King: Box Cover Front

King Review

‘King’ offers engaging gameplay and solid replay value but struggles with balance. The components are top-notch. Ideal for those who relish strategic depth but can be a bit lengthy.
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Player interaction
  • Component quality
  • Replayability
4/5Overall Score

‘King’ offers engaging gameplay, superb components, but balance issues. Ideal for strategy lovers, yet a bit lengthy.

  • Number of Players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 12+
  • Game Type: Strategy
  • Publisher: Royal Games Inc.
  • Year Published: 2022
  • Components: Cards, Tokens, Game Board
  • Setup Time: 10 minutes
  • Engaging gameplay
  • Superb components
  • Great replayability
  • Strategic depth
  • Balance issues
  • Lengthy gameplay
  • Forced interaction
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Ever had one of those nights where you want to feel like royalty without actually needing a crown? Well, you’re in luck! This is a review of the board game, King. From its engaging mechanics to its splendid component quality, ‘King’ aims to deliver an experience fit for a monarch. But how does it fare in the court of gameplay and balance? Does it keep players engaged, or are there more lows than highs? Let’s see if this game truly earns its title.

How It Plays

Setting Up

To set up ‘King’, place the game board in the center and give each player a set of tokens. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal five to each player. Place the remaining cards in a draw pile. Each player takes one coin.


Players take turns clockwise. On your turn, you can draw a card, play a card, or use a token to perform actions. Cards have different effects, such as gaining coins or drawing extra cards. Use strategy to block opponents or gain advantages.

Winning the Game

The game ends when a player collects a set number of coins, usually dictated by the player count. The player with the most coins at the end wins and is crowned the ‘King’!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for King.

Gameplay Mechanics and Balance in ‘King’

When it comes to board games, the mechanics and balance can make or break the experience. ‘King’ hits some high notes but stumbles in a few places. Picture yourself as a medieval ruler, plotting your way to the throne. Sounds fun, right? Well, hold onto your crown, because the gameplay can be a bit tricky.

The core mechanic in ‘King’ revolves around resource management and strategic decision-making. You’ll be collecting resources, building structures, and making alliances. This part works like a charm. It feels rewarding when you manage to outsmart your friends and pull off a brilliant move. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of triumphant moments in ‘King.’ I once built a fortress that thwarted everyone’s plans—a feeling that’s hard to beat.

However, the game’s balance could use some work. Some strategies seem far more effective than others, making the game feel one-sided at times. For instance, if you get a head start in resource collection, you can snowball your way to victory with little effort. This can lead to unbalanced gameplay, leaving other players feeling like they never stood a chance. I remember a game night where one friend got a lucky break early on and it felt like we were just playing catch-up the entire time. Not fun.

Luck is another issue. While most of the game relies on strategy, there are just enough random events to throw a wrench in your plans. Sometimes it feels like you’re at the mercy of the game’s whims rather than your own cunning. Like that time I had the perfect plan, only for a random event to wreck it all. Very frustrating.

Overall, ‘King’ has engaging mechanics but struggles with balance. Next, let’s talk about how players interact and stay engaged during the game!

Player Interaction and Engagement in ‘King’

Alright, let’s chat about player interaction and engagement in ‘King’. Picture this: it’s game night, and you and your friends are ready to claim the throne. ‘King’ thrives on player interaction. There’s a lot of scheming, bargaining, and, if you’re like me, some good old-fashioned backstabbing. The game forces you to talk to each other, make alliances, and break them when it suits you.

One time, my buddy Mike was so deep into his character that he actually wore a crown for the entire game. It was hilarious until he got too into it and started making royal decrees. The fun in ‘King’ comes from these moments. The game gives you chances to outwit and outplay your friends, and boy, do you feel like a genius when your plan works.

However, not everything is perfect in the kingdom. Sometimes, the player interaction can feel forced. There are moments when everyone is waiting for someone to make a move. These pauses can break the flow and make the game feel longer than it should. When players are not engaging, it turns into a game of waiting rather than playing.

Despite these hiccups, the game shines when everyone is involved. The dynamic changes with the number of players, and it’s more fun with a bigger group. If everyone’s in character and ready to play, ‘King’ can be a blast.

Next, I’ll sharpen my quill and delve into the realm of Component quality and design. Prepare to be dazzled.

Component Quality and Design of ‘King’

‘King’ comes with a heap of components. The first thing I noticed was the artwork. It’s vibrant, colorful, and gives the game a majestic feel. The illustrations are top-notch. You can tell they didn’t skimp on the art budget here. The box itself is sturdy too. No flimsy cardboard here! The pieces inside feel nice and weighty. They lay flat on the board without that annoying curling-up, which drives me crazy in cheaper games.

Now, let’s chat about the cards. The quality is better than expected. I’ve played games where the cards start to fray after a few shuffles. Not ‘King’. These babies can endure some rough handling. Plus, the thickness is just right. Not too thin, not too chunky.

The game board is another story. It unfolds smoothly and lies flat without any weird bumps. The design is clear and organized. No squinting to figure out what’s what. The icons and text are easy to read, even for my friend Danny, who always forgets his glasses.

My only gripe? The storage. There’s a lot of components, and getting them back in the box is like playing Tetris. I ended up using ziplock bags to sort everything out. A better in-box organizer could have taken this to the next level.

But all in all, ‘King’ nails it with component quality and design. It’s clear that a lot of thought went into making a visually stunning and durable game.

Next, I’ll share my thoughts on replayability and game length. You wouldn’t want to miss that!

Replayability and Game Length: How Does ‘King’ Measure Up?

Let’s talk about ‘King’ and its replayability. You know a game is good when you keep coming back to it, right? ‘King’ gets a solid thumbs up for replay value. Every game feels a bit different due to the varied strategies you can use. I’ve had some epic rematches with friends where alliances were formed and broken faster than you can say ‘Checkmate!’

However, let’s not ignore the elephant in the room: game length. ‘King’ can stretch on, especially if you and your buddies are prone to analysis paralysis (yes, Sarah, I’m looking at you!). The box says it takes about 60 minutes, but in reality, it often feels like you’ve been playing for centuries. That’s not necessarily a bad thing if you’re in for the long haul, but if you’re looking for a quick game night, proceed with caution.

So, should you add ‘King’ to your game night rotation? If you love deep strategy and don’t mind investing some time, absolutely. The variety in gameplay and the potential for long, engrossing sessions make it a hit for strategy lovers. However, if your group prefers shorter games with quick turnarounds, you might want to consider something else.

Ultimately, I give ‘King’ a solid recommendation. Just make sure you have the right crowd and a bit of patience, and you’ll have a regal time!


This concludes the review of ‘King’. The game has fantastic artwork and sturdy components, making it a joy to handle. The engaging mechanics and required player interaction make it a fun experience, especially with more players. However, the balance can sometimes feel off, leading to frustration. Its great replayability will keep strategy lovers coming back, though its game length might not appeal to everyone. Overall, ‘King’ is a solid game with a few quirks but offers royal fun for those willing to deal with them.

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.