How To Play: Aliens

Aliens strategy involves team coordination, resource management, and mission objectives. Focus on prioritizing spendings, understanding resource flow, and trading wisely. Understand goals, delegate roles, and celebrate small wins. Components include a game board, figures, tokens, card deck, dice, rulebook, and scenario book. Conquer the galaxy and share 'How To Play aliens.'

Welcome, fellow gamers! Today, we’re talking about ‘Aliens: The Board Game.’ In this guide, I’ll outline the game rules and share the best strategies to help you win. Get ready for an exciting adventure through space while facing off against some pesky extraterrestrials!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 6 Character Figures
  • 10 Alien Figures
  • 1 Alien Queen Figure
  • 12 Door Tokens
  • 30 Card Deck
  • 5 Dice
  • 15 Mission Tokens
  • 20 Objective Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Scenario Book

How To Play Aliens: Rules Summary

Aliens: The Board Game is a blast! Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned player, I’ll walk you through the setup, gameplay, how to win, and those special rules that add spice to the game. Let’s get started!


  1. First, place the game board in the center of the table. Make sure everyone can reach it because teamwork is key!

  2. Then, distribute the character cards to each player. Each character has unique abilities—choose wisely!

  3. Next, set up the tokens, figures, and dice. Keep them handy as you’ll need them often.

  4. After that, shuffle the scenario cards and place them face down. Draw the top card to determine your mission.

  5. Finally, read the rulebook for your mission objectives and special conditions before starting the game.


  1. To begin, each player takes a turn in a clockwise direction. During your turn, you can move, attack, or use special abilities.

  2. Move your character by rolling the dice and following the board’s paths. Watch out for aliens!

  3. When you encounter an alien, you can attack using your character’s abilities or items. Roll the dice to determine the outcome.

  4. If you find special items or power-ups, use them strategically. They can turn the tide of the battle.


  1. Complete the mission objectives outlined on the scenario card. It might be rescuing a hostage or defeating all aliens.

  2. Work as a team. Coordination and communication are essential for success.

  3. If all players complete the objectives and survive, you win the game!

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. Some scenarios have specific rules you need to follow. Always read the scenario card carefully.

  2. There may be events triggered by your actions. Pay attention to event cards and tokens.

  3. If your character gets knocked out, don’t worry. You might have a chance to revive them with a medkit or special ability.

And there you have it! These rules will get you off to a great start. Now go ahead, gather your friends, and show those aliens who’s boss. How To Play Aliens has never been this easy to understand. Enjoy!

Best Aliens Strategies

Mastering Team Coordination in Aliens

Communicate Clearly

First, we use clear and simple language. This avoids confusion and keeps everyone on the same page.

  1. Use short, direct phrases.
  2. Confirm everyone’s role before starting.
  3. Check in regularly during the game.

Divide Responsibilities

Next, we divide tasks effectively. Splitting roles ensures every aspect of the mission gets coverage.

  1. Assign specific jobs to each player.
  2. Stick to your assigned tasks.
  3. Be ready to assist others if needed.

Stay Flexible

Finally, we stay adaptable. Things can change fast, so flexibility is key.

  1. Be open to adjusting roles.
  2. Communicate changes quickly.
  3. Cover for teammates in a pinch.

Mastering Resource Management in Board Games

Winning board games often hinges on smart resource management. Manage your resources wisely and you’ll see the benefits stack up. Here are some key strategies:

1. Prioritize Your Spendings

  1. First, identify what resources you need the most.
  2. Make sure to spend your resources on the most impactful actions.

2. Understand Resource Flow

  1. Know when your resources replenish and plan accordingly.
  2. Always have an eye on the upcoming turns.

3. Trade Wisely

  1. Engage in trades that benefit you the most.
  2. Try not to help opponents more than necessary.

With these tips on resource management, you’ll dominate the game with ease. Good luck, and remember, efficiency is key!

Mastering Mission Objectives: Your Path to Victory

Understand the Goals

First, grasp what each mission needs. Read the objectives carefully and ask teammates for input. Everyone should know the target.

  1. Read the mission objectives.
  2. Discuss with your team.
  3. Align your actions to the goals.

Prioritize Tasks

Next, identify the most critical tasks. Not all objectives hold equal weight. Focus on high-priority tasks first.

  1. Identify key tasks.
  2. Tackle high-priority objectives.
  3. Avoid distractions.

Delegate Roles

Assign roles based on strengths. Each player should handle tasks suited to their skills. This boosts efficiency.

  1. Know your team’s strengths.
  2. Assign roles accordingly.
  3. Monitor and adjust as needed.

Review Progress

Constantly review your progress. Check if you are meeting objectives. Make adjustments on the fly.

  1. Set regular check-ins.
  2. Review mission progress.
  3. Adapt strategies as needed.

Celebrate Small Wins

Finally, celebrate small wins. Acknowledge each completed task to boost morale. Keep the team motivated for the long haul.

  1. Acknowledge each success.
  2. Celebrate as a team.
  3. Stay motivated.

Wrapping Up: Conquer the Galaxy!

Alright folks, we’ve reached the end of our thrilling ride through the cosmos! You’ve got the tools, the tips, and the tricks to take on any alien threat. Remember, practice makes perfect. Don’t be afraid to mix things up and test new strategies. Now, go out there and show those aliens who’s boss! And hey, if anyone asks you ‘How To Play aliens,’ you know your stuff.

Ready. Set. Dominate!

Want to know what we think of Aliens? Read our detailed review of Aliens here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.