Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — components (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  1. Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  2. Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — components (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Aquarius Review

Aquarius is vibrant and fun, but heavy on luck. Great for casual nights, but strategists might crave more control. Player interactions make it lively.
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Art and components
  • Player interaction
  • Replayability
3.5/5Overall Score

Aquarius is vibrant and fun with unpredictable gameplay. Great for casual nights, but heavy luck may frustrate strategists.

  • Number of Players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 20-30 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 8+
  • Game Type: Tile Placement
  • Publisher: Looney Labs
  • Components: Tiles, Action Cards
  • Vibrant artwork
  • Quick setup
  • Engaging interaction
  • Flexible gameplay
  • High luck factor
  • Less strategy control
  • No play mat
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Alright folks, let’s get straight to it! This is a review of Aquarius, a board game that’s as dynamic as it is colorful. If you’re in the mood for a fast-paced game night, stick around. We’ll break down its gameplay, art, player interaction, and replayability. Spoiler: It’s a bit of a wild ride with a sprinkle of luck. Ready? Let’s go!

How It Plays

Setting Up

Start by shuffling the deck of cards. Deal three goal cards to each player, and then each player picks one to keep. Place the rest of the cards in the center of the table. Make sure everyone can reach them. Now, draw five cards to create the draw pile.


On your turn, you draw a card and then play a card. Simple, right? You can play a goal card to change your objective or a special card to shake things up. The real fun begins as you match elements and try to sabotage others while keeping an eye on your own goal.

Winning the Game

The first player to complete their secret goal wins. Your goal involves creating a pattern with the element cards. So, keep your strategy flexible and stay ready to adapt, because the game can change in an instant!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Aquarius.

Gameplay Mechanics of Aquarius: A Splendidly Simple Adventure

Oh boy, have I got some stories to share about the game of Aquarius. One evening, my friends and I decided to break out this dazzling little game for what we thought would be a casual evening. Spoiler alert: It was anything but.

Aquarius, published by Looney Labs, is a card game that combines the strategy of Dominoes with the unpredictability of a wild deck. Each player gets a secret goal card that shows one of five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, or Space. The objective? Be the first to connect a chain of seven cards displaying your element. Simple, right? Well, not exactly.

First off, the game is fast-paced. I mean, blink, and you might miss a pivotal move. There’s a lot of shifting elements and rearranging goals, which makes each round thrilling. What’s genuinely clever is how the game’s mechanics allow for both strategy and chaos. You lay cards next to others to match elements, and then the mayhem begins. Special cards come into play, letting you either rotate existing cards or switch goal cards with another player. Oh, the number of friendships almost wrecked by that sneaky mechanic!

Now, I must admit, luck plays a significant role here. If the draw favors you, it’s a breeze. If not, it’s a sweat-fest. Some may argue that this luck element makes Aquarius unbalanced, but for casual gamers, it adds a sprinkle of excitement. However, if you’re a seasoned strategist, this could be a turn-off.

Prepare yourself, as in the next section, we’ll explore the artistic charm and the tactile delight of Aquarius’ components. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it.

Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — components (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

The Dazzling Art and Components of Aquarius

Let’s talk about the eye candy that Aquarius brings to the table. Trust me, it’s like a colorful parade on cardboard. The first thing you’ll notice is the vibrant artwork. Each card bursts with colors, making the game look like a kaleidoscope exploded. The cards have whimsical, aquatic-themed illustrations that can hold the attention of even the most fidgety players. Seriously, I felt like I’d fallen into an artist’s dreamland.

The component quality is something else as well. The cards are thick and durable, great for all those shuffling marathons. No flimsy paper-thin cards here – these bad boys can survive the apocalypse. The game also includes nifty rule cards that are easy to follow. Heck, they might as well come with a cup of tea, they’re that friendly.

Even the box is a work of art. I know, who gets excited about a box? But it’s compact and sturdy, perfect for travel. You can chuck it in your backpack, and it won’t end up looking like it went through a tornado. Beautiful on the outside, and even better on the inside.

However, if I had to nitpick – and I always do – I wish the game included a play mat. It would have been the cherry on top for an already visually pleasing game. But hey, that’s a minor hiccup in an otherwise dazzling package.

Get ready, because the next section is all about how players interact in this underwater fiesta. Spoiler: things get fishy!

Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — back cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Player Interaction in Aquarius: A Splash of Fun and Strategy

In Aquarius, the essence of player interaction is as vibrant as its colorful cards. This game shines in how it brings players together—or pits them against each other! My buddies and I often find ourselves laughing while plotting our next moves. Imagine you’re a sneaky dolphin amidst a flock of unsuspecting fish; that’s the kind of vibe you get.

The core mechanic revolves around matching cards to build streams. These streams can either advance your goals or sabotage your friends. One minute, you’re helping your friend extend their waterway, and the next, you’re blocking their path with a sneaky move. It’s a game where alliances form and crumble in seconds. You have to keep your wits about you, and maybe a poker face, as trust is as liquid as the water themes in the game.

What’s interesting is the dynamics shift with different player counts. With two players, the game feels like an intense chess match. With four or five, it’s more of a chaotic, splashy water fight. Every game brings new interactions and challenges, keeping everyone on their toes. And those action cards? Oh boy, they can flip the game upside down, creating moments of pure joy or utter frustration, depending on which end of the action you’re on.

If there’s a downside, it’s that the balance of luck and strategy can sometimes sway a bit much towards luck. Some folks might find the unpredictability a bit too wild, especially if they prefer games where strategy reigns supreme. The constant shifts can be a double-edged sword.

Next up, let’s talk about how often you’ll want to return to the watery world of Aquarius—aka, Replayability.

Aquarius - Aquarius, Looney Labs, 2021 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Replayability of Aquarius: Will You Keep Coming Back?

Let’s talk about how often you might find yourself pulling out Aquarius for game night. The short answer? A lot. The mix of strategy and luck keeps the game fresh. Each session brings new challenges. The ever-changing goals force you to adapt your plans mid-game. One moment you’re building a water path, the next you’re going all-in for fire. It’s chaotic, but in a good way.

The game also includes Special Action cards. These let you change the rules on the fly. Swap hands, change goals, or mess with opponents’ plans. The variety of these cards means no two games play out the same. You’ll always find new ways to outwit your friends. Or, you know, to get outwitted yourself.

Another ace up Aquarius’ sleeve is its player count flexibility. Play with two to five players, and it scales well across the range. Gather the family or a few friends, and the game remains engaging. More players can lead to more chaos, but it also ramps up the fun.

However, there’s a catch. The game thrives on randomness. For some, this randomness boosts replay value, making each game unpredictable and fun. For others, especially those who prefer a tight strategy, it may feel less appealing in the long run. If you crave control, this might be frustrating.

So, do I recommend Aquarius? Absolutely. It’s an easy-to-learn game that offers a lot of laughs and surprises. Just don’t expect a hardcore strategy experience. Strap in for a wild, unpredictable ride.


Alright folks, that wraps up our wild ride through the world of Aquarius. If you love vibrant art, fast-paced gameplay, and a splash of randomness, Aquarius could be your jam. The player interaction keeps you on your toes, but if you’re a strategy purist, luck might dampen your spirits a bit. It’s a great pick for casual game nights, but might not be the star of a serious board gaming event. Happy gaming!

3.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.