Summoner Wars: Master Set: Box Cover Front
Summoner Wars: Master Set - My first game. I lost. - Credit: starfailure
Summoner Wars: Master Set - The scout. - Credit: vacekrae
Summoner Wars: Master Set - My friend Sean and I playing Summoner Wars for the first time, while his daughter looks at her father with wonder. He was triumphant.   - Credit: vacekrae
  1. Summoner Wars: Master Set: Box Cover Front
  2. Summoner Wars: Master Set - My first game. I lost. - Credit: starfailure
  3. Summoner Wars: Master Set - The scout. - Credit: vacekrae
  4. Summoner Wars: Master Set - My friend Sean and I playing Summoner Wars for the first time, while his daughter looks at her father with wonder. He was triumphant.   - Credit: vacekrae

Summoner Wars: Master Set Review

Summoner Wars: Master Set dazzles with strategic depth, rich player interaction, and vast expandability - offering a board game experience that evolves and keeps you coming back for more.
  • Strategic Depth
  • Player Interaction
  • Expansion Potential
  • Gameplay Variability
4.5/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Dynamic tactical gameplay, robust player interaction, and significant expansion ability define 'Summoner Wars: Master Set.'

  • Number of Players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 30-60 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 9+
  • Game Type: Strategy Board Game
  • Learning Curve: Moderate
  • Game Designer: Colby Dauch
  • Rich strategic depth
  • High player interaction
  • Expansive faction offerings
  • Engrossing thematic elements
  • Complex for new players
  • Limited base game factions
  • Can be luck-dependent
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my comprehensive review of Summoner Wars: Master Set, a game bursting with strategic battles and arcane confrontations. Prepare yourself to dive into a world where strategy reigns supreme and social interaction brings every skirmish to life. This review will scrutinize the game’s intricacies through various lenses, commencing with a focus on strategic depth and variability. Thereafter, we shall delve into the intricate dance of player interaction and engagement, which are the lifeline of this enchanting board game. So gather your courage, summon your wits, and let’s explore the wonderful complexities of Summoner Wars: Master Set.

How It Plays

Setting Up

‘Summoner Wars: Master Set’ commences with players choosing a faction, shuffling their decks, and drawing five cards. Align faction cards on the board as directed by the setup guide—your army is now ready for a strategic skirmish.


Gameplay is divided into turns comprising six phases: Draw, Summon, Play Event Cards, Move, Attack, and Build Magic. Players must adroitly manage their hand, summoning units, casting spells, and maneuvering troops to outflank opponents. Managing your magic pile—a currency accrued from fallen units—and a judicious use of your deck’s unique abilities is essential.

Winning the Game

Victory is cleanly delineated: annihilate the opposing summoner. Maneuvering through tactical battles, the game climaxes as players leverage their army and wits to orchestrate a shrewd checkmate, besieging the enemy summoner and claiming triumph.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Summoner Wars: Master Set.

Peering into the Mystical Realm

Unveiling Strategic Depth

During my countless hours diving into Summoner Wars: Master Set Review, I found my strategic prowess being tested time and again. Every decision carries weight, with each move summoning potential victory or unforeseen defeat. Playing cards isn’t merely about fighting; it’s a dance of astute resource management and foresight. Additionally, the varied factions in the Master Set each offer a unique playstyle, challenging players to adapt their strategies. Consequently, every match feels like a fresh encounter, bristling with moments of tense expectation and exhilarating play.

Embracing Variability

Furthermore, Summoner Wars thrives on its inherent variability. Not only does each faction flourish with its distinct tactical flair, but the available expansions introduce a kaleidoscope of new opportunities. Each playsession is shaded with layers of complexity, as different decks and abilities cascade into a veritable potpourri of confrontational delights. In addition, the board setup itself injects a layer of spicy variability that teases out clever positioning and area control tactics.

With the Strategic Depth and Variability canvassed, let’s slide into our next escapade: exploring Player Interaction and Engagement.

Summoner Wars: Master Set - My first game. I lost. - Credit: starfailure

Summoner Wars: A Social Battlefront

At the core of any great board game lies its ability to bring people together, compelling them to negotiate, strategize, and sometimes even betray—in a friendly way, of course. Summoner Wars: Master Set excels in this, fostering a rich environment where player interaction and engagement are pivotal. With two armies clashing on the battlefield, players must engage not just with their own tactics, but also anticipate and influence their opponent’s moves.

Engaging Tactics

In every bluff and calculated risk, this game teases out interactions that are as meaningful as they are cunning. One cannot simply win by playing cards randomly; you have to read your opponent, set traps, and carefully manage your resources, turning the game into a thrilling chess match of wits and deception.

Collaborative and Competitive

Whether you’re forging temporary alliances or straight-up confronting your adversaries, it certainly sparks a level of excitement that’s palpable around the table. Engagements are not limited to the battlefield, with players often sharing a laugh or nodding in respect after a particularly clever play has been made.

This exciting dynamic of player interaction serves as an excellent bridge into our next discussion point—how the integration of expansions can broaden the already diverse world of Summoner Wars.

Summoner Wars: Master Set - The scout. - Credit: vacekrae

Expanding the Summoner Wars Universe

In this gaming dojo, the Summoner Wars: Master Set Review would not be complete without touching upon the expansion integration. Initially, the core set stands as a beautiful, self-sufficient skirmish, yet there’s an unignorable allure to the expansion clans. Each new deck provides a fresh strategy, a wealth of new cards, spicing up the meta and challenging veterans.

Seamless Fusion of New Warriors

Importantly, integrating expansions feels as harmonious as a well-conducted orchestra. The transition adds depth, not complexity, ensuring that newcomers and seasoned players can align on the battlefield swiftly. Faction balance speaks volumes, the turning point of every skirmish now teeming with possibility.

Vast Horizons for Endless Clashes

Moreover, the potential for future combative landscapes is boundless. Platoon upon platoon of mercenaries and monsters await, signaling that this game indeed ages like a fine wine; it simply gets better over time. In closing, considering the solid foundation and visionary expansion, I emphatically nudge you towards welcoming Summoner Wars: Master Set into your collection.

Summoner Wars: Master Set - My friend Sean and I playing Summoner Wars for the first time, while his daughter looks at her father with wonder. He was triumphant.   - Credit: vacekrae


In summing up this review of Summoner Wars: Master Set, we’ve delved into the strategic depth and variability of the game, highlighting the multifaceted complexity and adaptability that it offers. Player interaction and engagement have also taken the spotlight, emphasizing the social dynamism and exhilarating moments that deeply imbue this game. The potential of expansion integration further underscores the game’s longevity and the ceaseless renewal of gameplay experiences. As I wrap up, I tip my hat to the designers for expertly balancing these elements, which as a whole, I heartily recommend to any board game enthusiast looking for a tactically rich, interactive, and expandable indulgence for their collection.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.