How To Play: AuZtralia

Our guide covers resource management, military strategy, and exploration tactics for AuZtralia. It discusses game setup, components, gameplay, and tips for winning. Balance your strategies, position your troops wisely, and explore new territories smartly. Conquer and enjoy the thrill of outsmarting the monsters in AuZtralia!

Ready to conquer the outback in AuZtralia? Our guide covers everything you need! We outline the game rules and share the best strategies for winning. Grab your mates, and let’s get started!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 1 Old One Army Board
  • 60 Resource Tokens
  • 30 Military Units
  • 50 Enemy Tokens
  • 15 Port Tokens
  • 72 Adventure Cards
  • 40 Event Cards
  • 4 Time Trackers
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play AuZtralia: Rules Summary

  1. Place the game board on the table. Make sure everyone can reach it.

  2. Shuffle the Location tiles and place them face down on each marked spot.

  3. Give each player their colored pieces, a Player Board, and starting resources.

  4. Place the Old One tiles on their starting areas. Ready to rumble!

  5. Draw the Personality cards and set them up in a face-up row.

  1. Each player takes turns performing actions like farming, moving, building, or combat.

  2. Farming gets you resources; you never know when you’ll need them.

  3. Build railways to connect new places and get strategic advantages.

  4. Fight the Old Ones! Attack with your military units when you’re ready.

  1. Score points by farming, exploring, and fighting Old Ones.

  2. The game ends when the time marker reaches the end of the track or all Old Ones are defeated.

  3. The player with the highest score wins. Bragging rights are included!

Special Rules & Conditions
  1. The Old Ones have special movement. They awaken and move in set patterns.

  2. Events can change the game. Draw Event cards and gasp at the twists!

  3. Watch out for sanity loss. Too much, and your plans may crumble.

Best AuZtralia Strategies

Winning with Resource Management in AuZtralia

In AuZtralia, managing resources well separates the winners from the losers. It’s essential to stay ahead by gathering and spending wisely. Here are some strategies.

Gather Resources Early

Focus on resource collection from the start. This helps you stockpile what’s needed for future actions.

  1. Build farms quickly.
  2. Mine for coal and iron.
  3. Use railways to reach resources.

Prioritize Spending

Don’t blow your resources. Spend on what’s crucial.

  1. Upgrade your military.
  2. Invest in key projects.
  3. Allocate for emergencies.

Trade Smartly

Engage in trading when necessary. Trade to acquire what you can’t produce.

  1. Swap excess for needed items.
  2. Negotiate favorable deals.
  3. Watch market trends.

Mastering Military Strategy in AuZtralia

Winning in AuZtralia requires a sharp military mind. Let’s get you battle-ready!

Build Your Army Wisely

  1. Start early. Recruit soldiers and engineers quickly.
  2. Balance troops. Use infantry, artillery, and tanks together.
  3. Upgrade units. Get the best tech for your troops.

Positioning Matters

  1. Explore early. Uncover potential enemy locations.
  2. Secure key areas. Hold valuable resources and bottlenecks.
  3. Defend strategically. Use terrain to your advantage.

Know When to Strike

  1. Time your attacks. Coordinate strikes with allies.
  2. Hit weak points. Focus on vulnerable enemy units first.
  3. Retreat if needed. Save troops for future battles.

Exploration Tactics for Winning in AuZtralia

Exploration plays a huge role in your success. Here are some tips to ensure your exploratory efforts aren’t wasted.

Prioritize New Territories

Quickly move to unexplored areas. The sooner you discover new lands, the more resources you can secure.

  1. Scout early
  2. Expand your reach
  3. Claim high-value lands

Balance Risk and Reward

Explore areas that others haven’t dared to. Sometimes the high risk means high reward.

  1. Evaluate threats
  2. Take calculated risks
  3. Ensure backup plans

Utilize Reconnaissance

Use scouts or recon units for efficient exploration.

  1. Deploy scouts
  2. Map out safe paths
  3. Gather intel

Cooperate with Allies

Coordinate exploration with your friends to cover more ground.

  1. Share information
  2. Divide areas of interest
  3. Support each other

## Conquer and Thrive in AuZtralia!

So, there you have it, folks! You’ve got the scoop on resource management, military strategy, and exploration tactics. Now, just put it all into practice. Remember, the key is balance. I’ve seen friends win with a heavy military focus, and others with a knack for resource hoarding. Mix and match these strategies to fit your style. Don’t forget to have fun and maybe, just maybe, you’ll outsmart those pesky Cthulhu monsters. Go and make your mark in the wilds of AuZtralia!

How To Play auztralia is a game of cunning, so keep your wits about you and enjoy every moment!

Want to know what we think of AuZtralia? Read our detailed review of AuZtralia here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.