Colt Express cover
Colt Express - All components of the game - Credit: dan_polyuha
Colt Express - Doc :) - Credit: dodecalouise
Colt Express - Ghost’s hand of cards — been shot once. - Credit: The Innocent
Colt Express - Box back - Credit: Marvelfan
Colt Express - Game map (insert in Spielbox 1/2015) - Credit: Marvelfan
Colt Express - meeple - Credit: tundrilak
Colt Express - meeple - Credit: tundrilak
Colt Express - Box inside - Credit: Marvelfan
Colt Express - Box cover - Credit: Marvelfan
Colt Express - Best car in the train. Most dangerous too! - Credit: dodecalouise
  1. Colt Express cover
  2. Colt Express - All components of the game - Credit: dan_polyuha
  3. Colt Express - Doc :) - Credit: dodecalouise
  4. Colt Express - Ghost’s hand of cards — been shot once. - Credit: The Innocent
  5. Colt Express - Box back - Credit: Marvelfan
  6. Colt Express - Game map (insert in Spielbox 1/2015) - Credit: Marvelfan
  7. Colt Express - meeple - Credit: tundrilak
  8. Colt Express - meeple - Credit: tundrilak
  9. Colt Express - Box inside - Credit: Marvelfan
  10. Colt Express - Box cover - Credit: Marvelfan
  11. Colt Express - Best car in the train. Most dangerous too! - Credit: dodecalouise

Colt Express Review

In the Colt Express review, we uncovered a game brimming with strategic planning, delightful physical components, and intense social interplay, encapsulating what makes board gaming joyfully unpredictable and deeply engaging.

  • Gameplay Dynamics
  • Physical Components
  • Social Interaction
  • Overall Experience
4.5/5Overall Score

Exploring 'Colt Express' through strategic depth, tangible 3D components, and vibrant social interactions. A captivating gameplay experience.

  • Number of players: 2-6
  • Playing Time: 30-40 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 10 and up
  • Designer: Christophe Raimbault
  • Publisher: Ludonaute
  • Game Type: Programming, Action/Movement Planning, Western
  • Release Year: 2014
  • Innovative gameplay mechanics
  • Fun social interactions
  • High replay value
  • Striking 3D components
  • Complex for beginners
  • Requires strategic thinking
  • Luck-dependent moments
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my deep dive into the whimsy and chaos of the Wild West with my latest Colt Express Review. We’ll be exploring everything from the masterful dynamics of gameplay that require thoughtful strategy, to the delightfully interactive physical components that make this game a standout. Additionally, watch out as we dissect the uproarious social interaction and the art of bluffing that truly shape the experiences around the gameboard. Gather your bandits, it’s time we jump onto the Colt Express train and find out what adventures await us!

How It Plays

Colt Express throws players into a wild west cinematic heist on a locomotive full of riches. Each outlaw aims to come out richest bandit in the west.

Setting Up

The game begins by assembling the impressive 3D train, which becomes the main board. Each player chooses a bandit and takes the corresponding character deck. Initial loot is placed on the train cars, and players position their bandits.


Players choose actions from their personal decks, playing cards face down to determine the order. Actions include moving, looting, and messing with opponents. After cards are played, they’re revealed and executed in a chaotic, frequently hilarious sequence. Strategy lies in anticipating other outlaws’ moves and playing your cards right.

Winning the Game

The game concludes after five rounds, where players reveal their loot. The outlaw with the most valuable stash (not forgetting the bonus for being the sharpest shooter) claims victory and rides off into the sunset.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Colt Express.

Unpacking the Strategy on the Locomotive!

When I think back to our frenzied gaming sessions, the Colt Express gameplay dynamics invariably spark lively tales. Initially, the programmed actions felt chaotic, a jumble of intentions and outcomes. However, the strategic layers bubbled up quickly. The double-edged sword of planning moves while second-guessing opponents turned every game into a dance of deceit and deduction.

Route to Victory

Every ‘Colt Express’ match we dove into prompted a crucial question: Do you cling to a strategy or adapt on the fly? Insights from various playthroughs informed if we played it safe atop the train or took a brazen stand inside. The pivotal choices during bandit selection, adapting whether to be the elusive Ghost or the guns-blazing Django, provided a customized toolkit to outsmart rivals.

Reading the Room

In my plays, timing was critical. I relished in pulling off a sequence of moves, upending others’ well-laid plans. Mastering the game’s chaotic order, the heart leaps when your Marshal move sweeps an opponent’s bandit off the train just as they were positioned for a significant heist. The social engineering at play tips the scales, compelling participants to negotiate alliances or connivingly break them – making ‘Colt Express’ more than a game of tokens and cards; it’s psychological warfare realized on rails.

Keep your bandana tight and your six-shooter ready; next up is a look into how Physical components interaction adds tactile thrills to this strategic romp.

Colt Express - All components of the game - Credit: dan_polyuha

Immersive Components That Drive the Action

During our Colt Express sessions, the interaction with the physical components often steals the spotlight. Elements like the 3D train, punchable bandits, and flying bullet tokens induce laughter and tactical cunning. They’re not just decorative pieces; they significantly impact gameplay decisions and facilitate a hands-on experience that many modern board games envy.

The Train Comes to Life

The beautifully crafted train cars provide an exciting stage for the outlaws. During a particularly memorable game night, a friend attempted to flee atop the train, only to be met by a flurry of gunfire tokens – a stark reminder of just how public your actions can be in this lawless romp.

A Hands-On Heist

Moving between cars or climbing on the roof becomes a tactile activity that enriches the game’s strategy. Leaping with your pawn, snatching the loot – every touch strengthens the theme’s illusion.

Speaking of thieving tactics, let’s ‘grab’ some insight into the next section which delves into Social interaction and bluffing.

Colt Express - Doc :) - Credit: dodecalouise

The Duel of Wits and Laughter

Talking about social dynamics, my Colt Express Review would not be complete without delving into the heart of the party: the social interaction and bluffing. Let me take you back to one unforgettable evening.

Banding Together

To start off, this rootin’-tootin’ game distinctly bonds players.

In doing so, our laughter only snowballed during each match – indeed, a testament to its captivating nature.

The Poker Face Challenge

Bluffing, meanwhile, is a riot. I vividly recall the faces around the table, eyes darting and smiles failing to remain hidden when executing (or falling for) a sneaky move.

In essence, every game creates friendships and stories cherished long after – a core reason I voice a heartening ‘yep’ for Colt Express.

Colt Express - Ghost’s hand of cards — been shot once. - Credit: The Innocent


In wrapping up this Colt Express Review, I’d emphasize the game shines with its robust gameplay mechanics, its physical allure with delightfully thematic components, and a rich landscape for social interaction that captivates and entertains. The carefully crafted blend of strategic planning and the unpredictability introduced by other players’ bluffs makes for a game that’s engaging every single playthrough. The intriguing puzzle of attempting to secure the richest haul of loot while chaos ensues above and below the carriages is an exhilarating challenge worth embracing. Colt Express, with its combination of strategy, aesthetics, and social dynamics, is a steal for any game night lineup. Highly recommended for those who enjoy a bit of scheming amidst a cloud of desert dust.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.