Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy Review

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is an exceptional game, combining immersive gameplay, high-quality components, and strategic depth that will keep players coming back for more galactic conquests.
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Component quality
  • Strategic depth
  • Replayability
4.8/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is an exceptional board game that offers an immersive interstellar experience. With its engaging gameplay mechanics, high-quality components, strategic depth, and endless replayability, it quickly becomes a standout in any collection. The game features variable player powers and multiple paths to victory, allowing players to explore different strategies and face unique challenges each time they play. Its stunning artwork and intuitive design further enhance the overall experience, making Eclipse a must-have for both casual and seasoned board game enthusiasts. Prepare for thrilling galactic adventures that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

  • Number of Players: 1-6 players
  • Playing Time: 120-180 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Game Designer: Touko Tahkokallio
  • Game Publisher: Kolossal Games
  • Mechanics: Action Point Allowance, Area Control, Modular Board, Variable Player Powers
  • Immersive gameplay
  • High-quality components
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Endless replayability
  • Long playing time
  • Complex learning curve
  • Higher player count recommended
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to our review of Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy! In this article, we will dive into the various aspects of this highly acclaimed board game, discussing its gameplay mechanics, component quality, strategic depth, and replayability. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy has captured the attention of gamers everywhere with its immersive interstellar experience and captivating gameplay. Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through galaxies unknown as we explore what makes this game truly shine.

How It Plays

Setting up

Before diving into the intense space battles and strategic decision-making of Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy, players must first set up the game. This involves arranging the game board, distributing player boards and corresponding components, and creating the galaxy by placing sectors and wormholes. Each player will also select a unique alien species with specialized abilities and starting resources. Once the setup is complete, the stage is set for an unforgettable cosmic adventure.


Eclipse features a dynamic gameplay experience that revolves around exploring the galaxy, upgrading technologies, managing resources, and engaging in conflicts. Each turn, players will take actions such as moving their ships, colonizing sectors, researching technologies, upgrading their fleet, or engaging in diplomacy with other players. The game seamlessly combines these actions into a cohesive and immersive experience, ensuring that each decision carries weight and influences the outcome of the game.

Winning the game

In Eclipse, victory can be achieved through various paths. Some players may choose to dominate the galaxy through military conquest, seizing and controlling territories with their powerful fleet. Others may opt for a more diplomatic approach, negotiating alliances and utilizing their political prowess to secure victory points. Additionally, technological advancement and resource management play vital roles in determining the outcome of the game. The player who successfully balances these choices and accumulates the most victory points emerges as the conqueror of space in Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy.

In summary, to play Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy, set up the game by arranging the components and creating the galaxy. Throughout the gameplay, take actions to explore, upgrade, manage resources, and engage in conflicts. Victory can be achieved through military conquest, diplomatic alliances, technological advancements, and astute resource management. Strategic decision-making and adaptability are key to becoming the ultimate cosmic conqueror and claim your rightful place among the stars.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy.

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy offers a refreshingly dynamic gameplay experience that keeps players engaged from start to finish. The game introduces a unique blend of strategy, resource management, and tactical decision-making that challenges players to carefully plan their moves to outmaneuver opponents and expand their interstellar empire. From exploring uncharted territories to engaging in intense space battles, Eclipse offers a diverse range of objectives that keep players on their toes.

The X-Factor: Variable Player Powers

One of the most exciting aspects of the gameplay in Eclipse is the inclusion of variable player powers. Each player assumes the role of a different alien species, each with its own unique abilities and advantages. This adds a layer of asymmetry to the game, allowing players to adopt different strategies based on their chosen species. Whether you take control of the stealthy Scirrha or the technologically advanced Enoch, the variable player powers inject an element of unpredictability into the game, ensuring that no two sessions are ever the same.

Strategic Depth: Multiple Paths to Victory

Eclipse offers a wealth of strategic options, allowing players to pursue different paths to achieve victory. Depending on your chosen species and personal playstyle, you can focus on building a powerful fleet and dominating the galaxy through military conquest, or you can take a more diplomatic approach by forming alliances and negotiating with other players. The game rewards players who carefully balance their resources and establish a strong economy while also keeping an eye on the actions of their opponents.

Diverse Actions: Expand, Research, and Conquer

In Eclipse, players have a wide range of actions at their disposal, from exploring new sectors of the galaxy to researching advanced technologies and upgrading their ships. The game seamlessly combines these actions into a cohesive and immersive gameplay experience. Every decision you make has consequences, forcing you to constantly evaluate the risks and rewards of your choices. This makes each turn a satisfying puzzle to solve and keeps players engrossed in the strategic possibilities of the game.

With its intricate gameplay mechanics and deep strategic elements, Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy offers a captivating interstellar experience. The variable player powers add an exciting twist to each game, while the diverse actions and strategic depth provide ample opportunities for cunning and calculated decision-making. In the next section, we’ll explore the high-quality components of the game and how they enhance the overall gaming experience.

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy - Stuff that comes with the Kickstarter version - Credit: blownfreaks

Elevating the Experience: Top-Notch Component Quality

The component quality of Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is truly exceptional, elevating the overall gaming experience to new heights. From the moment you open the box, you are greeted with a stunning array of high-quality components that immediately immerse you in the vastness of space. The game features beautifully designed player boards, intricately sculpted miniature spaceships, and thick cardboard tokens that exude durability. The attention to detail and craftsmanship that went into creating the components is evident, making every interaction with the game a pleasure.

A Feast for the Eyes: Gorgeous Artwork

One of the standout aspects of the component quality in Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is the stunning artwork that adorns the game’s cards, boards, and rulebook. The illustrations transport you to a visually captivating sci-fi universe, with vibrant colors and intricate details that bring the game’s world to life. Whether admiring the beautifully illustrated alien species or marveling at the epic spacescapes, the artwork is a constant reminder of the immersive experience that Eclipse offers.

Functional and Intuitive Design

In addition to the visual appeal, the component design of Eclipse is also highly functional and intuitive. The player boards are well-organized, clearly delineating the different areas for resource management, technology upgrades, and ship construction. The miniature spaceships are designed with strategic gameplay in mind, featuring distinct shapes and sizes that make it easy to differentiate between different ship classes at a glance. The rulebook itself is well-structured and user-friendly, providing clear explanations of each game component and rule, ensuring a smooth and seamless gameplay experience.

Lasting Quality: Durability and Longevity

One of the most impressive aspects of the component quality in Eclipse is its durability and longevity. The thick cardboard tokens, sturdy player boards, and solid plastic miniatures are built to withstand multiple plays, making Eclipse a game that will grace your gaming table for years to come. The components are designed to endure frequent handling and continue to retain their high-quality appearance even after countless sessions. This longevity ensures that the game remains a cherished part of any board game collection, ready to be enjoyed time and time again.

The high-quality components of Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy enhance every aspect of the gaming experience, from the visual immersion provided by the stunning artwork to the functional design that promotes seamless gameplay. The durability of the components ensures that the game will continue to impress players for countless playthroughs. In the next section, we will delve into the strategic depth of the game and how it keeps players engaged and coming back for more.

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy - Stuff that comes with the Kickstarter version - Credit: blownfreaks

A Strategic Frontier: Unleash Your Tactical Prowess

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy offers a strategic depth that is unmatched, providing players with a rich and immersive experience that rewards careful planning, tactical decision-making, and adaptability. The game challenges players to outmaneuver opponents and devise clever strategies to achieve victory, ensuring that every playthrough is a deeply satisfying and engrossing experience.

Varied Technology Tree: Expanding Your Arsenal

A key component of the strategic depth in Eclipse lies in its technology tree, which offers a wide range of advancements for players to pursue. As you research and unlock new technologies, you gain access to powerful upgrades that can enhance your fleet, boost production capabilities, or strengthen your economy. The branching paths of the technology tree present players with meaningful choices, forcing them to prioritize their research and strategically shape their civilization to suit their playstyle.

Diplomacy and Warfare: Balancing Alliances and Conquests

Eclipse provides players with multiple avenues to achieve victory, allowing for diverse approaches and fostering a deeply strategic mindset. Players can choose to form alliances with other civilizations, negotiate trade deals, and engage in diplomatic maneuvers to gain political leverage and create advantageous synergies. However, warfare is often inevitable, as players can battle for control of key sectors, engage in epic space combat, and deploy tactics to outmaneuver adversaries. Finding the delicate balance between diplomacy and warfare is crucial for success in the game, adding a layer of complexity and strategic decision-making.

Resource Management and Econo…-Sense: The Power of Efficiency

Resource management is a central element of the strategic depth in Eclipse, and efficient allocation and utilization of resources can make all the difference between success and failure. Balancing the acquisition of resources, upgrading technologies, maintaining a strong fleet, and managing the economy is of paramount importance. Players must carefully consider their actions, ensuring that resources are maximized to fuel their empire’s growth and maintain a strong competitive edge. Strategic decisions such as which sectors to colonize and exploit, how to allocate resources for ship construction, and when to invest in technologies will deeply impact the course of the game.

The strategic depth offered by Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a true testament to its remarkable design and gameplay. The varied technology tree provides endless possibilities for customization and tactical planning, while the interplay between diplomacy and warfare introduces a nuanced layer of strategic decision-making. The intricate resource management aspects add another dimension to the gameplay, rewarding players who can efficiently utilize their resources to maintain their empire’s viability and flourish. In the next section, we will delve into the replayability of the game and how it keeps players coming back for more thrilling galactic adventures.

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy - Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy,, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Endless Explorations: The Gateway to Boundless Adventure

Replayability is a hallmark of a great board game, and Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy truly excels in this aspect. With its expansive galaxy to explore, variable player powers, and multiple paths to victory, the game offers a wealth of variety and intrigue that will have players coming back for more thrilling galactic adventures.

Exploring the Unknown: A Vast and Ever-Changing Galaxy

Eclipse presents players with an immensely vast galaxy to conquer and explore, ensuring that no two games are alike. The game generates a unique map layout during setup, with different sectors and wormholes that create new strategic opportunities with every playthrough. As players expand their empires and encounter uncharted regions of space, they are constantly confronted with new challenges and unexpected discoveries, adding an exciting element of exploration to each game.

Variable Player Powers: Infinite Possibilities, Different Experiences

The inclusion of variable player powers in Eclipse adds another layer of replayability to the game. With each player assuming the role of a different alien species, the gameplay experience is significantly altered. The unique abilities and advantages of each species prompt players to develop distinct strategies and adapt their tactics accordingly. Whether you’re commanding the cunning Iberian or the relentless Orion Hegemony, the variable player powers ensure that each playthrough offers a fresh and intriguing experience.

A Wealth of Strategic Options: Multiple Ways to Achieve Victory

Eclipse offers players diverse avenues to achieve victory, allowing for endless strategic possibilities. Whether you choose to focus on military conquest, diplomatic alliances, or technological advancements, each playthrough presents new opportunities for strategic decision-making. The game rewards repeated plays and experimentation, as players discover new strategies and refine their approaches. Furthermore, the balance between exploration, expansion, and exploitation ensures that a single dominant strategy cannot guarantee success, keeping the game engaging and challenging.

With its expansive and ever-changing galaxy, variable player powers, and diverse strategic options, Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is without a doubt a highly replayable game. Each playthrough presents new challenges and opportunities, encouraging players to explore different strategies and fully immerse themselves in the vastness of space. Whether with a group of friends or as a solo experience, Eclipse never fails to captivate and spark the desire for new adventures among the stars.

I highly recommend Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy to both casual and seasoned board game enthusiasts who crave a game that offers virtually unlimited replayability. Its intricate gameplay mechanics, high-quality components, and strategic depth make it a must-have title for any board game collection. Get ready to embark on an epic galactic journey!

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy - 2 players struggle - Credit: Sidamo


In conclusion, Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy delivers a captivating and highly replayable gaming experience that is sure to delight both casual and seasoned board game enthusiasts. With its immersive gameplay mechanics, top-notch component quality, strategic depth, and endless replayability, Eclipse has firmly established itself as a must-have game for any collection. The vast galaxy and variable player powers create a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience that never fails to excite. Whether you’re exploring uncharted territories, forging alliances, or engaging in intense battles, Eclipse keeps players on their toes, making each session a thrilling interstellar adventure.

This concludes our review of Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy. Get ready to embark on an epic journey through the cosmos and experience the excitement and challenges that await. Will you conquer the galaxy through military might, diplomacy, technological superiority, or a combination of strategies? The decision is yours. Grab your spaceships and prepare for an unforgettable gaming experience!

4.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.