Altiplano: Box Cover Front
Altiplano - Altiplano, dlp games, 2017 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Altiplano - Altiplano, dlp games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
Altiplano - Very full warehouse. - Credit: SerAmanda
  1. Altiplano: Box Cover Front
  2. Altiplano - Altiplano, dlp games, 2017 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Altiplano - Altiplano, dlp games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin
  4. Altiplano - Very full warehouse. - Credit: SerAmanda

Altiplano Review

In this review, we've dived into 'Altiplano's' resourceful bag-building and lively player dynamics, revealing a game that is ingeniously complex yet vividly communal, perfect for strategy lovers and social gamers alike.
  • Resource Management Optimization
  • Engaging Player Interaction
  • Bag-building Mechanism
  • Game Accessibility
4.1/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Altiplano astonishes with intricate resource management, engaging player interaction, and captivating bag-building. A must-play strategy game.

  • Number of players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 60-120 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 12+
  • Game Type: Strategy
  • Mechanics: Bag Building, Resource Management
  • Theme: Economic, Trade
  • Designer: Reiner Stockhausen
  • Deep resource management
  • Engaging bag-building mechanic
  • High player interaction
  • Strategies vast, replayability high
  • Complex for newbies
  • Long setup time
  • Can be slow-paced
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to our deep dive into the picturesque landscapes of Altiplano. Set in the highlands of the Andes, the game invites players to meticulously optimize their resource management, engage actively with one another, and revel in the unexpected twists its bag-building mechanism offers. At the gaming table, our meticulous evaluation unfolded into what is not merely a review but a celebration of intricate systems and shared moments. Altiplano is more than just a game—it’s a venture into strategic thinking surrounded by friends, creating experiences worth discussing. As we unpacked the box, we prepared ourselves for a vivid blend of competition and management set against the backdrop of South American splendor. Join us as we analyze and reminisce the times spent around this game, awaiting rich discoveries in every playthrough.

How It Plays

Altiplano, a game of shrewd resource management set in the South American highlands, entices players with its strategic depth and enchanting mechanics. Here’s a condensed walkthrough of its gameplay:

Setting up

Players begin by selecting a character, each with unique abilities, and collecting the associated starting goods in their personal bag. A central board outlining various locations such as the Market, Farm, or Mine is set up, with respective resource tokens stacked. Players seed their starting goods, prepare their token pouch, and brace for an intricate dance of optimization.


Turns in Altiplano are stuffed with purposeful decision-making. You draw goods from your bag, allocate them on your action board to take corresponding actions in different locations – buying, trading, or upgrading. Restocking, leveraging location effects, and sculpting a robust bag of resources become the beating heart of your strategy.

Winning the Game

To reign supreme in the Andean highlands, accumulating vast points emerges as the winning pinnacle. Through constructing value-added combos using buildings, fulfilling orders, or stockpiling precious resources, your sophisticated tactics mature into points that guide you towards victory. The undeniable allure of strategic finesse is crowned at game’s end, highlighting the zenith of resourceful artisanship.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Altiplano.

The Art of Strategic Stashing

I remember the first time I delved into Altiplano, a game that truly challenges one’s ability to plan and adapt. In this Altiplano review, a standout feature is unquestionably its Resource Management Optimization. It’s like a tango between desire and practicality; players must meticulously balance their goals with the resources available to them, all while ensuring that their satchels remain not only lean but also primed for upcoming turns.

From Scarcity to Surplus

One of my most memorable plays was when I started in a seeming disadvantage—low on goods, high in ambition. But, as Altiplano unfurled, it became evident that scarcity could breed ingenuity. Strategically, I maneuvered my humble resources through clever trades and timely upgrades, turning my once bleak outlook into a resource powerhouse that had my competitors nodding in respect—envious of the abundance I had curated from so little.

Method In The Madness

Transitioning through the gameplay, it’s fascinating how each action or inaction can snowball into success or failure. The act of optimizing resources calls for a fine dance with decision-making, one that keeps all of us on our toes. In one of our sessions, a fellow player seemed to randomly select resources, an apparent method to his chaos. When his stratagem came to fruition, it was akin to watching a cloud of locusts transform into a beautiful, orderly flock. His approach reminded us all—never underestimate a player’s idiosyncratic pattern; it might just be the next game-winning formula.

Bracing ourselves as we bank our resources, we pivot to consider Engaging Player Interaction—a juxtaposition of competition and camaraderie that only heightens the game’s allure.

Altiplano - Altiplano, dlp games, 2017 (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

The Heart of the Game: Engaging Player Interaction

In my extensive playthroughs of Altiplano, one of the standout memories invariably circles back to the dynamic player engagement the game inevitably fosters. It’s not just about drawing tokens and planning ahead; it’s the undertones of negotiation, the subtle race to outdo your friends.

Social Maneuvering

The first strategic element of player interaction comes in viewing their tableau. Strategically, I’d often offer a seemingly benign tidbit of advice, which, oddly enough, might benefit me just a touch more. Such gestures echo around the table, seeding a camaraderie while still inching everyone forward.

Challenging Yet Friendly Competition

Equally crucial is the overarching excitement of racing across the Andes for resources. Altiplano doesn’t pit players in direct confrontation, but through its immersive Competition Spaces, it might appear you’re all heading to a festival when, truly, it’s a coy battle for the next crucial resource.

Now, speaking of ripping into the fabric of one’s forethought, our next piece delves into the intricate Bag-building Mechanism, a foundational system that interweaves chance with strategy.

Altiplano - Altiplano, dlp games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

A Deep Dive into Altiplano’s Bag: Crafting Chances with Every Draw

Among the crucial elements that define Altiplano’s strategic complexity is its bag-building mechanism. It’s an ingenious twist that turns the familiar concept of deck-building on its head, replacing cards with a veritable cornucopia of resource tokens. In every play session, the personal nature of one’s bag – a unique ecosystem of economic potential – adds a distinctive touch to the strategy.

Shaping Your Economic Landscape

Strategy and serendipity dance tango in my bag during Altiplano gameplay. At one moment you’re drawing the precise sequence of resources to manage a potent turn; at others, you’re hit with the rugged reality that your alpaca might not be the centerpiece of a thriving economy without proper planning. Constantly analyzing which tokens to purchase, the contestants sculpt their ever-evolving strategy substantially performance-wise.

Managing Uncertainty with Skill

Season to season within the high Andean plateau, players uncover fresh tactics to manage the qualitative garden in their bag. Embracing the uncertainties of the draw, they forge ahead, seeking to flex reservoirs of resourcefulness. In an anecdotal reflection of strategy and fortune, my friend once allegorically summed up, ‘You’re not only building a mechanism; you’re narrating the growth of your personal highland’. A compelling sentiment that underscores the absorbing narrative each token weaves into our Altiplano affair.

Therein lies the artistry of Altiplano’s bag-building: not only in the resources one chooses but in embracing the irregular rhythm of random draws and turning them to advantage. With its bag-building prowess at the core, Altiplano garners my recommendation for those who cherish strategy tinted with luck’s capricious colors.

Altiplano - Very full warehouse. - Credit: SerAmanda


As I wrap up this review, the dynamic mechanics of Altiplano leave an impression that’s as vivid as the high Andean plateau itself. From the nuanced resource management optimization that calls for a sharp mind, to the subtle but present player interaction which sparks that perfect level of engagement, down to the compelling bag-building mechanism that leaves us dangling between the luck of the draw and our calculated strategies. What this game does remarkably well is intertwining these aspects into a rich tapestry that caters to both strategy enthusiasts and social players alike. It’s a balancing act between meticulous planning and the thrill of randomness that only board games like Altiplano can offer. It’s not just a game—it’s a fertile ground for memorable tabletop tales. In summary, for those who revel in strategy and the delight of shared gaming experiences, I wholeheartedly recommend taking your seat around the Altiplano game board.

4.1/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.