Fantasy Realms: Box Cover Front
Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Realms, WizKids, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fantasy Realms - Kleine Partie - Credit: pintman
Fantasy Realms - Some things are more important than victory. - Credit: Asmor
Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Realms (Version Galápagos) - Credit: brunocarvalho
  1. Fantasy Realms: Box Cover Front
  2. Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Realms, WizKids, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Fantasy Realms - Kleine Partie - Credit: pintman
  4. Fantasy Realms - Some things are more important than victory. - Credit: Asmor
  5. Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Realms (Version Galápagos) - Credit: brunocarvalho

Fantasy Realms Review

"Fantasy Realms combines captivating gameplay mechanics, stunning art, and high replay value, ensuring an enjoyable gaming experience that keeps players fully engaged and coming back for more."
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Art and design
  • Replay value
  • Overall enjoyment
4.8/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Fantasy Realms is an immersive and engaging game that offers strategic depth, stunning art and design, and endless replay value. The gameplay mechanics keep players fully engaged, as they strategically build their realms using synergistic card combinations. The captivating visuals and thematic consistency enhance the overall gaming experience, while the replay value is expanded through expansions and dynamic player interactions. Overall, Fantasy Realms provides a delightful and memorable experience for players of all backgrounds, making it a must-have addition to any board game collection.

  • Number of players: 2-6 players
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Game Complexity: Medium
  • Card Count: 53 cards
  • Game Designer: Bruce Glassco
  • Immersive gameplay
  • Stunning art and design
  • High replay value
  • Flexible player count
  • Game complexity for some
  • Limited card count
  • Age recommendation may exclude younger players
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to our review of Fantasy Realms, a captivating and immersive game that transports players into a fantasy world filled with strategic challenges and endless adventures. In this review, we will delve into the gameplay mechanics, art and design, replay value, and overall enjoyment that this game has to offer. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through a realm of fantasy, where every decision counts and every card played can determine your fate. Let’s dive in and explore what makes Fantasy Realms a must-play game for enthusiasts of all backgrounds!

How It Plays

Setting Up

To start a game of Fantasy Realms, shuffle the deck of cards and deal seven cards to each player. Place the remaining cards face-down in a draw pile. Each player will also have a designated scoring area to keep track of their points. Once set up, players are ready to embark on their journey in the fantasy realm.


Fantasy Realms is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of drawing a card and discarding a card. On their turn, players either draw the top card from the draw pile or select a card from the discard pile. Players must then decide whether to add the drawn or discarded card to their realm, replacing one of their existing cards, or to discard it. The goal is to strategically build a hand of cards with the highest possible point value based on their individual abilities and interactions.

Winning the Game

The game ends when the draw pile is depleted, or when a preset number of rounds is completed. Players then calculate the total point value of their cards in hand and their realm itself. The player with the highest total points is declared the winner of the game. Strategies such as collecting specific card combinations, focusing on certain card types, or countering opponent’s moves can greatly increase the chances of achieving victory.

In summary, the gameplay of Fantasy Realms involves strategically selecting, arranging, and optimizing the combination of cards in your realm to maximize point value. Each decision is crucial, as it can affect both your own score and the opportunities available to other players. Stay focused, adapt to changing circumstances, and use your cards wisely to claim victory in the fantasy realm!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Fantasy Realms.

Fantasy Realms: Exploring the Mechanics that Make the Game an Engaging Experience

The Interactive Strategy

The gameplay mechanics of Fantasy Realms provide players with a captivating and interactive strategy experience. From the moment the game begins, players are immersed in a world of fantasy and adventure as they navigate through a series of powerful cards and unique abilities. Each turn becomes a thrilling opportunity to strategically build their realms and outsmart their opponents.

Dynamic Card Combinations

In Fantasy Realms, gameplay revolves around building a hand of cards that work synergistically to create powerful combinations. The game offers a wide variety of card types featuring different creatures, artifacts, and spells – each with its own special abilities and effects. The strategic depth lies in discovering and deploying the most advantageous combination of cards to gain an upper hand.

Constant Decision-Making

Throughout gameplay, players are presented with a constant stream of decisions to make. Every card drawn, discarded, or played offers strategic opportunities that require careful consideration. With each decision, players must weigh the potential benefits against the risks and anticipate their opponents’ moves, creating an engrossing and thought-provoking experience.

Emergent Gameplay Dynamics

An exciting aspect of Fantasy Realms is the emergent gameplay dynamics that result from its mechanics. The game adapts seamlessly to the actions of players, keeping everyone engaged and putting every decision under scrutiny. As the game progresses, unexpected card combinations may arise, leading to exhilarating moments of triumph or devastating setbacks.

The intriguing gameplay mechanics of Fantasy Realms open up a realm of endless strategic possibilities, keeping players fully engaged in every turn. But the excitement doesn’t stop there. Now let’s delve into the next section, where we explore the captivating world of Art and Design in Fantasy Realms!

Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Realms, WizKids, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

The Exquisite Art and Design of Fantasy Realms: Immersion and Visual Appeal

Captivating Visuals

When it comes to art and design, Fantasy Realms exceeds expectations with its captivating visuals. From the intricate card illustrations to the beautifully crafted game components, every element is filled with artistic detail and imagination. The vibrant colors, stunning landscapes, and fantastical creatures transport players into a visually stunning world where imagination runs wild.

Illustration Mastery

One of the standout features of Fantasy Realms’ art and design is the mastery of illustration showcased in the game. Each card is carefully crafted with attention to detail, showcasing the talents of the artists involved. The illustrations not only bring the gameplay to life but also add depth to the storytelling aspect of the game, immersing players in the captivating lore of the fantasy realm.

Thematic Consistency

The art and design of Fantasy Realms maintain a high level of thematic consistency throughout the game. Every component, from the card designs to the game board, is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of immersion and connection to the fantasy world. This consistency enhances the overall gameplay experience, making players feel like they are an integral part of the story unfolding before them.

User-Friendly Layout

Not only does Fantasy Realms boast stunning visuals, the game also features a user-friendly layout that enhances gameplay. The design of the cards and game components is intuitive, making it easy for players to understand and navigate the various elements of the game. This thoughtful design choice ensures that players can fully focus on strategizing and enjoying the gameplay without any distractions.

The art and design of Fantasy Realms elevate the gaming experience to new heights, capturing the attention and immersing players in a visually enchanting world. But the allure doesn’t end here. In the next section, we will explore the engaging Replay Value of Fantasy Realms and how it keeps players coming back for more!

Fantasy Realms - Kleine Partie - Credit: pintman

The Endless Adventures of Fantasy Realms: Exploring the Exciting Replay Value

Unlimited Replayability

Fantasy Realms offers a remarkable level of replay value that keeps players coming back for more. With its dynamic gameplay mechanics and varied card combinations, no two games are ever the same. Every playthrough presents new strategic challenges and opportunities, ensuring that each gaming session feels fresh and exciting.

Strategic Depth and Complexity

The replay value of Fantasy Realms is heightened by its strategic depth and complexity. The game offers multiple paths to victory, and every decision matters. There is always room for players to refine their strategies, explore different card combinations, and experiment with new approaches. The depth of gameplay ensures that every playthrough is a unique and engaging experience.

Expansions and Variants

Fantasy Realms also expands its replay value through the release of expansions and variants. These additions introduce new cards, mechanics, and gameplay options that inject new life into the game. Whether it’s a new expansion set with additional creatures and abilities or a variant that introduces a different gameplay twist, these additional content options provide endless possibilities for replaying the game.

Dynamic Player Interactions

What truly sets Fantasy Realms apart in terms of replay value is its dynamic player interactions. The game’s mechanics encourage interaction and rivalry among players, resulting in ever-changing dynamics, unexpected outcomes, and memorable moments. The thrill of outsmarting opponents or witnessing a surprising turn of events adds a layer of excitement and replayability that keeps players engaged and eager to play again.

The replay value of Fantasy Realms elevates it to a game that can be enjoyed over and over again, offering endless adventures and surprises. But the fun doesn’t stop here! In the next section, we will dive into the topic of Overall Enjoyment, exploring how the combination of gameplay mechanics, art and design, and replay value makes Fantasy Realms a truly captivating and beloved game!

Fantasy Realms - Some things are more important than victory. - Credit: Asmor

The Ultimate Delight: Embracing the Overall Enjoyment of Fantasy Realms

Fantasy Realms is a game that successfully combines engaging gameplay mechanics, exquisite art and design, intriguing replay value to provide an overall enjoyable gaming experience. With its captivating visuals, strategic depth, and limitless possibilities, it is no wonder that this game is beloved by players of all backgrounds and gaming preferences.

Immersive Gameplay Experience

Fantasy Realms offers an immersive gameplay experience that draws players into a fantasy world filled with adventure and intrigue. The game’s mechanics keep players engaged and on their toes as they strategize, make challenging decisions, and interact with other players. Each turn brings new possibilities and unexpected twists, heightening the excitement and keeping players fully immersed in the game.

Social Interaction and Rivalry

Another aspect of overall enjoyment in Fantasy Realms is the social interaction and friendly rivalry it fosters. Whether playing with friends, family, or fellow gaming enthusiasts, the game encourages lively conversations and gameplay banter. The thrill of challenging opponents, predicting their moves, and showcasing strategic prowess adds an extra level of enjoyment to the gaming experience.

Memorable Moments and Revisiting Successes

The moments created while playing Fantasy Realms are not easily forgotten. Every game is filled with memorable highlights, be it the epic combination of cards that leads to a triumphant victory or the unpredictable turn of events that flips the game on its head. These moments instill a desire to play again and embrace the joy of reliving past successes or seeking new ones.

Overall, Fantasy Realms is a game that captivates players with its immersive gameplay, stunning art and design, intriguing replay value, and overall enjoyment. The game transcends expectations and delivers a delightful gaming experience that keeps players coming back for more, time and time again.

Based on the captivating gameplay, engaging art and design, and high replay value, it is easy to recommend Fantasy Realms to both novice and experienced gamers. It is a game that offers endless adventures, strategic challenges, and memorable moments, ensuring hours of fun-filled excitement. Try it out and let the enchantment of the fantasy realm unfold!

Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Realms (Version Galápagos) - Credit: brunocarvalho


In conclusion, Fantasy Realms truly lives up to its name, providing an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience. The engaging gameplay mechanics, exquisite art and design, intriguing replay value, and overall enjoyment make it a standout choice for both casual and seasoned gamers. The strategic decision-making, dynamic player interactions, and limitless possibilities keep players captivated from start to finish. Whether you’re drawn to the stunning visuals, the depth of strategic gameplay, or the thrill of outsmarting opponents, Fantasy Realms offers something special for everyone. With its exciting gameplay and endless adventures, this game is a must-have addition to any board game collection. Step into the fantasy realm and embark on an unforgettable journey!

4.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.