Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure: Box Cover Front
Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 — sample cards - Credit: W Eric Martin
Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 - Credit: W Eric Martin
Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Spaaaaaace! - Credit: ceephour
  1. Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure: Box Cover Front
  2. Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 — sample cards - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 - Credit: W Eric Martin
  5. Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Spaaaaaace! - Credit: ceephour

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure Review

"Clank! In! Space! combines innovative gameplay mechanics, stunning artwork, and exciting sci-fi theme to create an immersive experience that will keep players hooked for hours. Get ready for a thrilling intergalactic heist like no other!"
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Strategy and decision-making
  • Theme and artwork
  • Replayability
4.7/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure offers an immersive and exhilarating gaming experience. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, strategic decision-making, captivating theme and artwork, and impressive replayability, it's no wonder this game has garnered widespread acclaim. The modular board, randomized setup, and variety of character abilities ensure that no two games are alike, keeping players engaged time and time again. With continuous support through expansions, the adventure only grows richer. If you're seeking a truly unforgettable sci-fi board game experience that challenges your strategy skills, Clank! In! Space! is a must-have addition to your collection.

  • Number of Players: 2-4 Players
  • Playing Time: 60 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 12 and up
  • Game Designer: Paul Dennen
  • Game Publisher: Renegade Game Studios
  • Game Mechanisms: Deck Building, Modular Board, Push Your Luck
  • Innovative gameplay
  • Immersive theme
  • High replayability
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Complexity for new players
  • Potential for long playtime
  • Limited player count
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my review of Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure! In this article, I will take you through an in-depth analysis of this thrilling sci-fi board game. Clank! In! Space! has garnered widespread attention and acclaim for its captivating gameplay mechanics, strategic decision-making, immersive theme and artwork, and impressive replayability. Join me as we delve into the depths of space to uncover all the wonders this game has to offer.

How It Plays

Setting up

To begin the game, players set up the modular game board, customizing the layout of the spaceship by arranging room tiles. Each player chooses a character and receives their starting deck of cards, along with cubes and tokens for tracking various resources. Lord Eradikus’ deck, enemy cubes, and Clank! bag are also prepared.


Clank! In! Space! is played over several rounds, where players take turns performing actions in a strategic race to steal valuable artifacts and escape the ship before it’s too late. On their turn, each player plays cards from their deck that grant movement, combat abilities, or special skills.

Players strategically navigate through rooms, collect artifacts, hack computer terminals, and avoid or attack security devices and enemies. Along the way, they generate Clank! cubes, representing noise and the potential of getting caught by Lord Eradikus.

Every move intelligently made by the players affects their chances of success in collecting artifacts and minimizing the risk of getting caught. Players must strategize their cardplay, manage their resources, and take calculated risks to outwit their opponents and become the most successful thief.

Winning the game

The game ends when a player successfully retrieves an artifact and escapes the spaceship through the escape pods. Once the escape is made, other players have one final round to escape as well. Players earn points based on collected artifacts and additional objectives achieved. The player with the most points proves themselves as the greatest interstellar thief, winning the game.

In Clank! In! Space!, every decision and action can dramatically impact one’s chance of success. So brush up on your deck-building strategies, plan your moves carefully, and may the best thief prevail!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure.

Unforgettable Gameplay Mechanics in Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure captivates players with its innovative and immersive gameplay mechanics. From the moment you open the game box, you are transported to a captivating futuristic universe filled with excitement and suspense.

An Intriguing Objective: Stealing Artifacts from Lord Eradikus

The game revolves around a thrilling objective – stealing valuable artifacts from the notorious Lord Eradikus’ spaceship. To accomplish this, players must carefully navigate through various rooms, collect cybernetic enhancements, and strategically plan their moves to avoid detection.

Dynamic Deck-Building Experience

A key highlight of Clank! In! Space! is its dynamic deck-building mechanism. Players start the game with a modest collection of cards and must strategically acquire new cards through gameplay. Each card acquired adds countless possibilities for strategy and decision-making.

Throughout the game, players need to make sound choices to optimize their deck, balancing the use of movement cards to explore the spaceship, combat cards to defeat enemies, and skill cards to improve their abilities. The combination of different card types creates a vast array of strategic options from turn to turn.

Risk and Reward: The Clank! Mechanic

An innovative and attention-grabbing feature of Clank! In! Space! is the “Clank!” mechanic. As players move around the spaceship and collect artifacts, they generate noise and draw the attention of Lord Eradikus. Occasionally, players will have to add Clank! cubes to their personal Clank! area, represented by a mighty Clank! bag.

Here’s where the excitement lies – when Lord Eradikus does his rounds, he pulls cubes out of the bag, and for each cube matching a player’s color, they take damage. It’s a thrilling race against time, where players push their luck, hoping to collect valuable artifacts before getting caught by the astute Lord Eradikus.

Transition: With such intriguing gameplay mechanics keeping players on the edge of their seats, Clank! In! Space! not only offers an adrenaline-inducing experience but also challenges players’ strategic thinking. Speaking of strategy and decision-making…

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 — sample cards - Credit: W Eric Martin

Strategic Masterminds Unleash Their Skills in Clank! In! Space!

Clank! In! Space! not only captivates players with its thrilling gameplay mechanics but also challenges their strategic thinking and decision-making abilities. Every move and choice made in the game can greatly impact a player’s chances of success and survival as they navigate through the treacherous spaceship.

Planning Ahead: Pathfinding and Resource Management

One key aspect of strategy in Clank! In! Space! is planning ahead. Players must carefully choose their paths through various rooms, evaluating the risks and rewards of each. Some areas may contain powerful artifacts but come with heightened danger, while others may be safer but less rewarding.

Additionally, managing resources plays a crucial role in a player’s progress. Players must effectively allocate their movement, combat, and skill cards to maximize their actions on each turn. Balancing card usage with ongoing combat and the need for further exploration requires careful consideration and strategic planning.

Timing is Everything: Maximizing Opportunities

The game presents players with numerous opportunities for strategic play, and timing is key to capitalize on them. The skill cards acquired can greatly enhance a player’s abilities, but choosing the right moment to use them can mean the difference between success or defeat.

Players must also carefully time their attacks against enemies, choosing when to engage and when to avoid combat. Engaging in battles may grant additional rewards, but it also generates Clank! cubes, increasing the risk of attracting attention from Lord Eradikus.

Press Your Luck: Balancing Risk and Reward

Clank! In! Space! keeps players on their toes by introducing an element of push-your-luck. As players race to amass valuable artifacts and complete their objectives, they take calculated risks to gain advantages over their opponents.

Throughout the game, players must determine when and how many artifacts to collect, considering the increasing danger of generating noise and drawing Clank! cubes. Balancing the risk and reward of each decision adds an exhilarating element of suspense and strategy.

Transition: With strategy and decision-making playing crucial roles in determining the outcome of every game of Clank! In! Space!, it’s time to explore another aspect that adds to the game’s charm – its mesmerizing theme and captivating artwork!

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Immerse Yourself in a Thrilling Sci-Fi Adventure

The theme and artwork of Clank! In! Space! skillfully combine to create a captivating and immersive experience that plunges players into a thrilling sci-fi adventure. From the visually stunning illustrations to the compelling narrative, every aspect of the game’s presentation enhances the gameplay.

A Vibrant and Engaging Sci-Fi Universe

Clank! In! Space! takes players on a journey through a colorful and vibrant sci-fi universe. The game board represents Lord Eradikus’ menacing spaceship, each room beautifully designed with intricate details that bring the futuristic setting to life. Exploring the various chambers is a feast for the eyes and creates a strong immersive connection with the game world.

Fascinating Character Artwork and Design

The game features an array of unique and creative character artwork. Each player takes on the role of a different interstellar elite thief, employing their own special abilities and strategies. The diversity in character designs not only adds personality to each player’s experience but also sparks curiosity and interest in uncovering the stories behind these intriguing personalities.

Interactive and Game-Enhancing Components

Clank! In! Space! boasts high-quality components that enhance both the theme and gameplay. The cards that players acquire throughout the game are beautifully illustrated, immersing players in the sci-fi world while providing essential gameplay information. Additionally, the Clank! cubes and the Clank! bag add a tactile element to the game, intensifying the excitement as players can physically feel the Clank! cubes being drawn from the bag.

The attention to detail in the components not only makes Clank! In! Space! visually appealing but also contributes to the overall immersive experience.

An Epic Adventure Awaits

Transition: The combination of the captivating theme and mesmerizing artwork makes playing Clank! In! Space! a truly unforgettable experience. And as the journey through this thrilling science fiction universe reaches its conclusion, we delve into the final aspect that makes Clank! In! Space! a must-play game – its remarkable replayability!

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Space!, Renegade Game Studios, 2017 - Credit: W Eric Martin

Clank! In! Space! offers an impressive level of replayability, ensuring that each playthrough feels fresh and exciting. The game’s design and mechanics provide a variety of elements that contribute to its high replay value, keeping players coming back for more intergalactic heists.

Modular Board and Randomized Setup

One of the key factors that contribute to the replayability of Clank! In! Space! is its modular board. The spaceship is divided into different rooms, and the layout of these rooms can be customized through the use of double-sided tiles. This variability in board setup introduces new challenges and strategic opportunities with each game.

Furthermore, the game incorporates a randomized setup, ensuring that players encounter different arrangements of cards, items, and threats with each playthrough. This element of unpredictability adds to the game’s longevity and ensures that no two games are ever the same.

Variety of Character Abilities

Another aspect that significantly enhances replayability is the variety of character abilities in Clank! In! Space!. Each player takes on a different role, and each role comes with its own unique set of skills and capabilities. This variety not only provides players with different playstyles to explore but also prompts them to develop new strategies and tactics for each character they embody.

Expansions and Continuous Support

Transition: Just when you think you’ve mastered the game, Clank! In! Space! offers expansions and continuous support to take the adventure to even greater heights.

Clank! In! Space! has several expansions available, each introducing new cards, items, and mechanics. These expansions provide additional depth and variety to the base game, opening up new possibilities for exciting gameplay experiences. The continuous support and release of expansions ensure that the game remains fresh, evolving, and enticing for both newcomers and seasoned players alike.

With its modular board, randomized setup, variety of character abilities, and continuous support through expansions, Clank! In! Space! undoubtedly offers a tremendous amount of replayability.

Whether you’re a fan of deck-building games or an avid sci-fi enthusiast, Clank! In! Space! is a game that will keep you coming back for more intergalactic adventures. With its captivating gameplay mechanics, strategic decision-making, immersive theme and artwork, and impressive replayability, this game is highly recommended for players seeking a thrilling and dynamic gaming experience.

Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure - Clank! In! Spaaaaaace! - Credit: ceephour


Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure is an outstanding sci-fi board game that keeps players engrossed from start to finish. With its captivating gameplay mechanics, strategic decision-making, immersive theme and artwork, and impressive replayability, this game offers a truly unforgettable gaming experience. The modular board, randomized setup, and variety of character abilities ensure that each playthrough feels fresh and exciting. The continuous support through expansions adds even more depth and variety to an already exceptional game. Whether you’re a fan of deck-building games or simply enjoy a thrilling adventure in space, Clank! In! Space! is a must-have addition to any board game collection.

4.7/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.