of Railroad Tycoon. It’s cinematic and suspenseful. You’ll feel the pressure ticking away as you plan your moves, dreading the moment when the Old Ones awaken.

Next up, let’s talk about the fantastic components and stunning artwork that make Auztralia a visual treat. Stay tuned!

AuZtralia - Play example - Credit: jlele

Component Quality and Artwork in Auztralia

Let’s get to the juicy bits. The component quality in Auztralia is top-notch. The game board is sturdy and has a nice matte finish that stops your coffee spills from ruining the artwork. Yep, it’s coffee-proof – tested and approved by yours truly.

The artwork in Auztralia is a standout. It’s like they hired Indiana Jones and H.P. Lovecraft to co-design it. The map is detailed and immersive, with vibrant colors that bring the 1930s outback to life. Each region pops with unique illustrations, making it a feast for the eyes.

Now, let’s talk about the miniatures. Oh boy, they are detailed and high-quality. The different types of monsters are sculpted to perfection. The trains and farms might be tiny, but they’ve got all the details down to a T. The only downside? Some of the pieces are so small, they seem to have a magical ability to disappear under your couch. Keep a good eye on them!

The cards in the game are also made from good-quality stock. They have a smooth finish which makes shuffling a dream. The artwork on the cards fits seamlessly with the board design, giving the whole game a cohesive and polished look.

One minor gripe is the lack of a proper insert. With all these components, it would have been nice to have a better way to organize everything inside the box. We’ve all had that moment where the box is slightly tilted, and suddenly it’s like a board game explosion in your living room.

Ready for more? Let’s chat about Player Interaction and Replayability next!

AuZtralia - Back of box FR - Credit: jlele

Player Interaction and Replayability in Auztralia

Let me tell you about player interaction in Auztralia. This game nails it. It’s like a wild ride on an Outback kangaroo. The game’s mix of competitive and cooperative elements keeps everyone on their toes. You can’t just focus on your train routes and farms. Those Lovecraftian monsters will stomp all over your plans, and that’s where teamwork comes in. You and your mates need to balance personal gain with group survival.

During my last game night, we had to team up to fend off a giant Cthulhu beast. One player sacrificed some resources to build defenses, while another deployed troops. As for me, I was the cheerleader—just kidding, I was the guy running around yelling, ‘Why isn’t anyone listening to me?!’ The point is, the game forces you to interact, plan, and sometimes even plead for help.

Now let’s talk replayability. Auztralia shines here too. The board setup changes each game, as do the monster placements and event cards. You won’t get the same game twice, which keeps it fresh and exciting. Also, the multiple paths to victory—whether through farming, battling monsters, or both—mean you can try different strategies each time.

If you want a game where luck doesn’t overshadow skill, this one’s for you. The blend of strategy, coordination, and unexpected twists keeps all players engaged. If you’re someone who enjoys both working with and plotting against your fellow gamers, Auztralia will not disappoint.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Auztralia. It’s fun, it’s different, and it’s just challenging enough to keep you coming back for more.

AuZtralia - Plateau joueur - Credit: jlele


Auztralia is a wild ride, mixing strategic gameplay with creepy Lovecraftian flavor. It’s a blast, especially with the top-notch components and engaging scenarios. Yes, there’s some luck, but it’s manageable. My only major gripe? The lack of a proper insert. All in all, Auztralia is worth your time and money. Thanks for sticking through the review! Now go conquer those Old Ones!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.