Trains: Box Cover Front
Trains - That's why I bought the Conductor's Stations in the first place! - Credit: kilroy_locke
Trains - Making good use of a Maintenance Factory... AND picking up a Skyscraper! - Credit: kilroy_locke
Trains - Kichijoji: Hub City for 3 major rail lines - Credit: kilroy_locke
Trains - The busy corner of the map.  Including my limited network (green). - Credit: kilroy_locke
Trains - The big city! - Credit: kilroy_locke
Trains - Three player game in the Tokyo board. - Credit: aldoojeda
Trains - Starting the game: 4 players - Credit: fabricefab
Trains - Front of the Box of the 2013 Trains - Credit: CurtisC
Trains - Curse you, yellow!  That was my city! - Credit: kilroy_locke
Trains - Our first time playing Trains. - Credit: aldoojeda
  1. Trains: Box Cover Front
  2. Trains - That's why I bought the Conductor's Stations in the first place! - Credit: kilroy_locke
  3. Trains - Making good use of a Maintenance Factory... AND picking up a Skyscraper! - Credit: kilroy_locke
  4. Trains - Kichijoji: Hub City for 3 major rail lines - Credit: kilroy_locke
  5. Trains - The busy corner of the map.  Including my limited network (green). - Credit: kilroy_locke
  6. Trains - The big city! - Credit: kilroy_locke
  7. Trains - Three player game in the Tokyo board. - Credit: aldoojeda
  8. Trains - Starting the game: 4 players - Credit: fabricefab
  9. Trains - Front of the Box of the 2013 Trains - Credit: CurtisC
  10. Trains - Curse you, yellow!  That was my city! - Credit: kilroy_locke
  11. Trains - Our first time playing Trains. - Credit: aldoojeda

Trains Review

'Trains' hits the track running with its perfect mash-up of deck-building and board strategy. Despite a steep learning curve, it's a ride full of fun and challenges. Just wish luck played a smaller part in the journey!
  • Game Mechanics and Playability
  • Replay Value and Expansion Packs
  • Quality and Design of Components
  • Strategy vs. Luck Balance
4/5Overall Score

'Trains' brilliantly melds deck-building and board strategy, offering high replay value and a satisfying balance between strategy and luck.

  • Number of Players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 45 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 12+
  • Game Type: Deck-Building, Board
  • Strategy vs. Luck: High strategy with some luck
  • Replay Value: High
  • Expansion Packs Available: Yes
  • High replay value
  • Balanced strategy-luck
  • Quality components
  • Deep strategic depth
  • Luck factor present
  • Can be complex
  • Long setup time
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Hey folks, Jamie here with a fresh review, and today we’re chugging along with Trains! If you’re anything like me, you want your board games to pack a punch both in strategy and fun. Well, buckle up because ‘Trains’ promises just that and delivers in spades. From deck-building mechanics to the tug-of-war between strategy and luck, I’ve put this game through its paces with my mates, and oh boy, do we have some tales to tell. Stick around as I break down what makes ‘Trains’ a ride worth taking!

How It Plays

Setting up

First off, lay out the board and give each player a starting deck of cards. These cards represent trains and railway expansions. Players also get a set of train tokens in their color. Then, place the city cards and other special cards on the side for purchase. Everyone starts with the same basic cards, but how you build your deck is up to you!


Players take turns drawing cards from their deck, using them to buy more powerful cards, or to build tracks and stations on the board. Each turn, you can use your cards to generate income, lay tracks, or take other actions that will help you expand your railway empire. Managing your deck and planning your routes are crucial to success. The game keeps rolling until the city cards run out or certain conditions met, depending on the number of players.

Winning the game

The player who earns the most victory points from their routes, stations, and certain card combinations wins the game. It’s all about strategy and knowing when to build, when to buy, and when to hold onto your resources. Keep an eye on your opponents’ moves and adjust your strategy to stay ahead. May the best railway tycoon win!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Trains.

A Closer Look at Trains’ Game Mechanics and Playability

Okay, folks, let’s talk about what makes Trains tick. First off, this isn’t your grandpa’s train set. Nope, it’s a deck-building bonanza that chugs along at full steam, blending strategy and fun in a way that’ll keep you coming back. The mechanics? Smoother than a well-oiled locomotive. Players start with a basic set of cards and, as the game progresses, you amp up your deck with more powerful cards. It’s like choosing the right tracks for your train; strategy is key.

But here’s the deal: Trains doesn’t just stop at deck-building. Oh no. It takes you on a scenic journey across a board where you build tracks, stations, and vie for dominance on the rails. The interplay between the board and your deck adds a layer of sophistication that sets Trains apart from the rest. And playability? Through the roof! Whether you’re a board game newbie or a seasoned conductor, this game’s got something for everyone.

Next up, we’ll shift gears and explore how Trains keeps chugging along with replay value and expansion packs.

Chugging Along: Replay Value and Expansions for ‘Trains’

Ever played a board game that felt stale after two rounds? Well, ‘Trains’ isn’t one of them. This gem keeps you coming back for more with its solid replay value. It’s like the board game version of that favorite route you never get tired of riding, thanks to its dynamic gameplay that feels different with every playthrough. But wait, there’s more! The expansions pack a real punch, adding new layers of strategy and excitement. Each expansion brings fresh maps, cards, and mechanics that make the game feel like a whole new ride. So, just when you think you’ve mastered ‘Trains’, a new expansion comes chugging along to keep things interesting.

Next up, let’s talk about what these trains are made of in ‘Quality and Design of Components’.

Trains - Making good use of a Maintenance Factory... AND picking up a Skyscraper! - Credit: kilroy_locke

Quality and Design of ‘Trains’ Game Components

Let’s talk trucks and tracks – or, in this case, trains. The quality and design of ‘Trains’ components are like a well-oiled locomotive: built to last and impress. Each piece, from the sturdy, detailed train cards to the robust game board, showcases a commitment to quality that enhances the gaming experience. The tactile feel of handling the cards and placing your trains on the board adds a delightful depth to the strategy, making each game session not just a mental challenge but a physical pleasure.

Even the game’s tokens are crafted with care, ensuring they stand up to countless playthroughs without showing wear and tear. This attention to detail means ‘Trains’ isn’t just a game you play; it’s a game you experience. And speaking of experience, let’s shift gears and explore how ‘Trains’ balances strategy and luck.

Trains - Kichijoji: Hub City for 3 major rail lines - Credit: kilroy_locke

Striking the Right Track: Strategy vs. Luck in ‘Trains’

When it comes to ‘Trains’, the balance between strategy and luck hits the sweet spot. This game ensures that your tactical decisions have more weight than the luck of the draw. Sure, you’ll find yourself at the mercy of shuffled decks, but it’s your strategic planning on the board that really drives your railway empire to success. The game brilliantly combines deck-building mechanics with strategic placement on the board, making every game a new challenge. You’re not just picking cards at random; you’re planning routes, competing for stations, and disrupting your opponents’ plans.

Does luck play a part? Absolutely. But in ‘Trains’, your brainpower steers the engine more than chance. This balance keeps the game fresh and competitive, ensuring that no two games are ever the same. For those who love a game where strategy takes the lead, ‘Trains’ is certainly a recommendation on my track.

Trains - The busy corner of the map.  Including my limited network (green). - Credit: kilroy_locke


Wrapping up, ‘Trains’ is a game that’s bound to entertain strategy enthusiasts and board game lovers alike. With its engaging mechanics that perfectly blend deck-building with a board layout, it promises hours of fun and challenges. The replay value is high, especially with the addition of expansions that bring in fresh strategies and twists. The quality of the components is top-notch, ensuring that this game can withstand countless sessions. Most importantly, ‘Trains’ does an excellent job balancing strategy with luck, making it a game where your decisions have a real impact on the outcome. If you’re looking for a game that’s fun, challenging, and beautifully designed, ‘Trains’ should definitely be on your radar. Hope this review helps you decide whether to add this game to your collection!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.