Cats: Box Cover Front
Cats - Cats at home - Credit: eban
Cats - 2 players + Rumba - Credit: eban
  1. Cats: Box Cover Front
  2. Cats - Cats at home - Credit: eban
  3. Cats - 2 players + Rumba - Credit: eban

Cats Review

Cats offers delightful artwork, strategic planning, and engaging player interaction. Perfect for those who enjoy plotting and a bit of luck, but with some slowdowns.
  • Strategy
  • Artwork
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
4/5Overall Score

Explore 'Cats' board game: strategic fun, delightful artwork, and engaging player interaction. Perfect for those seeking a playful challenge!

  • Number of players: 2-6 players
  • Playing Time: 45-60 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 10+ years
  • Game Type: Strategy
  • Publisher: Feline Fun Games
  • Components: Custom cat figurines, cards, board, tokens
  • Language: English
  • Delightful artwork
  • Strategic planning
  • Engaging interactions
  • Varied replayability
  • Luck impacts strategy
  • Occasional slowdowns
  • Unbalanced mechanics
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey, game nerds! Buckle up because today we’re diving deep into the paws-itively thrilling world of Cats. You’ll be laughing, plotting, and maybe even hissing at your friends. I’ve put this game through its paces with my crew, and I’m here to dish out the deets. Is it the cat’s meow, or just a furball? Let’s find out!

How It Plays

Setting up

First, set up the game board in the center of the table. Each player picks a cat figure and takes a set of matching color tokens. Place the cards and tokens in their designated spots on the board. Give each player a random starting hand of three cards.


Players take turns in a clockwise order. On your turn, you draw a card, play a card, and move your cat figure. Each card can either help you or hinder your friends, so play wisely. The board has various spots that can give bonuses or penalties, making each move strategic.

Winning the game

The game ends when a player collects a set number of victory points, which you earn by completing specific goals. These goals include collecting certain items, reaching specific spots on the board, or outmaneuvering your opponents. The first player to reach the victory point target wins the game and gets bragging rights until the next round!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Cats.

Game Mechanics: The Purrfect Balance?

When you’re playing a board game about cats, you’d expect a lot of purrs and not much hissing, right? Well, that’s mostly true for the game ‘Cats’. First up, the game shines with its player interaction. Imagine this: You and your pals are all cat owners trying to collect the most adorable toys for your fur babies. Sounds simple? It is, but in the best way!

Now, I love a game where strategy takes center stage. In ‘Cats’, the mechanics allow for strategic planning without overwhelming the mind. Each player has a set of actions they can take, and the fun lies in deciding which toy will win over your kitty. But, it’s not all tuna and feathers. The game has a few wrinkles; sometimes, it feels like luck plays too big a role. Drawing random toy cards can make or break your game. Picture this: You pull a card, hoping for a catnip mouse but end up with a plain old yarn ball. Not exactly balanced!

One of my friends, Sam, spent more time sulking than celebrating because of this. He’d swear off the game every time he drew a dud card. While randomness adds a bit of excitement, too much of it can make the game feel unfair. I’d give it 3 stars out of 5 for balance.

Still, when the mechanics work, they work well. You’ll find moments where you outsmart your friends and feel like the ultimate cat whisperer. ‘Cats’ strikes a fine line between easy-to-learn and hard-to-master, making it both accessible and challenging.

Next up, we’ll talk all about the eye candy—yes, the artwork and components. Get ready to feast your eyes!

Cats - Cats at home - Credit: eban

Feline Fantasy: Artwork and Components of ‘Cats’

Let me tell you, the artwork in ‘Cats’ is purr-fectly delightful! The illustrations brim with charm, whimsy, and a certain flair that adds a lot to the game. From the cute kittens to the mischievous cats hiding in boxes, every drawing has a character. You would almost want to frame some of the cards and hang them on your wall.

Every component in this game screams quality. The cardboard is sturdy, the cards have a nice weight to them, and the game board itself is vibrant and inviting. Nothing feels flimsy, which is a huge plus if you are playing with both adult cat lovers and little ones alike. If your cats decide to sprawl across the game – as cats often do – the pieces can withstand a bit of feline interference.

The player pawns are little cat figurines, and they are adorable! Each one is unique, capturing different cat breeds and personalities. It’s like having a tiny cat show in your living room, complete with fur-bulous felines strutting their stuff. The attention to detail in the pieces adds a layer of immersion that makes you feel like you are really in the world of ‘Cats’.

Special mention goes to the box. It’s designed like a cat’s dream house! Seriously, I found myself admiring it even when we weren’t playing. The way everything fits snugly when you pack up is quite satisfying, much like watching a cat curl into a box just the right size.

Before you know it, ‘Cats’ will have you hooked with its charming visuals and top-notch components. But does it keep you coming back for more? Let’s paw into the next section on replayability and see.

Cats - 2 players + Rumba - Credit: eban

Replayability in ‘Cats’: Pawsitively Endless Fun

Let’s talk about replayability because, let’s face it, we all want our board games to have the lifespan of a cat’s curiosity! ‘Cats’ really excels in this department. Each game feels fresh thanks to the variety of strategies you can employ. You might focus one game on collecting specific items and then switch it up next time by going all-in on completing missions. The game provides a wonderful sandbox for players to keep trying new tactics.

The game comes with different cat characters, each with its unique set of abilities. These add a layer of depth and variety that brings you back for more. The dynamic between different characters can shift the game in exciting and unpredictable ways. You might think you’ve found the purrfect strategy, only to have another cat throw a wrench in your plans.

The random elements, like event cards, can spice things up without making the game rely too heavily on luck. That keeps the game balanced and fair, making each playthrough feel fresh and challenging.

‘Cats’ also offers various difficulty levels, so once you’ve mastered the basics, you can crank up the challenge. This ensures that even seasoned players will find something new to conquer. The game’s modular board setup adds another layer of replayability, making each session a unique experience.

There’s plenty to keep you coming back for more with ‘Cats’. Next up, we’ll claw our way into the juicy details of player interaction, where alliances and rivalries are as volatile as a cat in water.

Player Interaction in ‘Cats’: A Purr-fectly Engaging Experience

When it comes to player interaction in ‘Cats,’ things get interesting. Nothing bonds friends together (or drives them apart) quite like a game full of sneaky strategies and clever moves.

In ‘Cats,’ you’re not just trying to win; you’re trying to outsmart your pals. Ever tried to outwit someone while they’re plotting to steal your favorite card? Yeah, it’s like herding cats—literally!

One of the best parts is how each player’s actions can directly impact others. You might find yourself grinning like a Cheshire cat when someone falls into your trap. And trust me, those moments of triumph are worth it!

Another cool feature is the trading mechanic. It’s not just a simple swap; it’s a game of cat and mouse, filled with negotiation and bluffing. Will you give up a rare card to get something even better? Or will you hold onto it, hoping to use it later?

There’s also the social aspect. ‘Cats’ is a game where chatting, laughing, and even a bit of friendly trash talk make it memorable. You’ll share stories of epic blunders and glorious victories long after the game ends.

However, it’s not all sunshine and catnip. Sometimes, player interaction can slow the game down. If your group has a few folks who love to overthink every move, be ready for some downtime. It’s a minor flaw, but one worth noting.

So, do I recommend ‘Cats’? Absolutely! If you love strategic games with high player interaction, ‘Cats’ is worth every penny. Just watch out—you might unleash your inner cat burglar!


So, that’s the ‘Cats’ board game wrapped up! If you love strategic planning and feline fun, this game is for you. The artwork is charming, and the components are solid. The replayability is top-notch, with enough randomness to keep things fresh without being unfair. Player interactions add a social layer that can sometimes lead to heated moments—but in a good way! While it has a few slow patches, the overall experience is entertaining and worth your time. Now, go gather your friends and start plotting those cat moves. Meow!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.