Bermuda Triangle: Box Cover Front
Bermuda Triangle - Bermuda Triangle, Milton Bradley edition 1976 (Image is copyright Dice Maestro Ltd & uploaded with their permission, see - Credit: AnnC
Bermuda Triangle - MB English/French edition box front - Credit: CatinaBox
  1. Bermuda Triangle: Box Cover Front
  2. Bermuda Triangle - Bermuda Triangle, Milton Bradley edition 1976 (Image is copyright Dice Maestro Ltd & uploaded with their permission, see - Credit: AnnC
  3. Bermuda Triangle - MB English/French edition box front - Credit: CatinaBox

Bermuda Triangle Review

Bermuda Triangle blends strategy with chaotic storms. Plan your route, but be ready for sudden shifts. Fun and unpredictable, it’s great for those who enjoy a wild and engaging game night.
  • Game Mechanics
  • Player Interaction
  • Balance and Fairness
  • Luck versus Strategy
3.8/5Overall Score

Bermuda Triangle blends strategy and chaos, mixing magnets and storms. It's perfect for unpredictable and engaging game nights.

  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 60 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 8+
  • Game Type: Strategy, Family Game
  • Components: Board, Ships, Magnets, Storm markers, Dice
  • Publisher: Milton Bradley
  • Release Year: 1976
  • Fun and chaotic gameplay
  • Easy to learn rules
  • Engaging player interaction
  • Unique magnet mechanics
  • Randomness affects strategy
  • Storms cause unpredictable outcomes
  • Unbalanced for experienced players
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Welcome to my review of the wild and whacky board game, Bermuda Triangle! If you love a mix of strategy and unpredictable chaos, this one might just be your new favorite. But don’t let the calm name fool you—things can get stormy fast. As we explore the game’s mechanics, player interaction, and that tricky balance between luck and skill, you’ll see why Bermuda Triangle keeps everyone on their toes. So grab your compass and set sail with me on this turbulent adventure!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, you set up the board in the middle of the table. Each player picks a fleet and places their ships in the designated harbor area. Shuffle the weather cards and place them face down. Position the Bermuda Triangle cloud piece on its starting spot.


Players take turns moving their ships across the board, aiming to reach various ports to collect cargo. Watch out for the Bermuda Triangle cloud! It moves based on drawn weather cards, causing ships in its path to disappear. You can form alliances, plot routes, and even sabotage others.

Winning the Game

The game ends when a player collects cargo from all ports or when the weather deck runs out of cards. The player with the most cargo points wins. But beware, the Bermuda Triangle might still mess up your plans!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Bermuda Triangle.

The Intriguing Mechanics and Rules of Bermuda Triangle

When I first unboxed Bermuda Triangle, I couldn’t help but feel curious. The game mechanics set up like an adventure. Imagine playing with magnets, cause that’s the main gimmick here. The board is a map of the Atlantic Ocean, with a spooky Bermuda Triangle right in the middle. What’s strange is that this triangle moves, adding dynamism to the game.

Each player commands a fleet of ships, and the goal is to transport goods from port to port. Simple, right? Not so fast. The Bermuda Triangle isn’t just a terrifying legend; it’s a pesky obstacle that can zap your ships away. The way it works is brilliant; hidden magnets under the board move the triangle around. This keeps everyone on their toes.

One thing that got me scratching my head was the wind direction mechanic. Seriously, they’ve got a mini weather system in this game! You use a spinner to set the wind direction, which can either help or hinder your ships. If you’re like me and dread pure luck-based games, you’ll love this twist. There’s some strategy involved, but still enough randomness to keep things lively.

However, I’ve got to mention something that bugged me. The rules are a bit on the slim side. It’s easy to grasp, but if you run into a problem, the rulebook won’t hold your hand. Me and my buddies had to house-rule a few situations, which can be a hassle if you’re a by-the-book gamer.

The game is a mix of strategy and luck, and that moving triangle keeps things unpredictable. Stay tuned, because next up is how the game excels (or flops) in player interactions and engagement!

Bermuda Triangle - Bermuda Triangle, Milton Bradley edition 1976 (Image is copyright Dice Maestro Ltd & uploaded with their permission, see - Credit: AnnC

Player Interaction and Engagement in Bermuda Triangle

Who knew that a game about mysterious disappearances could be so much fun? Bermuda Triangle brings players together in a chaotic symphony of ships and storms. You’ll feel like a captain navigating the high seas, yelling out warnings as the dreaded storm cloud moves closer. And believe me, the tension is real!

In Bermuda Triangle, players take turns moving their fleet of ships across the board, picking up cargo and delivering it to ports. The twist here is that everyone has their eye on the same goal, making it a tight race. The storm cloud, controlled by rotating discs on the board, can send ships off to never-never land, and laughs ensue when someone else’s ship vanishes right before reaching the port. It’s a perfect mix of trash talk and teamwork!

You’ll find yourself forming temporary alliances, promising not to move the storm cloud towards a friend’s fleet… only to break that promise for a strategic advantage. This kind of interaction keeps everyone on their toes and the game fresh every round.

The game also encourages table talk, which is always a good sign for engagement. You’ll be bluffing, second-guessing, and trying to outsmart each other, which adds layers of strategy. Those fleeting moments of trust and betrayal make every game session memorable.

If you and your friends enjoy games that keep everyone involved and laughing, Bermuda Triangle will not disappoint. Just be prepared for some friendly grudges to form!

Next up, let’s talk about how balanced and fair Bermuda Triangle really is.

Bermuda Triangle - MB English/French edition box front - Credit: CatinaBox

Balance and Fairness in Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle, the board game, takes you on a wild ride. Picture this: four friends, a living room, and a mysterious puzzle waiting to be solved. The game’s balance stands out because of its careful design. Every player has an equal chance at the start, which keeps things fair and square. However, it doesn’t stay predictable for long. This is where the fun lies.

The game has a weather mechanic that shifts the winds, which adds randomness. But it also lets players use wind cards to manipulate these conditions. It’s like playing God with the weather! This can be both a boon and a curse. Newbies might feel the pinch if they’re not quick to adapt, but seasoned players can turn the tables with a clever card play.

However, Bermuda Triangle does have its quirks. Sometimes, it feels like the game is out to get you. You might be sailing smoothly when, bam! A sudden storm wipes out your progress. This is where balance gets tricky. While randomness adds spice, too much of it can tilt the game unfavorably. If you’re on the receiving end of multiple storms, it could feel unfair. This could be a dealbreaker for those who prefer a more calculated approach.

In terms of fairness, the game offers a level playing field initially, but the scales can tip depending on the wind cards you draw. It requires a blend of skill and a bit of weather-watching luck. The balance leans towards those who can think on their feet and weather the storms.

Next up, let’s see how luck and strategy shape the tempestuous world of Bermuda Triangle.

Luck vs. Strategy: Navigating Bermuda Triangle

So, you’re ready to sail through the Bermuda Triangle. Great! But wait, do you need more luck or more strategy to win? This game dances on the fine line between the two.

First off, strategy lovers, you’ll enjoy the planning aspect. You get to decide your routes, manage your fleet, and try to outwit your friends. But beware! The Bermuda Triangle isn’t just about clever moves. The game’s rotating storm system can turn your well-laid plans into chaos. One minute, you’ve got a clear path, and the next, a dreaded storm swallows your ship. Cue the dramatic music!

This brings us to luck. Unlike games where dice rolls or card draws determine your fate, here it’s the magnetic storm. This adds a thrilling unpredictability. Sometimes, it feels like the game has a mind of its own. I remember one match where I had the upper hand, and then—bam! The storm shifted and took my best ship down. My friends laughed, I sulked, and we all had a blast.

Now, this mix of luck and strategy can be a double-edged sword. If you hate randomness and want full control, the Bermuda Triangle might drive you nuts. But if you embrace the chaos and adapt your strategy on the fly, you’re in for a wild ride.

So, do I recommend this game? Absolutely, but with a caveat. If you love a bit of madness mixed with your cunning plans, you’ll have a great time. Just don’t blame me when the storm eats your ship!


After several rounds of Bermuda Triangle, I can say it’s a wild and engaging ride. The mix of strategy and luck makes it unpredictable but fun. Sure, the randomness might frustrate serious strategists, but the chaotic storms and magnetic mysteries add a unique charm. If you enjoy a game that keeps everyone on their toes, Bermuda Triangle is worth a try. Just be ready for a bit of madness! This concludes my review of Bermuda Triangle.

3.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.