Fire in the Lake: Box Cover Front
Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake, Insurgency in Vietnam, GMT Games, Components - Credit: FortyOne
Fire in the Lake - While the battle for Tay Ninh continues to dominate the attention of ARVN troops and police, several cadres of VC guerrillas take the opportunity to enter, with force, into a lightly defended Saigon. - Credit: Jobermallow
Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake - Insurgency in Vietnam by GMT Games. COIN Series, Volume IV - Credit: rexbinary
Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake Medium Campaign- about 2/3 the way through. - Credit: Jobermallow
Fire in the Lake - The NVA slips past the DMZ. - Credit: The Innocent
Fire in the Lake - Infiltrators in Saigon! - Credit: The Innocent
Fire in the Lake - The developing capabilities of the USA. - Credit: The Innocent
Fire in the Lake - The NVA masses along the border. - Credit: The Innocent
Fire in the Lake - Staring each other down across the highlands. - Credit: The Innocent
  1. Fire in the Lake: Box Cover Front
  2. Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake, Insurgency in Vietnam, GMT Games, Components - Credit: FortyOne
  3. Fire in the Lake - While the battle for Tay Ninh continues to dominate the attention of ARVN troops and police, several cadres of VC guerrillas take the opportunity to enter, with force, into a lightly defended Saigon. - Credit: Jobermallow
  4. Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake - Insurgency in Vietnam by GMT Games. COIN Series, Volume IV - Credit: rexbinary
  5. Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake Medium Campaign- about 2/3 the way through. - Credit: Jobermallow
  6. Fire in the Lake - The NVA slips past the DMZ. - Credit: The Innocent
  7. Fire in the Lake - Infiltrators in Saigon! - Credit: The Innocent
  8. Fire in the Lake - The developing capabilities of the USA. - Credit: The Innocent
  9. Fire in the Lake - The NVA masses along the border. - Credit: The Innocent
  10. Fire in the Lake - Staring each other down across the highlands. - Credit: The Innocent

Fire in the Lake Review

Fire in the Lake revolutionizes the war game terrain with its richly woven tapestry of counterinsurgency operations, offering unparalleled asymmetry and masterful social negotiations that propel strategic depth to impressive heights.

  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Asymmetric Strategies
  • Social Interaction
  • Replayability
4.5/5Overall Score

Fire in the Lake review: great design, enthralling factions, rich social play. Complex, rewarding gameplay. Highly recommend.

  • Number of players: 1-4
  • Playing Time: 3-6 hours
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game Type: War Game, Strategy, Card-Driven
  • Game Theme: Vietnam War, Historical
  • Complexity: High
  • Release Year: 2014
  • Strategic depth and complexity
  • Rich historical theme immersion
  • Engaging asymmetric gameplay
  • Encourages social interaction
  • Complex ruleset
  • Long playtime
  • Dense strategy
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to a riveting jaunt into the heart of Vietnam. Our Fire in the Lake review will guide you through the dense underbrush of its robust counterinsurgency mechanics while tossing into the air the subtle yet fiery essence of asymmetric warfare that the game presents. As we cross rivers and treck along the Ho Chi Minh trail with our respective factions, you’ll get more than just a rundown—it’s about the really personal swing of play that entertains, irritates, and thoroughly engages. So buckle up for a strategic joyride laced with the art of negotiation and shrewd scheming where hearts and minds are won or lost—both on and off the board.

How It Plays

‘Fire in the Lake’ is a tour-de-force when it’s about simulation of political, military, and socio-economic elements during the Vietnam War. Let’s go through a whirlwind tour of getting it to the table.

Setting up

Setting the stage involves each player choosing a faction — the US, NVA, ARVN, or the VC — and arranging a multitude of components. Cards, pieces, and the board must be laid out according to the detailed steps in the rule book to ensure historical accuracy and a balanced beginning for all players.


The game progresses via card-driven mechanics that dictate actions available to each faction on their turn. The interplay of unique faction abilities and the dual use cards offers a complex strategic experience. Much like actual military strategy, one must negotiate and adapt continuously as the war landscape shifts.

Winning the Game

Victory is as nuanced as the war itself; each faction has specific win conditions that hinge not only on military dominance but also political influence and control of resources. Constant vigilance and precision are paramount to outmaneuvering your adversaries and claiming success.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Fire in the Lake.

Delving into the Quagmire of Counterinsurgency

Counterinsurgency games, like the recent forays I’ve embarked on while playing Fire in the Lake, stipulate a cerebral tug-of-war quite unlike any other. Complex Strategies Unfold Additionally, the iterative nuances of resource management, intertwined with military and political maneuvers, keep every session taut with anticipation. Intriguingly, during one memorable game night, a friend’s unimaginable comeback underscored counterinsurgency’s unpredictable nature, elevating the evening to legend-status among our group.

Now, transitioning fluidly, the pivotal COIN series mechanics within these games—especially in Fire in the Lake review play-throughs—have reached a zenith of strategic debt. Collaborative Tension Furthermore, nodding towards the vast landscapes of Vietnam, nestled alliances seductively suggest cooperation only to unravel spectacularly amidst conflicting victory conditions. Consequently, my board gaming conclaves buzz with debate, victors and vanquished unified in contemplative respect for the game’s complexity.

Admittedly, our pendulum of post-session debates finds equilibrium at the discussions of Asymmetric faction strategies.

Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake, Insurgency in Vietnam, GMT Games, Components - Credit: FortyOne

Mastering Asymmetry in ‘Fire in the Lake’

Every session of ‘Fire in the Lake’ encapsulates the diversity of guerrilla warfare with finesse. I recall one evening, the tension palpable, as we each assumed our roles in Vietnam’s theater of war. Understanding each faction’s strategy was like learning four games at once—a remarkable brain exercise.

NVA: Conventional Power

The North Vietnamese Army’s might on the field, with options to perform overt operations, felt imposing. I reveled in mobilizing troops, projecting strength in both territorial control and psychological warfare against my opponents.

The Elusive VC

Meanwhile, playing the Viet Cong demanded subtlety and opportunism, disrupting others indirectly. I found joy in guerrilla tactics—crafting a network of underground support that proved pivotal later on in the game.

The complexities of asymmetric play act as a prelude for our next deep dive: the nuances of social interaction and diplomacy.

Fire in the Lake - While the battle for Tay Ninh continues to dominate the attention of ARVN troops and police, several cadres of VC guerrillas take the opportunity to enter, with force, into a lightly defended Saigon. - Credit: Jobermallow

Building Bridges While Burning Fields

Let’s weave through the nuanced brushstrokes of Fire in the Lake’s complex landscape of diplomacy. Moreover, it’s the essence of any session, the raw fuel feeding the fire of strategic skirmishes. In a recent game, as the NVA, I opened channels with the ARVN, desperately negotiating temporary cease-fires. These tiny truces often crumbled like dry leaves under the march of territorial conquest.

Subtle Alliances, Dramatic Betrayals

The throbbing pulse of the game lies within its fragile coalitions. Just last week, while allying with the US to quash a Viet Cong uprising, I couldn’t help but marvel at the political undercurrents influencing our move sets. Fostering these shifting alliances twisted every tactical consideration into diplomatic pretzels, tangling our objectives marvelously.

Heart of the Negotiation

Steeped in historical significance, the game encourages players to dive headfirst into negotiating vaudevilles. As my friends and I brokered tentative deals around a kitchen table, it struck me that what’s truly awe-inspiring is the discourse birthed from necessity. We weren’t just pushing cardboard and flipping cards; we were redefining the boundaries of our understanding and camaraderie, round by round.

All told, for those whose souls are ensnared by strategy and repartee, I fervently advocate kindling a ‘Fire in the Lake’.

Fire in the Lake - Fire in the Lake - Insurgency in Vietnam by GMT Games. COIN Series, Volume IV - Credit: rexbinary


In the realm of strategic board games, Fire in the Lake decisively stands out with weighted complexity, a robust blend of mechanics, and riveting social interplay. Its asymmetrical gameplay rewards cognitive tenacity and strategic finesse, ensuring that each role’s path to victory is distinct yet harmoniously interwoven with the larger tapestry of war. The game achieves an understanding of historical intricacy through immersive player interaction, strategy, and historical reflection. With emphasis on counterinsurgency operations that go one notch above sheer warfare into the deep waters of soft influence and power dynamics, this coin series magnificently exemplifies the harmony of theme and systems. As we wrap up this review, my recommendation stands tall; these lakes of fire are well worth the dive for strategy connoisseurs and die-hard gamers seeking a group challenge or even as a considerate venture into simulation for history enthusiasts.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.