Coup - Box Cover - Credit: thth
Coup - Box Cover - Credit: thth
Coup - Components from the brazilian version - Credit: woosh_ito
Coup - Coup cards - Credit: dylanwolf
Coup - Players aid (French version) - Credit: Grovast
Coup - Portrait of the Spanish version of the game made by Zacatrus with permission from the author. - Credit: itus
Coup - Playing Coup X at the Zacatrus Pirámides store to celebrate the release. - Credit: SamuraiCoyote
Coup - interior of the spanish version. - Credit: itus
Coup - back cover of the spanish version. - Credit: itus
Coup - Playing Coup X at the Zacatrus Pirámides store to celebrate the release. - Credit: SamuraiCoyote
Coup - Playing Coup X at the Zacatrus Pirámides store to celebrate the release. - Credit: SamuraiCoyote
  1. Coup - Box Cover - Credit: thth
  2. Coup - Box Cover - Credit: thth
  3. Coup - Components from the brazilian version - Credit: woosh_ito
  4. Coup - Coup cards - Credit: dylanwolf
  5. Coup - Players aid (French version) - Credit: Grovast
  6. Coup - Portrait of the Spanish version of the game made by Zacatrus with permission from the author. - Credit: itus
  7. Coup - Playing Coup X at the Zacatrus Pirámides store to celebrate the release. - Credit: SamuraiCoyote
  8. Coup - interior of the spanish version. - Credit: itus
  9. Coup - back cover of the spanish version. - Credit: itus
  10. Coup - Playing Coup X at the Zacatrus Pirámides store to celebrate the release. - Credit: SamuraiCoyote
  11. Coup - Playing Coup X at the Zacatrus Pirámides store to celebrate the release. - Credit: SamuraiCoyote

Coup Review

Played Coup last weekend and wow, what a blast! It's all about bluffing and strategy, but don't let its simplicity fool you. There's serious depth here. Just wish it was a bit more balanced in some aspects.
  • Gameplay and Strategy
  • Artwork and Components
  • Bluffing Mechanics
  • Replay Value
4.5/5Overall Score

'Coup' shines with its strategic depth, engaging bluffing mechanics, and sleek artwork, making it a must-play for game nights.

  • Number of Players: 2-6
  • Playing Time: 15-20 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Core Mechanic: Bluffing and deduction
  • Setup Time: Less than 5 minutes
  • Game Type: Card game
  • Educational Value: Improves critical thinking and social interaction skills
  • Simple yet strategic
  • Engaging bluffing mechanics
  • Attractive artwork
  • High replay value
  • Can feel luck-based
  • Not for large groups
  • May cause player conflict
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Ever been to a game night where one game steals the show and you think about it for days after? That’s ‘Coup‘ for you. In this review, we’ll break down what makes it tick. From the intense bluffing battles to its eye-catching artwork, ‘Coup’ offers a blend of simplicity and strategy that keeps you coming back for more. Whether you’re in for the gameplay, the laughs from trying to outsmart your friends, or just admiring the cards, there’s something here for everyone.

How It Plays

‘Coup’ is a fast-paced card game of deception and strategy where players aim to oust their opponents and seize control. Perfect for groups looking for intrigue and a dash of mischief, here’s how you dive into the world of ‘Coup’.

Setting up

To kick things off, shuffle the character cards and deal two to each player. These cards are kept secret. Players also start with two coins each. Place the remaining coins and cards in the center as the supply. There you have it, setup done in less than a minute!


Players take turns announcing any character’s action they wish to use, whether or not the character is actually in their hand. This is where the bluffing comes into play. Other players can challenge these actions if they suspect a bluff. Get caught lying, and you lose an influence; catch someone else, and they lose one. Players can also use their coins to launch coups, forcing others to lose influence. When you lose both your influences, you’re out of the game.

Winning the game

The last player standing with at least one influence remaining wins the game. It’s all about deception, strategy, and knowing when to make your move or call out others. Each round is brisk, making ‘Coup’ an excellent choice for multiple replays in one sitting.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Coup.

Mastering Coup: A Blend of Simplicity and Strategic Depth

When you sit down to play Coup, you’re not just playing a game; you’re entering a world where your ability to bluff and strategize determines your fate. The beauty of Coup lies in its simplistic approach to gameplay mechanics. With just a deck of cards representing different characters, each with their own unique powers, and a few coins for currency, the setup is quick and easy. The rules? They’re a breeze to get through. In less than fifteen minutes, you and your friends will be deep in the throes of trying to outsmart each other, proving that simplicity does not sacrifice depth.

Keeping Everyone on Their Toes

But don’t let the easy setup fool you. Each turn is a chess match, requiring careful thought about which actions to take and when to challenge or bluff your opponents. It’s this delicate balance that keeps Coup fresh and exciting game after game.

Ready to dive deeper into the art of deception? Next up, we explore the Bluffing and strategy depth in Coup.

Coup - Box Cover - Credit: thth

Mastering the Art of Deception in Coup

The heart and soul of Coup lie in its ability to marry bluffing with deep strategic play. Each player starts with two cards (their ‘influence’) hidden from others, and the goal is to be the last one standing. The catch? You can lie about which cards you have, leading to a deliciously tense game of cat and mouse. Deciding when to tell the truth and when to bluff is where the strategy kicks in. Do you risk it all on a bold lie, or play it safe and truthful? Each decision shapes the battlefield.

The game shines in its social dynamics, pushing players to read their opponents and adapt strategies on the fly. The depth comes from not just knowing the game’s mechanics but understanding your friends at the table. And just like the intricate strategies we weave, the artwork and component quality of Coup add layers of engagement to the experience.

Coup - Components from the brazilian version - Credit: woosh_ito

Unlocking the Visual Treasures of Coup

When you sit down to play Coup, you’re not just diving into a world of political intrigue and deceit; you’re also treated to a visual feast. The artwork in Coup is simply stunning, featuring beautifully illustrated cards that draw players into its dystopian universe. Each character card is not only a piece of art but also a crucial component of the game’s strategy, making the visual aspect indispensable.

The component quality of Coup is equally impressive. The cards are of a nice, heavy stock, durable enough to withstand many nights of gaming. The tokens, which represent influence and currency within the game, have a weighty feel, adding a tactile pleasure to the act of gaining or losing power.

This careful attention to detail in both the artwork and components enriches the overall experience, ensuring that Coup is as much a joy to look at as it is to play. But a game’s true worth isn’t just in its appearance; the next section will explore how Coup‘s replay value and player interaction keep gamers coming back for more.

Coup - Coup cards - Credit: dylanwolf

Why Coup Keeps You Coming Back

One of the standout features of Coup is its replay value. Each game unfolds differently, thanks to the dynamic player interactions and the variety of strategies that can lead to victory. You might be the master of deceit in one round, only to be caught in your lies the next. It’s this unpredictability and the need to adapt your tactics that keep the game fresh and engaging.

Dynamic Player Interactions

The heart of Coup lies in its player interactions. Whether you’re forming temporary alliances or trying to bluff your way out of a tight spot, it’s these moments of negotiation, betrayal, and deduction that create memorable game nights.

In conclusion, I highly recommend Coup for anyone looking for a game that’s easy to learn but offers endless possibilities and challenges. It’s a must-have in your board game collection.

Coup - Players aid (French version) - Credit: Grovast


So, wrapping up, Coup is a gem of a game. It’s got it all: simple setup, strategic depth, and a whole lot of bluffing. The artwork? Gorgeous. And it doesn’t just look good; it plays well, too. The quality of the components means this game will last you a long time. Plus, the replay value is off the charts. Every game feels new, thanks to the dynamic player interactions. But it’s not just fun and games; there’s a real strategic depth here. You’ve got to read your friends, bluff like a champ, and make smart plays to win. Is it perfect? Almost, but remember, it relies on player interaction, so the more, the merrier. If you’re into games where strategy and bluffing come together in a beautiful package, then Coup is definitely worth your time and money.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.