Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — miniatures - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — player board - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — gameplay situation - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — influence cards - Credit: W Eric Martin
Fallout - Each scenario boasts its own layout, factions, and quest line. - Credit: The Innocent
Fallout - Searching for a Vault in the mountains. - Credit: The Innocent
Fallout - To save synths, or not to save synths? - Credit: The Innocent
Fallout - The player boards manage to be pleasantly tactile. - Credit: The Innocent
  1. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  2. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — miniatures - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — player board - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — gameplay situation - Credit: W Eric Martin
  5. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 - Credit: W Eric Martin
  6. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  7. Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — influence cards - Credit: W Eric Martin
  8. Fallout - Each scenario boasts its own layout, factions, and quest line. - Credit: The Innocent
  9. Fallout - Searching for a Vault in the mountains. - Credit: The Innocent
  10. Fallout - To save synths, or not to save synths? - Credit: The Innocent
  11. Fallout - The player boards manage to be pleasantly tactile. - Credit: The Innocent

Fallout Review

Fallout captures the post-apocalyptic vibe brilliantly with immersive visuals and quests. However, luck can sometimes overshadow strategy, making it a mixed bag for seasoned gamers.
  • Mechanics
  • Player Interaction
  • Theme and Immersion
  • Game Balance
4.3/5Overall Score

Fallout offers immersive gameplay with engaging quests, resource management, but luck impact may deter strategic players. Mixed experience overall.

  • Number of players: 1-4 players
  • Playing Time: 2-3 hours
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game Designer: Andrew Fischer, Nathan Hajek
  • Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
  • Game Type: Adventure, Post-Apocalyptic
  • Components: Game board, miniatures, cards, dice
  • Immersive apocalyptic theme
  • Engaging quests
  • Unique character abilities
  • Rich visuals
  • High luck factor
  • Can feel unbalanced
  • Complex setup
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey there, fellow board game enthusiasts! Buckle up because today, I’m reviewing the board game Fallout. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to wander a post-apocalyptic wasteland while munching on popcorn, you’re in for a treat. We’ll explore the game’s mechanics, player interaction, theme, and, of course, its balance and fairness. Get ready for a journey through a world filled with mutants, quests, and the occasional lucky break. Let’s see if Fallout is worth your precious game night!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, unfold the map tiles and arrange them according to the scenario. Each player picks a character, takes the matching mini, and grabs the starting cards. Separate the different card decks, set up tokens, and place resources around the board. It might look like a lot, but it’s all part of the fun!


Turns are taken in two phases: actions and encounters. During actions, you move, attack, or explore. Moving around the wasteland is key to finding items and clues. In the encounter phase, you draw cards which might throw you into combat or offer quests to pursue. You’ll have to manage health, radiation, and resources like caps and food. It’s a balancing act, and not for the faint-hearted!

Winning the Game

To win, rack up influence points by completing quests and objectives. The game ends when someone reaches the required amount of influence or the main quest storyline comes to a shocking conclusion. Your choices shape the story, so victory might come from being the most influential, a strategic genius, or just plain lucky. Good luck, you’ll need it!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Fallout.

Game Mechanics and Rules in Fallout

Alright, let me paint you a picture of my weekend. My friends and I gathered around the table, ready to explore the Wasteland in Fallout. With a rulebook thicker than my grandma’s lasagna recipe, we dug in—not to lasagna, but the rules. First, let me tell ya, this game is all about scavenging, surviving, and yes, sometimes being a little bit evil.

The mechanics in Fallout are pretty intricate. You start by choosing a character, each with unique abilities. This ain’t your average Monopoly piece, folks. Your choices matter. As you roam the Wasteland, you encounter quests, which come straight outta the video game—making choices that can lead you to glory or, you know, instant regret. There’s a nifty S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat system (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) that really keeps things interesting. Adjusting these stats as you level up feels rewarding—but sometimes, lady luck just isn’t on your side. Literally, because Luck is a stat.

Now, if I learned anything from the countless hours crawling through the Mojave, it’s that resource management is key. Caps, the in-game currency, and various items you find along the way can make or break your journey. But heads up: it’s easy to get over-confident. Just when you think you’re king of the Wasteland, a Deathclaw can turn your dreams to dust. Sometimes, the dice rolls can seem a bit unfair, but if you strategize well, you’ll survive.

The rulebook might seem daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, the game flows smoother than Nuka-Cola.

Stay tuned! In the next section, we’ll chat about how player interaction and engagement take this game to the next level.

Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — miniatures - Credit: W Eric Martin

Player Interaction and Engagement in Fallout

When it comes to player interaction in Fallout, there’s plenty to talk about. It’s a game that ensures everyone at the table stays engaged. You get to compete and cooperate at the same time, which keeps things spicy. You might be looting for yourself one moment, then bartering with a friend the next. Trading resources feels like haggling at a post-apocalyptic flea market.

Another great aspect is the game’s quest system. Fallout features quests that often require players to work together or against each other. It’s like being in a tug-of-war match where the rope is made of old Vault jumpsuits. Sometimes you must align with your buddies to defeat a common enemy, but be careful—they might stab you in the back when you least expect it. It’s kind of like my last family reunion, but with more mutants.

The game also comes with special event cards that can shake things up. One minute you’re sitting pretty on a pile of caps, the next you’re running for your life. Events ensure that no one stays idle for long. Trust me, keeping an eye on your friends while also watching out for Deathclaws is no small feat.

In essence, Fallout keeps everyone on their toes with constant player interaction. From trading and bartering to cooperating and backstabbing, the game is filled with opportunities for engaging gameplay. Now, let’s uncover how the theme and immersion of Fallout drags you deep into its wasteland.

Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — player board - Credit: W Eric Martin

Theme and Immersion in Fallout: An Apocalyptic Adventure

Let me tell you, nothing quite draws you into a game like Fallout’s post-apocalyptic world. From the moment you step on that deserted map, you can almost smell the radiation in the air. The theme is strong, and boy, does it keep you hooked!

First off, the artwork is spectacular. The board is a grim depiction of a world gone to ruins, filled with detailed miniatures and vivid illustrations. Every card, every piece, seems like it’s been pulled right out of a dystopian novel. You feel like you’re part of something big, braving the wasteland with your ragtag group of survivors.

But it’s not just the visuals that do it. The game nails the atmosphere with a rich storyline and countless memorable encounters. We’re talking mutant attacks, hidden vaults, and desperate scavenging missions. Each quest feels like a mini-story, adding depth to your character’s journey. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the game throws a curveball, keeping you on your toes and deep in the narrative.

Fallout’s theme even impacts the mechanics, like how radiation affects your health or how different factions react to your actions. You’re not just playing a game; you’re surviving a wasteland. That sense of immersion makes every decision feel weighty. It’s like living out a blockbuster movie, where each choice could be your last.

Next up, let’s chat about Game balance and fairness. Trust me, this is where things get interesting!

Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — gameplay situation - Credit: W Eric Martin

Game Balance and Fairness in Fallout: Can You Survive?

So, let’s chat about game balance and fairness in Fallout. Right off the bat, this game does a pretty solid job of keeping things level. Each player starts on equal footing, scavenging for resources and completing quests in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. You never feel like anyone is at a huge advantage from the get-go, which is super important for keeping things fun and competitive.

One area where Fallout shines is its character abilities. Each character has unique traits that can sway the game in different ways, but these abilities are balanced out pretty well. Sure, some characters might excel in combat, while others are better at scavenging. It keeps the game dynamic and exciting without making it feel like you’re doomed if you didn’t get the ‘best’ character.

However, there are times when luck plays a bigger role than strategy. You might draw a bad event card or roll poorly in combat, which can be frustrating if you’re on a bad streak. Still, these moments are balanced by the fact that everyone faces the same risks. It’s just something to keep in mind if you’re not a fan of randomness in your games.

You also have to watch out for gang-ups. If a couple of players decide to team up against you, it can be hard to recover. But hey, alliances are part of the Fallout universe, right?

All in all, Fallout strikes a decent balance between strategy and luck. It’s not perfect, but it’s engaging and fun. If you can handle a bit of randomness, I’d say give it a shot!

Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 - Credit: W Eric Martin


So there you have it, folks! Fallout the board game brings the post-apocalyptic world to your table with its rich theme and immersive story. While the game mechanics keep things interesting and the player interaction is engaging, the balance may leave you at the mercy of luck sometimes. But if you can look past a bit of randomness, Fallout offers an adventure worth embarking on. This concludes my review. Time to gather your friends, open a Nuka-Cola, and see if you can survive the wasteland!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.