Goodwill: Box Cover Front

Goodwill Review

'Goodwill' offers stellar components and strategic gameplay, with clear rules and good replayability. Minor luck and length issues aside, it's a strong contender for your game night. Highly recommended!
  • Gameplay
  • Components
  • Replayability
  • Luck Factor
4/5Overall Score

'Goodwill' offers strategic gameplay, top-notch components, and replayability. Minor luck and time drawbacks, but highly recommended overall.

  • Number of players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 12+
  • Game Type: Strategy, Trading
  • Setup Time: 10-15 minutes
  • Publisher: GameMakers Inc.
  • Release Date: 2023
  • Strategic gameplay
  • High replayability
  • Excellent components
  • Clear rulebook
  • Minor luck issues
  • Long game sessions
  • Slight balance concerns
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Hey folks! Jamie here with another review, and this time we’re talking about ‘Goodwill‘. If you’re into trading and alliances, this might be for you. We’ll look at the gameplay mechanics, components, fun factor, and more. Grab your meeples and let’s get started!

How It Plays

Setting up

To start ‘Goodwill’, each player picks a character and gets their matching pieces. Set up the board based on the number of players. Deal everyone their starting resources and coins.


The game unfolds in turns. Each turn, players barter, trade, and form alliances. Gather resources and coins to complete tasks. Mind your strategy, as the market’s always changing.

Winning the game

The game ends after a set number of rounds or when a player completes all their tasks. The player with the most resources and coins wins.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Goodwill.

Gameplay Mechanics and Balance in ‘Goodwill’

Ah, ‘Goodwill’! This game became the star of our Friday night board game marathon. It’s all about negotiating, trading, and backstabbing your friends—and what’s not to like about that? The core mechanics revolve around players forming alliances and trading resources to achieve their goals. Trust me, watching my buddy Dave try to weasel his way out of a bad trade was worth every minute.

The game shines by making everyone feel like they have a chance at victory right up until the end. A well-balanced game keeps everyone engaged, and ‘Goodwill’ nails it. No one ever felt completely out of the game. Now, let’s talk balance. Balance is a tricky thing, but the designers did a solid job here. The game gives everyone similar starting resources, and the rule set doesn’t overly favor one strategy. I’ve seen both aggressive and diplomatic approaches win. Thank goodness, because I hate games where one tactic always wins—total snooze fest.

That being said, ‘Goodwill’ isn’t perfect. Luck can play a role, especially with card draws. During one game, poor Sarah just couldn’t draw the one card she needed. It didn’t ruin the fun, but it reminded us that a dash of luck is still in the mix. Because of that, I’d rate it a 4 out of 5 stars—great, but not flawless.

Stay tuned because next I’m diving into the game components and quality. Spoiler: the pieces are so pretty, you’ll want to keep them in a display case!

Game Components and Quality: A Look at Goodwill’s Pieces

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of Goodwill‘s components. First off, the game board. It’s sturdy and has a really nice finish. Not that I’m sniffing it or anything, but it does have that new board game smell. The artwork is vibrant, making the whole experience feel inviting and exciting.

The cards are next up on our list. They have a nice weight to them and aren’t too slippery. This is key because nobody likes it when cards slide everywhere. The designs on the cards match the theme of the game beautifully. If I had a nickel for every time my friend Dave commented on the cute illustrations, I’d be rolling in nickels.

The tokens and player pieces are solid. They’re made from thick cardboard, and they feel like they can survive a tumble off the table. Trust me, I tested that last bit when my cat decided the table was her new runway.

Now, the rulebook. It’s clear and concise, with plenty of pictures to guide you through the setup and gameplay. There were a couple of moments where we scratched our heads, but those were few and far between.

Overall, the quality of Goodwill‘s components is top-notch. It’s obvious that a lot of thought and care went into the design and production. I’m a bit of a stickler for quality, so seeing this level of detail gets a big thumbs up from me.

Next up, we’ll chat about the fun factor and replayability of Goodwill. Spoiler alert: it’s a rollercoaster of fun!

Fun Factor and Replayability in Goodwill

Alright, let’s talk fun. ‘Goodwill’ has plenty of it! Picture this: Friday night, a group of friends, and some snacks. We played ‘Goodwill’ and laughed ourselves silly. The game’s mix of strategy and negotiation kept us on our toes. Alliances formed, broken promises were many, and we had fun all around.

One great thing about ‘Goodwill’ is the replayability. You won’t get bored easily. The game offers multiple strategies to win and each playthrough feels different. Do you hoard resources, or do you trade like there’s no tomorrow? The choice is yours, and it makes each game unique.

Another thing that adds to the fun is the social interaction. Talking, bargaining, and sometimes even tricking your friends is a blast. Nothing beats that moment when you outsmart someone, only to see their surprised face. Plus, the game handles multiple players well, so no one feels left out.

However, a small downside is that games can sometimes drag if players overthink their moves. Some of my friends are known analysis-paralysis enthusiasts, and it extended our sessions a bit more than I’d like. But hey, more time to munch on snacks, right?

Replayability? Check. Fun factor? Double check. ‘Goodwill’ is a solid choice for game nights.

Next up: Let’s see how easy ‘Goodwill’ is to learn and if the rulebook is friend or foe.

Rulebook Clarity and Learning Curve in Goodwill

When my pals and I sat down to play Goodwill, we expected some head-scratching moments. Rulebooks can be like a never-ending manual on how to assemble Swedish furniture. But hold on to your meeples, folks, because Goodwill surprised us!

First, let’s chat about the rulebook itself. It’s well-organized, with clear headings and subheadings, making it easy to flip through for quick answers. The language is simple enough that even my friend Dave, who once lost a game of tic-tac-toe to a chicken, could understand. And trust me, that’s saying something.

Another thing I loved was the use of examples and diagrams. The rulebook has plenty of illustrations that show how different game mechanics work. If you’re more of a visual learner, like me, you’ll appreciate these little nuggets of clarity. It’s like having a friend sit next to you, guiding you through the first round. No more guessing games!

As for the learning curve, Goodwill gets a solid thumbs-up. The game introduces concepts gradually, so you won’t feel overwhelmed from the start. Our first game went smoothly, and by the second round, we were all strategizing like pros. While the game offers depth, it never feels like you’re drowning in complexity.

In summary, the rulebook of Goodwill is clear and user-friendly, with a gentle learning curve that keeps the game accessible and fun. Do I recommend Goodwill? Absolutely! Grab your friends, some snacks, and dive into this delightful game!


So, there you have it! ‘Goodwill’ nails the balance between trading and alliances, offers top-notch components, and guarantees unique playthroughs every time. While it might have minor luck issues and long game sessions, it’s still a solid pick for any game night. The rulebook is clear, and the learning curve won’t make your brain explode. Concluding the review, I highly recommend giving ‘Goodwill’ a whirl!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.