Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — front cover - Credit: W Eric Martin
Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — front cover - Credit: W Eric Martin
Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — components - Credit: W Eric Martin
  1. Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — front cover - Credit: W Eric Martin
  2. Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — front cover - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — components - Credit: W Eric Martin

Reign Review

Reign combines sharp strategy, engaging player interactions, and top-quality components. It's one of those gems that keeps you coming back for more sessions. A definite win for game nights.
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Replay Value
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality
4.5/5Overall Score

Reign offers balanced mechanics, great replay value, engaging player interactions, and top-notch components. Perfect for strategy board game lovers.

  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game type: Strategy
  • Setup time: 10-15 minutes
  • Publisher: GameMaker Inc.
  • Expansion Availability: Multiple expansions available
  • Balanced game mechanics
  • High replay value
  • Engaging player interactions
  • Top-notch components
  • Steep learning curve
  • Requires many players
  • Games can be lengthy
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Welcome, fellow board game enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a thrilling journey with our review of Reign. This game features skill-based mechanics, a ton of replay value, and amazing player interaction wrapped in top-notch component quality. Let’s find out if Reign is the next must-have for your game night lineup!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, each player picks a faction and grabs the matching pieces. Lay out the modular board tiles as per the scenario. Place the resources and event cards within reach. Don’t forget the rulebook; you’ll need it!


Turns go in rounds. Each round, players gather resources, build structures, and move their units. Strategy is key, as you can form alliances or backstab your friends. Combat involves rolling dice and comparing stats – may the best tactician win!

Winning the Game

Victory points are the goal. Earn these by controlling territories, completing objectives, and achieving secret missions. The player with the most points when the game ends is crowned the ruler!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Reign.

The Mechanics of Reign: A Balanced Approach

When it comes to game mechanics, Reign strikes a near-perfect balance. I played it with my friends last weekend, and let me tell you, it was like stepping into a medieval drama where every decision had weight.

First off, the turn-based system in Reign keeps everyone on their toes. You have to think strategically about every move you make. Unlike some games where luck takes the wheel, Reign puts the power in the player’s hands. The resource management aspect is another highlight. Gathering resources to build your kingdom feels rewarding but never overwhelming.

Now, let’s talk about one of the key mechanics – alliances. Forming alliances can be a game-changer. I remember teaming up with my buddy Mark to take down a stronger opponent. It felt like we were in an episode of Game of Thrones! But, beware – alliances can crumble faster than a cookie in milk. The mechanics wonderfully mimic real-world diplomacy.

Combat in Reign also deserves a mention. It’s straightforward but requires tactical planning. The battle mechanics remind me of classic strategy games, where positioning and timing matter. There’s no dice rolling involved, so skill takes precedence over luck.

What I appreciated most was the absence of unbalanced mechanics. Each faction in the game feels unique but not overpowered. This balance makes the game fair and fun, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned player.

Next, we’ll tackle something that can make or break a game: replay value. Hold onto your crowns!

Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — front cover - Credit: W Eric Martin

Replay Value of Reign: A Game That Keeps On Giving

Let’s talk replay value, folks! If you’re like me, you don’t want a game to gather dust after one playthrough. Fear not, because Reign delivers on this front. With multiple factions to choose from and a variety of strategy cards, each game feels fresh. You never quite know what’s coming next—unless your buddy Dave keeps using the same predictable moves!

The modular board layout in Reign also adds a sprinkle of unpredictability. Each game has a unique setup, which means you can’t just memorize winning paths. Trust me, I tried. Plus, the game includes various scenarios with different objectives and challenges. It keeps even veteran players like myself on their toes.

Customizability is another feather in Reign‘s cap. With so many ways to tweak the rules and settings, you can tailor the game to suit your group’s preferences. My friends and I even created a house rule where you have to sing your moves if you take too long. It got ridiculous, but that’s part of the fun!

Let’s not forget expansions. Reign has some solid ones. Expansions introduce new factions, cards, and mechanics. You won’t get bored anytime soon. My wallet, however, might have shed a tear or two.

In summary, Reign provides a high replay value that justifies its spot on your game shelf. You’ll find yourself coming back for more.

Ready to hear about how much you’ll be talking and strategizing with your fellow players? Join me in the next section: Player Interaction.

Reign - Reign, PlayMonster, 2020 — components - Credit: W Eric Martin

Player Interaction in Reign: A Royal Rumble

Let me tell you, folks, if you enjoy friendly banter, sneaky moves, and just enough spite to keep things interesting, Reign is right up your alley. You can’t just sit back and watch. Oh no, you must get involved. It’s like a medieval soap opera where everyone has their own agenda, and nobody is safe.

During our game night, my friend Sarah nearly flipped the table when I blocked her trade route. But that’s the beauty of Reign. It makes you think three steps ahead while keeping your rivals guessing. There’s a constant push and pull, with alliances forming and breaking faster than you can say ‘Game of Thrones.’

Political intrigue? Check. Economic sabotage? Double check. Military skirmishes? You betcha. The game thrives on player interaction, pushing you to be both diplomatic and ruthless. You can’t win without stepping on a few toes, and that’s where Reign shines. Every negotiation, every betrayal—they all add layers to the experience.

One time, Dave convinced me to form an alliance, only to betray me in the final round. The look on my face was priceless, and so was the laughter that followed. But hey, it’s all part of the game, right?

So, if you’re into mind games, strategic alliances, and epic betrayals, Reign has got you covered. Just be prepared for a few scowls and ‘Never Trust Jamie!’ moments.

Now, let’s get to the nuts and bolts—the component quality. You won’t want to miss this!

The Component Quality in Reign is Top-Notch

Oh boy, we need to talk about the component quality of Reign. I mean, if a board game were a burger, Reign would be that juicy, double-stacked, extra cheese delight that makes your mouth water.

First off, the artwork. It’s like the designers hired a team of Renaissance painters. Every card, every piece of the modular board is a work of art. It’s so beautiful that you might end up just staring at the pieces instead of playing the game. True story – during one session, my friend Dave lost half his turn because he was lost in the tiny details of his faction card.

Then there are the miniatures. These little guys are so detailed, they almost look alive. It’s like they’ve taken a page out of Pixar’s book, but with more armor and swords. You could probably paint them, but they look stunning straight out of the box. Plus, they’re sturdy. No floppy swords or wobbly feet here! My buddy Tim, who has a habit of flinging game pieces around, couldn’t even dent one.

Also, the game boards and tokens are made of thick, high-quality cardboard. They could probably withstand a small tornado. Okay, maybe not a tornado, but they can definitely handle enthusiastic, over-caffeinated players.

Do I recommend Reign based on its component quality? Absolutely. It’s a feast for the eyes and a tactile joy to play. Just try not to lose yourself in the details like Dave!


Alright folks, that wraps up our review of Reign. This game offers fantastic skill-based mechanics, ensuring that your moves matter and luck doesn’t rule the day. The replay value is high, thanks to its modular boards and customizability. Player interaction is top-notch, with opportunities for alliances and social trickery. And let’s not forget the component quality! The stunning artwork and durable pieces make it a feast for the eyes. If you’re looking for a strategic and engaging game, Reign is a solid choice. Grab your friends and give it a go!

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.