Arboretum: Box Cover Front
Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — deluxe edition in a wooden box w/ sleeve removed (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Arboretum - Deluxe cards - Credit: Aldaron
Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — deluxe edition in a wooden box w/ sleeve removed (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Arboretum - Arboretum, ABACUSSPIELE, 2016 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Arboretum - Near the end of a four player game. 
 - Credit: moonblogger
Arboretum - Second edition cards - Credit: Aldaron
  1. Arboretum: Box Cover Front
  2. Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — deluxe edition in a wooden box w/ sleeve removed (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Arboretum - Deluxe cards - Credit: Aldaron
  5. Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — deluxe edition in a wooden box w/ sleeve removed (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  6. Arboretum - Arboretum, ABACUSSPIELE, 2016 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  7. Arboretum - Near the end of a four player game. 
 - Credit: moonblogger
  8. Arboretum - Second edition cards - Credit: Aldaron

Arboretum Review

Arboretum is a beautiful blend of strategy and art. Each card draw is a test of planning and adaptability. Perfect for a quick yet thoughtful game night. However, luck can frustrate. 4/5 for its engaging, strategic depth.
  • Card Art and Quality
  • Strategic Depth
  • Game Length and Pacing
  • Accessibility for New Players
4/5Overall Score

Arboretum is a visually stunning, strategic card game that offers depth and replayability. A great choice for game nights. 4/5.

  • Number of Players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 8+
  • Game Type: Card Game
  • Strategy Level: Medium-High
  • Learning Curve: Moderate
  • Theme: Botanical/Tree
  • Stunning art
  • Deep strategy
  • High replayability
  • Accessible to newcomers
  • Luck influences outcome
  • Can frustrate new players
  • Limited player interaction
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Welcome to the enchanted world of Arboretum, a game where strategy and beauty intertwine, making it a unique addition to any board game collection. Today, I’m here to share my thoughts and experiences after diving deep into this game with my mates. If you’re on the fence about adding Arboretum to your game nights, this review might just sway you one way or the other. Let’s get into it!

How It Plays

Arboretum is a card game that’s all about building the most beautiful path through your own garden of trees. You’ll not only need to think about which trees to plant but also how to arrange them to create paths that’ll score you the most points. It’s a mix of strategy and beauty, where every move can lead to blooming success or leafy downfall. Let’s walk through how to set it up, play it, and win it.

Setting Up

To set up, each player gets a deck of beautifully illustrated tree cards. You’ll shuffle your deck and draw 7 cards to start with. The rest of the cards form a draw pile in the middle of the table, with space for a discard pile next to it. Make sure you’ve got room to grow your arboretum, as you’ll be laying cards down in front of you as the game progresses.


On your turn, you’ll draw two cards. These can come from either the main deck or any of the discard piles (watch out, though, because picking from the discard pile gives your opponents a hint about what trees you’re collecting). After drawing, you’ll play one card from your hand into your arboretum, creating pathways of trees. Each type of tree has a different scoring rule, so think ahead. Then, you’ll discard a card face up next to the draw pile. The catch? Only the player who holds the highest number of a tree species in their hand can score for those paths, so decide wisely what to discard!

Winning the game

The game ends once all the cards from the draw pile are depleted. Players then reveal their hands to determine who has the right to score each tree species based on who has the highest total value of cards for that species in hand. You’ll score points based on the paths in your arboretum, with longer and more diverse paths scoring higher. The player with the most points after all scoring is complete wins and can claim the title of the most skillful gardener.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Arboretum.

Arboretum: A Visual Journey Through Nature’s Majesty

First things first, let’s talk about the visual feast that is Arboretum. This game’s cards are nothing short of art gallery worthy. Each card in Arboretum features a stunning illustration of various tree species, from the majestic oak to the delicate cherry blossom. The attention to detail in every leaf and branch is astounding, transporting players right into the serene beauty of a botanical garden. But it’s not just about looks; the card quality is top-notch too. Durable and easy to shuffle, these cards are built to withstand the enthusiastic handling of countless game nights. Playing Arboretum is akin to holding a miniature art exhibit in your hands, making it a game that appeals as much to the art lover as to the board game enthusiast.

Now that we’ve marveled at the artistry of Arboretum, let’s branch out into the strategic depth and decision making that make this game truly stand out.

Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Unraveling the Strategic Layers of Arboretum

At first glance, Arboretum might just seem like another pretty card game with its lush illustrations. But don’t let the serene arboreal vistas fool you; beneath the canopy lies a battleground of wit and strategy. Each decision in Arboretum feels weighty, from choosing which cards to draw and play, to deciding which ones to keep in your hand. The game cleverly forces players into tough choices, balancing the act of building their own arboretums while also hindering their opponents’ efforts. It’s this dance between direct competition and personal advancement that plants Arboretum firmly in the realm of games with deep strategic depth.

Moreover, the strategic decision-making extends beyond mere card placement. Players must also consider the types of trees to focus on, as each species offers different paths to victory. The game’s scoring system, favoring sequences of the same tree species, adds a layer of complexity, making each play a critical step towards triumph or a misstep towards concession.

Ready to shift gears? Our next exploration ventures into the realms of game length and pacing.

Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — deluxe edition in a wooden box w/ sleeve removed (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

Mastering the Pace of Arboretum

One of the things that strikes you when playing Arboretum is how it nails the game length and pacing. It’s this magical sweet spot where the game is long enough to develop a strategy and see it unfold but short enough that it doesn’t drag. Typically, a game lasts between 30 to 45 minutes, which is perfect for a game night that keeps everyone engaged and leaves room for a rematch or two. The pacing feels just right; each turn is quick, but every decision feels impactful. You’re constantly weighing which card to draw and which to keep, making each moment ripe with tension and excitement. This brisk pacing ensures the game moves swiftly, keeping all players on their toes and fully engaged until the very last card is played.

Next, let’s branch out and discuss how Arboretum welcomes newcomers to its lush paths in the section about accessibility for new players.

Arboretum - Deluxe cards - Credit: Aldaron

Is Arboretum Welcoming to New Players?

Getting into new board games can sometimes feel like trying to decipher an ancient code. But with Arboretum, the barrier to entry is as low as a well-pruned hedge. The game packs a lot of strategic depth, but what’s brilliant is how intuitively this depth unfolds for new players. The rulebook is concise and well-written, making it easy for anyone to jump in. Plus, the sheer beauty of the cards serves as a nice distraction while you’re getting your head around the strategies.

One thing to note, though, is that Arboretum does not hold your hand. The simplicity of the rules doesn’t mean the strategic decisions are easy. New players might find themselves outmaneuvered by veterans, yet this learning curve is gentle enough to encourage another go rather than deter. Each game teaches you a new trick or strategy, making it more accessible the more you play.

So, do I recommend Arboretum for new players? Absolutely. It’s a game that grows with you, making every match a new opportunity to blossom into a better player.

Arboretum - Arboretum, Renegade Game Studios, 2018 — deluxe edition in a wooden box w/ sleeve removed (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin


Wrapping up our journey through the tranquil paths of Arboretum, it’s clear this game is a gem in any collection. Between its breathtaking card art and the deep, strategic gameplay, it offers both visual allure and mental challenge. The balance between building your own arboretum and thwarting your opponents provides endless replayability, yet it remains accessible to newcomers willing to navigate its strategic depths. Each game wraps up in a satisfying 30-45 minutes, making it a perfect pick for game nights. Although it leans heavily on strategy over luck, it keeps every player on their toes until the very end. If you’re on the hunt for a game that’s as beautiful on the table as it is engaging in play, Arboretum is a splendid choice. Just beware, this peaceful quest to create the most beautiful path of trees might stir up some competitive spirits along the way. A solid 4 out of 5 stars from me!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.