Navegador: Box Cover Front
Navegador - Played Navegador for the first time and enjoyed it. - Credit: moonblogger
Navegador - Navegador. 4 players. First time playing. Just before scoring. Points were 80-96-97-111. I don't remember who got what, but I was green and didn't win. - Credit: Nilssonius
Navegador - Navegador board - Credit: pic85
  1. Navegador: Box Cover Front
  2. Navegador - Played Navegador for the first time and enjoyed it. - Credit: moonblogger
  3. Navegador - Navegador. 4 players. First time playing. Just before scoring. Points were 80-96-97-111. I don't remember who got what, but I was green and didn't win. - Credit: Nilssonius
  4. Navegador - Navegador board - Credit: pic85

Navegador Review

Navegador entwines intricate resource management with thrilling exploration and a novel Roundel system, offering rich strategic depth and lively player interaction that brilliantly solidifies its standing in the gaming world.
  • Resource Management & Trade
  • Exploration & Colony Establishment
  • Roundel Action Selection System
  • Social Interaction & Engagement
4/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Navegador inspires strategy with mechanics, trade, exploration, and innovative Roundel to foster dynamic player engagement.

  • Number of players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 12+
  • Game Type: Strategy/Economic
  • Designer: Mac Gerdts
  • Publisher: PD-Verlag
  • Initial Release: 2010
  • Mechanics: Rondel, Area Control, Commodities
  • Strategic depth
  • Innovative Roundel system
  • Engaging player interaction
  • Rich exploration theme
  • Can be complex
  • Long gameplay duration
  • Limited player direct conflict
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to this Navegador Review, where we’ll set sail through the robust mechanics and lively interaction of this navigational board game. Designed by Mac Gerdts and taking us back to the Age of Discovery, Navegador invites players to take the helm of a burgeoning empire, seeking new horizons. From meticulous resource management to the thrill of exploration, down to the remarkably smooth Roundel action selection system, we’ll chart a course through the game’s sea of features. Grab your compasses, fellow explorers, as we delve into what makes Navegador a treasure in the board gaming world.

How It Plays

Navegador thrusts players into a strategic experience of exploration, trade, and empire building during the Age of Discovery. Understanding its core mechanics is very much like charting a path through previously untraveled waters. Let’s dive into the basic flow of the game, covering the crucial phases of setting up, gameplay mechanics, and ultimately winning.

Setting Up

Every grand voyage begins at the harbor, with the setup. Distribute the ships, workers, and building tokens among players. The game board should be arrayed with the available market commodities, colonies, and privileges. The starting player is determined, and everyone positions their marker on the Rondel, ready to embark on their journey of discovery.


Gameplay in Navegador revolves around the Rondel – a circular action selection track. Each turn, players must navigate this track, consciously choosing how far to move their piece to perform actions such as sailing, trading, or building. These decisions must balance short-term gains against long-term strategy, as each move excludes options until the ship circles back.

Winning the Game

Victory in Navegador is an elegant balance of economic manpower, worldly exploration, and colonial dominance. As players traverse the world and interact with varying markets, they accumulate points through buildings, colonies, and investments in the church. When the game ends, usually after two piles of player tokens are depleted, the wealthiest navigator is declared the winner, their legacy cemented in the annals of naval history.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Navegador.

Navigating Wealth in Navegador: Mastering Resources and Trade

In this Navegador Review, one cannot simply ignore the pivotal role that resource management and trade play. Indeed, handling your resources judiciously offers a voyage through delightfully tense decision-making waters. Initially, it may feel overwhelming, but that’s where the magic happens—you’ll find yourself relentlessly drawn back to refine your strategy and navigate that vast sea of economic possibilities.

The Art of Accumulation

Consistently, you’ll balance the acquisition of sugar, gold, and spices, assessing their value against the fluctuating market. Remarkably, the market isn’t just an abstract concept: it’s an adversarial battleground where every player’s action ripples through the economy. Notably, judicious players will recognize the artful dance — synchronize your commodity collection with their ebb and flow in the market, thus maximizing your profits.

Trading Winds: Sails to Sales

Success in Navegador often hinges on knowing when to pivot from resource accumulation to seizing the mantle of trade supremacy. Astute trading proves obligatory; hence it’s exciting to engage in the kind of commerce that can decisively turn the tide of the game. Everything imprisons your attention—the exhilarating auctions for colonies, ships, and buildings—all demanding you synchronize cerebral planning with spontaneous strategic gambits.

The game’s synergy between resource management and its trade dynamics culminates in a board gaming experience where every choice signals the rise or fall of empires. Brace yourselves: in the next section, we delve into the uncharted realms of Exploration and colony establishment.

Navegador - Played Navegador for the first time and enjoyed it. - Credit: moonblogger

Charting New Waters: The Thrill of Discovery

Every bold venture begins with Madiera and unwraps excitement as you progress in Navegador. The players enthusiastically spread sails to claim riches and glory across new lands in raw and captivating expeditions. As you press forward, foreign coastlines transform into bustling colonies. This mechanic isn’t just about slapping your flag down; it’s a nuanced dance of timing and opportunity. Here, we find tension, risk, and the tantalizing promise of exotic resources fueling your trade empire.

Plant Your Flag, Seize Opportunity

In this epoch of discovery, claiming territory is a spine-tingling race. Players endeavor to found colonies, mastering a potent blend of foresight and strategy that immerses you deeply in the age of exploration. By adeptly navigating unchartered waters, you can leave your marks – profitable colonies, which pivot your journey from discovery to domination.

Converting the Unfamiliar into Fortune

Your new-world footholds serve as pieces in an economic symphony that unfolds upon the game board. The implementation of colonies within Navegador drives social interaction as players contest for these pivotal spaces; victories earn more than just profit—they forge your narrative within the history of navigation. Exploration begets establishment—setting the stage for the ingeniously intertwined Roundel action selection system to take center stage, elevating strategy to new heights.

The Heart of Strategy: Roundel Action Selection

In my Navegador Review, the Roundel action selection system deserves a spotlight for its brilliance in blending simplicity with strategic depth. First off, let’s debunk the illusion: the Roundel isn’t a mere novelty; it dictates the pace and complexity of Navegador’s gameplay. It is within this circular arena where players face a brilliant mechanic of choice and limitation.

Choice-Driven Gameplay

Every turn, players are offered a smorgasbord of actions but can move only one to three spaces on the Roundel, striking a delicate balance between forward planning and opportunistic adaptation. As turns evolve, so must your strategies. Seamlessly, players must reassess their position, crafting an intricate dance with the economy of moves available to them.

Constraints Breed Creativity

Interestingly, it’s the constraint that forces players into tactical geniuses. You’re constantly making hard decisions: whether to push for an action that benefits your long-term strategy or adapt to the shifting sands of immediate needs and opponents’ moves. This mechanic invites enlivened table discussions, rewarding plotting and even temporary alliances, all while keeping every player engaged and attentive. Indeed, through the Roundel, Navegador transforms would-be mundane actions into compelling narratives of maritime mastery.

Finishing a playthrough leads me to this conclusion: the Roundel action selection system drives Navegador’s pulse, painting a colorful picture of navigation and empire expansion unlike any other. For its elegant way of merging strategy with player interaction emanating from a single, circular track, it gets my firm recommendation, turning each session into an enthralling conquest for seasoned explorers and new players alike.

Navegador - Navegador board - Credit: pic85


Concluding our deep dive, Navegador stands out as a brilliant example of strategic board gaming, harmoniously blending resource management and exploration with an innovative Roundel action system. Its ability to encourage players to think ahead, while adapting to the fluid economy of the game, makes it both challenging and rewarding. Whether you’re a fan of meticulous planning or dynamic market conditions, the mechanics at play are sure to captivate. Though the themes and graphics aren’t the stars of the show, they are sufficiantly represented to enhance the overall experience. Navegador is a game that embraces complexity without overwhelming, and the social dynamics it creates guarantee each play through is as engaging as the last. This review highly recommends setting sail with Navegador for gardeners of player-led strategy and interaction.

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.