Antiquity: Box Cover Front
Antiquity - The twilight of my civilization. - Credit: moonblogger
Antiquity -  - Credit: Debate
Antiquity - On January 9, 2006, I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger
Antiquity cover
Antiquity - This photo was taken at my game room on May 7, 2006, where I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger
Antiquity - The world of late Antiquity. - Credit: moonblogger
Antiquity - On December 29, 2005, I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger
Antiquity - Close-up. - Credit: moonblogger
Antiquity - box contents... kinda disappointing for such a large box - Credit: Debate
Antiquity - The Plague that Hit Guyville - Credit: oriecat
  1. Antiquity: Box Cover Front
  2. Antiquity - The twilight of my civilization. - Credit: moonblogger
  3. Antiquity -  - Credit: Debate
  4. Antiquity - On January 9, 2006, I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger
  5. Antiquity cover
  6. Antiquity - This photo was taken at my game room on May 7, 2006, where I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger
  7. Antiquity - The world of late Antiquity. - Credit: moonblogger
  8. Antiquity - On December 29, 2005, I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger
  9. Antiquity - Close-up. - Credit: moonblogger
  10. Antiquity - box contents... kinda disappointing for such a large box - Credit: Debate
  11. Antiquity - The Plague that Hit Guyville - Credit: oriecat

Antiquity Review

Antiquity: A strategic gem with a steep learning curve, demanding masterful resource management. Not for the faint-hearted, but endlessly rewarding for strategy enthusiasts. Expect long, captivating sessions that keep you coming back for more.
  • Complexity and Learning Curve
  • Resource Management
  • Replayability
  • Game Length and Pacing
4.3/5Overall Score

'Antiquity' is a complex strategy game with deep resource management, requiring strategic thinking and offering high replayability. Not for casuals.

  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 120-240 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game Type: Strategy
  • Complexity: High
  • Theme: Civilization Building
  • Designer: Splotter Spellen
  • Strategic depth
  • Masterful resource management
  • High replayability
  • Rewards patient gameplay
  • Steep learning curve
  • Long game sessions
  • Not for casual gamers
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Today, we’re taking a closer look at Antiquity, a board game that’s nothing short of a strategic masterpiece. If you’re the type who relishes in planning, scheming, and outsmarting your friends in a game night setting, then buckle up. Antiquity is going to take you on a wild ride. In this review, I’ll dish out the deets on its complexity, resource management, game variants, and what makes it either a game night staple or a potential dust gatherer on your shelf. So, grab your popcorn, or better yet, a notepad because you’re going to want to remember these insights!

How It Plays

Setting up

To start Antiquity, each player picks a city and sets up their initial buildings and resources. This part is like a mini puzzle, and you’ll quickly see who’s a Tetris fan. Make sure you have snacks; this setup can be a bit of a brain teaser.


Gameplay involves expanding your city, managing resources, and keeping pollution in check. Yes, pollution – this game doesn’t just challenge your strategy skills but also slips in a message about environmentalism. You’ll explore, build, farm, and sometimes watch your plans crumble because you didn’t plan your space well. It’s like sim city but with more sheep.

Winning the game

Winning Antiquity isn’t just about expanding your empire; it’s about choosing a patron saint and fulfilling their conditions for victory. It could be building a cathedral or achieving a monopoly on a resource. It’s like the board game version of choosing your own adventure book. The first player to meet their saint’s win condition gets eternal glory and bragging rights until the next game night.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Antiquity.

Mastering the Intricacies of Antiquity: A Steep Climb Worth Every Step

When you first open the box of Antiquity, you might think you’re just diving into another resource management game. But oh boy, are you wrong. The game is a beast in terms of complexity and learning curve. It’s like deciding to climb Mount Everest because the hill behind your house seemed too easy. Initially, the sheer number of rules and strategies might seem daunting. Your first game will feel more like a trial by fire, where you’re not just learning how to play but also discovering a hundred ways to lose. But here’s the thing – it’s incredibly rewarding. Each playthrough peels back another layer of strategy, making you eager to try again with a new approach. You’re not just playing; you’re evolving with the game.

For those who love a challenge, Antiquity is a testament to the beauty of complexity in board games. Just when you think you’ve mastered one aspect, another emerges to challenge you. But don’t let that scare you away. The satisfaction of finally understanding and controlling the chaos is unparalleled.

Now, let’s shift our focus to how Antiquity turns resource management into an art form.

Antiquity - The twilight of my civilization. - Credit: moonblogger

Mastering Resource Management in Antiquity

In Antiquity, managing resources isn’t just part of the game; it’s the heartbeat of your strategy. Players are thrust into a world where every grain of wheat, every block of wood, and every slab of stone could mean the difference between victory and defeat. You’ll find yourself constantly weighing the benefits of expansion against the immediate need for resources. The game brilliantly simulates a balancing act of urban planning, agricultural development, and resource allocation that feels both challenging and rewarding.

Diving deep into this aspect, you realize that Antiquity doesn’t just challenge you to manage resources; it requires you to anticipate scarcity, plan for sustainability, and sometimes, make tough sacrifices. This mechanic demands foresight and strategy, setting it apart from games where resource management is more about luck than skill.

Having conquered resource management, let’s till the fertile grounds of Replayability and game variants in the next section.

Antiquity -  - Credit: Debate

Unlock Endless Adventures with Antiquity

One of the shining jewels in Antiquity‘s crown is its replayability. This isn’t a game you’ll grow tired of after a few rounds. Thanks to the various strategies and city-building scenarios it offers, every game feels like a new challenge. You’re not just building cities; you’re crafting a new destiny each time. The scenarios and strategies you can employ are as vast as the lands you aim to conquer, ensuring that no two games are the same. Add to this the game variants that tweak the rules or the setup, and you’ve got yourself a game night staple that refuses to gather dust.

The intrigue of Antiquity doesn’t stop there; the game’s length and pacing are up next, ready to keep the momentum going.

Antiquity - On January 9, 2006, I played Antiquity with my friends. - Credit: moonblogger

Unwrapping Antiquity: A Test of Time and Patience

Now, folks, if there’s one thing about Antiquity that’s as clear as a bell, it’s that this ain’t your quick, breezy, over-before-you-know-it kind of game. No sir, Antiquity is in it for the long haul, sorta like that one friend who starts telling a story and you know you’d better grab a snack. We’re talking about game sessions that can stretch longer than a Sunday afternoon nap, easily crossing the 3-hour mark, especially when you’re still getting your sea legs with the rules.

But don’t let that scare you off! Antiquity’s pacing, much like a finely aged wine, is something to be savored. Each decision, each move you make, feels weighty and significant. It’s like a marathon where strategy, not speed, gets you across the finish line. The game demands your attention and rewards you with a deeply satisfying experience that’s rare in quicker games.

So, would I recommend Antiquity? Absolutely, if you’ve got the time and the love for deep, thoughtful gameplay. Just make sure your game night is clear of any other plans!

Antiquity - Antiquity, Splotter Spellen, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin


Wrapping up our dive into Antiquity, it’s clear this game is not for the faint of heart. With its daunting complexity and deep resource management system, it demands your full attention and strategic thinking. Each playthrough promises a fresh challenge, thanks to its high replayability and various game variants. Though the game length might test your patience, the satisfaction of crafting a winning strategy is unmatched. Antiquity is a shining gem for those who relish meticulous planning and don’t mind a steep learning curve. Perfect for strategy enthusiasts looking for a dense and rewarding experience. So, if you’re up for the challenge, Antiquity might just become your next game night favorite. That’s a wrap on our Antiquity review. Happy gaming!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.