Betrayal Legacy cover
Betrayal Legacy - Content - Credit: jlele
Betrayal Legacy - Betrayal Legacy, Avalon Hill, 2018 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Betrayal Legacy - Betrayal Legacy, Avalon Hill, 2018 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Betrayal Legacy - I also would like to discover a “blood field.” - Credit: The Innocent
Betrayal Legacy - Out, damned child! - Credit: The Innocent
Betrayal Legacy - Give, drop, attack… it’s straightforward stuff. - Credit: The Innocent
Betrayal Legacy - Exploring the mansion. - Credit: The Innocent
  1. Betrayal Legacy cover
  2. Betrayal Legacy - Content - Credit: jlele
  3. Betrayal Legacy - Betrayal Legacy, Avalon Hill, 2018 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Betrayal Legacy - Betrayal Legacy, Avalon Hill, 2018 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  5. Betrayal Legacy - I also would like to discover a “blood field.” - Credit: The Innocent
  6. Betrayal Legacy - Out, damned child! - Credit: The Innocent
  7. Betrayal Legacy - Give, drop, attack… it’s straightforward stuff. - Credit: The Innocent
  8. Betrayal Legacy - Exploring the mansion. - Credit: The Innocent

Betrayal Legacy Review

Betrayal Legacy masterfully weaves mechanics with storytelling in each session. An evolving narrative combined with unique Haunts makes this game an experience rich in social interaction and strategic complexity.
  • Evolving Narrative
  • Mechanic: Haunt Revealing
  • Player Roleplay/Storytelling
  • Social Engagement
4.5/5Overall Score

Detailed Betrayal Legacy review: from continuously unfolding storylines to enhanced social interaction and unique Haunts, a quintessential board gaming adventure.

  • Number of players: 3-5
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 12+
  • Game Type: Strategy/Adventure
  • Mechanism: Tile Placement, Role Playing
  • Theme: Horror, Mystery
  • Designer: Rob Daviau, JR Honeycutt, Noah Cohen, and others
  • Engaging emergent storytelling
  • Rich strategic depth
  • Fun social interaction
  • Replayable legacy elements
  • Complex rules learning curve
  • Legacy format can intimidate
  • Requires commitment to sessions
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to the canvas of treachery and loyalty, where Betrayal Legacy etches its unique narrative with each play. Plunge into this review as we unravel the cascading stories, dissect the enigmatic mechanics of Haunt revelations, and celebrate the intimate roleplay that are cornerstones of this captivating game. Start your legacy, chart unknown horrors, and let this game be the guest of honor in your gaming nights!

How It Plays

Setting Up

To begin Betrayal Legacy, players select their characters from the available family heirs, each boasting unique backstories and traits. A start-of-game Legacy deck that adapts and evolves determines the initial setup state, while tiles placed on the board form the haunted mansion’s foundation. Throughout the campaign, components added offer permanence and weight to your decisions, leaving a physical manifestation of your tabletop saga.


The gameplay revolve around exploring the mansion, while the story unfolds through the ongoing discovery of new rooms. Players draw cards that can trigger items, events, or omens, influencing the storyline progressively. Often during the game, a Haunt is triggered—a critical turning point where one becomes an adversary or encounters a cooperative challenge—and the rules and ambitions shift dramatically.

Winning the Game

Victory conditions in Betrayal Legacy can transform dramatically with each adventure. Depending on the Haunt encountered, players must either meet specific challenge criteria, resist the betrayal’s consequences, or achieve narrative-linked goals. Crystallized chapter endings provide a completion toward the greater saga—fostering thriving competition blended with engaging storytelling elements.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Betrayal Legacy.

Evolving Narrative: A Legacy of Surprises

My experiences with Betrayal Legacy have consistently overwhelmed me with their uniquely evolving narrative—something quite rare in the board gaming realm. From session to session, the intricate storyline emerges organically, leaving my gaming circle speculating eagerly about future developments.

Building Tension Each Night

Diving into each new chapter of Betrayal Legacy, we’ve discovered that early decisions ripple through subsequent sessions, imbuing the game with a historically-persistent tension. There isn’t just a single narrative arc, but several that spider-web out, influenced by the players themselves. Our collective choices become as important to the storytelling as the predefined script, which honestly feels revolutionary in play.

Fresh Twists

With palpable eagerness, we’ve unfolded secrets that shift our understanding of the unfolding story. I recall one evening’s climax when the interwoven past actions of a character came to haunt us—literally. This incredible dimension of responsive narrative transforms each gaming session into a fresh chapter of a group-authored epic.

As we turn the page on Evolving Narrative, let’s tread cautiously into the dim corridors of the unpredictable Mechanic: Haunt revealing process.

Betrayal Legacy - Content - Credit: jlele

The Pivot Point: Haunt Mechanics in Motion

The mechanics that distinguish Betrayal Legacy turn every game into a thrilling narrative pivot. In my numerous gaming evenings, as we gathered around our worn-out but beloved copy, the haunt revealing process always marked a dramatic change of pace. One moment, we were allies exploring a sinister and ever-changing haunted mansion, and within a turn—adversaries embroiled in a ghostly vendetta.

Suspense in Discovery

In each playthrough, as we picked up omens, a sense of suspense underscored our gradual march towards inevitable betrayal. Narrative subtleties were weaved as ordinary items accumulated their own history.

Moment of Revelation

The precise moment when the haunt was triggered, often invited gasps. The reveal caused a surge of energy, intense scrutiny of the newly flipped page of the rulebook passionately ensued, a testament to the game’s enthralling design.

Next, let’s delve deeper into how these socially engaging moments create an atmosphere ripe for Player roleplay and storytelling

Betrayal Legacy - Betrayal Legacy, Avalon Hill, 2018 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Mastering Your Character’s Destiny

During our Betrayal Legacy campaign, the most poignant pieces stemmed from actively roleplaying our family’s characters. Life of the Party With betrayal as our game night centerpiece, seamlessly switching from an ally to a potential adversary never failed to add a rich layer of narrative spice to our evenings. Admittedly, at the outset, stepping fully into our character’s spirit felt daunting. Story Beyond the Board However, once we embraced our roles, it turned into a hilarious escapade tailoring our actions to our family’s invented quirks, magnifying the game’s immersive nature. Betrayal Legacy invited us not just to play a game, but to tell a memorable, continuous story. Without a single doubt, it captures my recommendation.

Betrayal Legacy - Betrayal Legacy, Avalon Hill, 2018 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin


As we bring this review to a close, it becomes evident that Betrayal Legacy masterfully marries mechanics with narrative to provide a tabletop experience that resonates well beyond the final move. From the initial setup that teases the adventure ahead to the delicate unveiling of the haunt, each phase of the game is drenched in anticipation and suspense. The roleplayed actions and decisions of players craft a story that becomes uniquely theirs, a patchwork of frights and laughs that turns each session into a fond memory. Whether you’re seeking an evening of casual fun or a commitment to a narrative-heavy campaign, Betrayal Legacy stands as a commendable choice filled with gothic thrills for friends and family. A definitive thumbs up for those who appreciate a grand and unfolding board game lore.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.