Dreams - Cover (provided py publisher) - Credit: duchamp
Dreams - Dreams, Zoch Verlag, 2016 — gameplay example - Credit: W Eric Martin
Dreams - Cover (provided py publisher) - Credit: duchamp
Dreams - Box (provided by publisher) - Credit: duchamp
  1. Dreams - Cover (provided py publisher) - Credit: duchamp
  2. Dreams - Dreams, Zoch Verlag, 2016 — gameplay example - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Dreams - Cover (provided py publisher) - Credit: duchamp
  4. Dreams - Box (provided by publisher) - Credit: duchamp

Dreams Review

Played 'Dreams' last night--what a blast! Gorgeous art, clever gameplay. It's like the game reads your mind but in a good way. Perfect for a game night. Just, you know, pick friends as smart as you.
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Artwork and Components Quality
  • Fun Factor with Different Player Counts
  • Strategic Depth vs. Luck
4.3/5Overall Score

'Dreams' board game review: Strategic depth, stunning art, and immense fun. Perfect for thoughtful players and larger groups.

  • Number of players: 3-6
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 10+
  • Game Type: Social deduction
  • Main Mechanism: Bluffing and creativity
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to learn, hard to master
  • Fun Factor: High with the right group
  • Strategic depth
  • Gorgeous artwork
  • Fun with friends
  • Minimal luck influence
  • Luck can frustrate
  • Learning curve steep
  • Best at high player counts
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Hey fellow board game enthusiasts! Jamie here, and today I’m bringing you a review of the board game ‘Dreams‘. Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the realm of imagination, deduction, and artistic beauty. As usual, I’ve gathered my crew for several rounds of gameplay, ensuring we’ve got all the insights you need before you decide to bring this gem into your home. From the intriguing mechanics that foster both cooperation and competition, to the stunning artwork that captivates at every turn, we’re covering it all. So, let’s get the dice rolling and see if ‘Dreams’ is the dreamy addition your game night has been missing!

How It Plays

Ever imagined diving (not in the literal sense, folks) into a world where dreams mesh with reality? That’s what playing ‘Dreams’ is all about. It’s a blend of creativity, deduction, and a pinch of bluffing that makes for some unforgettable game nights. So, how do you play? Let’s break it down.

Setting Up

Setting up ‘Dreams’ is as easy as pie. First, spread the game board in the center of the table. Each player picks a color and gets the corresponding dream tokens and a player screen to hide their tokens. Place the dream cards face down, shuffle them, and you’re pretty much ready to start. Quick and painless, right?


Each round, one player draws a dream card, giving everyone (except themselves) a glimpse of the dream image. Players then take turns placing their tokens on the board, trying to convince others they know what the image is without giving it away too easily. It’s like charades, but with tokens and dreams. The fun part? Bluffing your way through when you have no clue what the dream looks like.

Winning the Game

To win ‘Dreams,’ you gotta be slick. Points are scored for correctly identifying the dream image or for fooling others when you’re the clueless one. The game ends after a set number of rounds, and the player with the most points wakes up from the dream world as the victor. It’s a game where paying attention and a little bit of strategy go a long way. Who said dreams don’t come true?

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Dreams.

Exploring the Unique Gameplay Mechanics of Dreams

When you sit down to play Dreams, you’re not just playing a game; you’re embarking on an adventure where creativity and deduction are your best tools. The game mechanics are straightforward but gripping. Each player takes a turn being the dreamer, trying to decipher the ‘dream’ depicted by abstract images placed by the other players. What makes it exciting is the twist: not all players are guiding you truthfully. There are deceivers among them. This blend of cooperation and competition creates a thrilling dynamic that keeps everyone on their toes.

The flow of the game is smooth, ensuring that players are constantly engaged. Turns move quickly, avoiding the dreaded downtime that can bog down many board games. The real genius of Dreams lies in its ability to balance strategy with social deduction, making each game a unique experience. It’s a testament to the game’s design that even when you’re not the dreamer, you’re fully involved, trying to outwit your friends or decipher their hints.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the visual feast that awaits in the Artwork and game components quality section.

Dreams - Dreams, Zoch Verlag, 2016 — gameplay example - Credit: W Eric Martin

Stunning Visuals Elevate ‘Dreams’

Once you lay your eyes on Dreams, it’s clear: the artwork and game components are a cut above. The creators didn’t just throw together some cardboard and call it a day. Nope. Every piece, from the vibrant cards to the detailed tokens, screams quality. It’s like they’ve been painted with dreams themselves—full of color and life. And let’s not overlook the board. It’s not just a board; it’s a canvas that tells a story as you play. The game’s components are sturdy too. Nothing feels cheap or like it’s going to fly off to another universe after a few games.

But it’s not all about looks, right? Wrong. In this case, the visual appeal adds to the gameplay, making the experience of diving into the world of dreams even more immersive. So, as you marvel at the stunning visuals, get ready to explore how the fun factor changes with different player counts next.

Dreams - Cover (provided py publisher) - Credit: duchamp

Exploring the Fun Factor of Dreams Across Player Counts

When it comes to Dreams, the fun dial goes up as more players join the dreamland. With just a handful of players, the game feels intimate, almost like a cozy dream circle. You really get to dive into the psyche of your friends, trying to figure out who’s who in the dream world. But let me tell you, when you ramp up to a full house, the game transforms. It becomes this vibrant, bustling realm of dreams where every move is unpredictable and laughter fills the air. Balancing the strategic play with a good dose of social interaction, Dreams manages to keep all players, regardless of the count, engaged and entertained. The sweet spot? Around 4-6 dreamers, where the game hits its peak fun.

Curious about how luck and strategy play into this dreamy mix? Stay tuned for the scoop on strategic depth versus luck influence.

Dreams - Box (provided by publisher) - Credit: duchamp

Strategic Depth vs. Luck in Dreams

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of Dreams. If you’re like me, you want a game where your brain gets as much of a workout as your laugh muscles. Dreams hits this sweet spot pretty well. While there’s always a sprinkle of luck in which cards come up, it’s your noggin that’ll make or break your success. Figuring out the best time to play your dream cards or guessing a dream correctly involves reading the room and a bit of strategy. You’re not at the mercy of the dice gods here!

Does this mean I’m giving Dreams my seal of approval? Absolutely. It’s a game where strategy has the upper hand over luck, making it a winner in my book. Great for folks who like a side of smart with their fun.


Wrapping up, ‘Dreams’ has really stolen the show in my game nights. From its engaging gameplay mechanics to the stunning artwork, it’s a feast for both the mind and the eyes. It shines brightest when played with a group, say 4-6 people, making each game a riot of laughter and cunning deduction. The balance between strategy and luck is just right, ensuring that it’s your smarts that will lead you to victory rather than a lucky roll of the dice. While it may not hit the spot for everyone, especially if you’re into games where luck can turn the tables in an instant, it’s a solid choice for those who appreciate a good blend of strategy and social interaction. So, if you’re looking to add a new star to your board game nights, ‘Dreams’ might just be the dreamy addition you’re looking for. This wraps up our dive into ‘Dreams’. Happy gaming!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.