Aliens: Box Cover Front
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens - Large view of box backside - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens - Large Box Cover - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  1. Aliens: Box Cover Front
  2. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  3. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  4. Aliens - Large view of box backside - Credit: f-p-p-m
  5. Aliens - Large Box Cover - Credit: f-p-p-m
  6. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  7. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  8. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  9. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  10. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m
  11. Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m

Aliens Review

Playing 'Aliens' felt like stepping into the movie. Thrilling co-op gameplay, strategic planning, and tense moments made it a hit. Components are great, though luck can sway outcomes. Still, loads of fun!
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Theme and Atmosphere
  • Components Quality
  • Luck Factor
4/5Overall Score

'Aliens' board game review: thrilling co-op, great components, strategic planning. Luck can sway outcomes, but still loads of fun. 4 stars.

  • Number of players: 1-6
  • Playing Time: 60-120 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Complexity: Medium
  • Theme: Sci-fi, Horror
  • Publisher: Gale Force Nine
  • Components Quality: High, detailed miniatures
  • Thrilling co-op gameplay
  • Great component quality
  • Immersive atmosphere
  • High replayability
  • Luck affects outcomes
  • Tokens can be fiddly
  • Steep learning curve
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey folks! Grab your space suits and pulse rifles because today we’re diving into a review of the Aliens board game. This game will make you feel like you’re in the middle of an interstellar nightmare! From its gripping theme and atmosphere to its solid gameplay mechanics, this game promises loads of fun. But does it deliver? Let’s find out together!

How It Plays

Playing ‘Aliens’ is a wild ride. There’s a lot of action, a bit of luck, and a ton of strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newbie, here’s a simple guide to get you started.

Setting Up

First, set up the board. Lay out the game board, shuffle the mission cards, and place them in their spot. Each player picks a character and gets their relevant tokens and cards. Don’t forget to place the alien miniatures on their starting positions. And remember, keeping snacks within reach is a must!


Turns are straightforward but tense. Each player performs actions like moving, attacking, or special actions based on their character’s abilities. The aliens move according to their own rules, usually making your life miserable. You’ll need to work as a team to survive, so plan your moves wisely. And trust me, don’t split up!

Winning the Game

Winning depends on the mission. Complete objectives without letting the aliens devour your crew. Sounds simple, but it’s easier said than done. If you can outsmart the aliens and survive, victory is yours. But if they overrun you, it’s game over, man! Game over!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Aliens.

Gameplay Mechanics and Balance in ‘Aliens’

Let’s talk about the gear that makes ‘Aliens’ tick – the gameplay mechanics. I remember the first time setting up the board. My friend Tim knocked over half the pieces while setting up the terrain. Classic Tim!

The game offers a co-op experience. You and your friends work together against the Xenomorphs. The mechanics are simple enough for new players, but they bring depth to keep veterans hooked. You move your characters, search rooms for gear, and, of course, blast some aliens.

One mechanic I enjoy is the panic effect. When a team member gets too scared, they might shoot wildly or run away. This adds a layer of unpredictability. It mimics the feeling of being in a chaotic alien invasion.

But let’s talk balance. ‘Aliens’ does a good job here. Each character has strengths and weaknesses, so you need to work together. For instance, my buddy Greg always picks the heavy gunner. It’s great for mowing down waves, but he’s slow. Try playing the medic sometime, Greg!

Luck does play a role. Dice rolling decides combat outcomes and resource finds. But strategy and teamwork often outweigh random chance. This makes it fairer than many games which rely heavily on luck. Still, some may find the reliance on dice a bit much.

In our sessions, we often found ourselves just scraping through by the skin of our teeth. Sweaty-palmed and heart racing, that’s when you know a game has balanced its tension well.

Stay tuned for our next segment on Theme and Atmosphere. Get ready to feel the chills of deep space!

Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m

Immersive Theme and Atmosphere in Aliens

When it comes to theme and atmosphere, ‘Aliens’ nails it. The game plunges you right into the heart of an interstellar nightmare. Imagine, if you will, the unmistakable sound of the motion tracker beeping ominously as you and your friends huddle around the table. The artwork on the game board and cards is superb, capturing the dark and gritty essence of the iconic sci-fi horror franchise. Even the box cover looks like it was ripped straight out of the movie poster!

The atmosphere is tense, with every turn building anticipation. The setting makes you feel like you’re really on that spaceship, with danger lurking in every shadow. The alien miniatures are both terrifying and impressive. They’re detailed enough to make you feel a shiver down your spine every time you move one across the board.

What’s more, each character feels like they were plucked right out of the movies. From Ripley’s steely determination to Hudson’s frantic paranoia, the game’s designers have done a great job of making each figure feel unique. The missions themselves add to the theme. You’ll be sealing off ventilation ducts, rescuing other crew members, and trying to survive the onslaught of alien attackers.

The sound effects can even be enhanced by adding a background playlist of movie soundtracks or creepy ambient space noises on your phone. Trust me, it sets the perfect tone for a night of alien hunting.

Next, let’s break down the Difficulty and learning curve and see if this game is as challenging as an alien’s acid-filled blood.

Aliens -  - Credit: f-p-p-m

Difficulty and Learning Curve in ‘Aliens’

When it comes to the board game ‘Aliens’, one thing that stands out is the difficulty and learning curve. If you’re a fan of the movies, you’ll know how relentless those xenomorphs can be. Well, the board game doesn’t disappoint on that front. From the first turn, you’re thrown into a survival scenario that feels both challenging and engaging.

Now, I’m no rookie when it comes to board games, but I’ll be honest – the first time my friends and I faced those alien baddies, we felt the heat. The rules are pretty straightforward, but the depth of strategy required makes it a bit tricky for newcomers. My buddy Steve, who usually catches on quickly to new games, took a little longer to get a grip on this one. By our second playthrough, though, he was already strategizing like Ripley!

What makes ‘Aliens’ particularly intriguing is how it balances difficulty. It’s tough but not unfair. You need to plan your moves carefully, manage resources, and work as a team. If one player messes up, it can spell doom for the entire group. This steep learning curve means you’ll get plenty of replayability out of it – more on that in the next section.

To sum up, if you’re up for a challenge and love a game that requires you to think on your feet, ‘Aliens’ is right up your alley. But brace yourself, because those xenomorphs are not here to mess around. Ready to hear about replayability and components quality? Stay tuned!

Aliens - Large view of box backside - Credit: f-p-p-m

Replayability and Components Quality in ‘Aliens’

So, my buddies and I decided to tackle ‘Aliens’ one Friday night, pizza and soda in hand. I gotta say, this game has legs, even if some of those legs are attached to creepy extraterrestrials.

First off, replayability. ‘Aliens’ has it in spades. Each game is like a new episode of your favorite show. The scenarios vary, keeping things fresh. We played at least six times before we even considered switching things up. The randomness of the card draws and dice rolls adds unpredictability, but rest assured, it’s the good kind, not the “why-do-I-even-bother” kind. If you fancy a strategic twist, you can tweak your tactics and it feels like a whole new game.

Let’s talk components. The miniatures in ‘Aliens’ are top-notch. Ripley looks ready to kick butt, and the Xenomorphs are every bit as creepy as you’d expect. The board itself is sturdy and the artwork? Chef’s kiss. You can practically hear the eerie sounds and feel the tension just by looking at it.

However, I did find the tokens a bit fiddly. We spent a good 10 minutes just setting them up. It felt like I was trying to defuse a tiny bomb. Small gripe though, because once you’re in, you’re in.

So, would I recommend ‘Aliens’? Heck yes! It’s a blast to play, and its replayability means you won’t be shoving it to the back of your closet anytime soon. Grab your friends, lock and load, and prepare for an intense night of board game shenanigans.

Aliens - Large Box Cover - Credit: f-p-p-m


This wraps up our review of the ‘Aliens’ board game. It captures the tense atmosphere of the franchise and offers balanced, strategic gameplay with a fair learning curve. The game’s components are top-notch, though the tokens can be a bit fiddly. Whether you’re a fan of the ‘Aliens’ series or just love cooperative games with high replayability, ‘Aliens’ is a solid choice for your game night. Just be prepared for some nail-biting moments! Overall, I’d rate it 4 stars out of 5. Happy gaming!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.