Alchemist: Box Cover Front

Alchemist Review

Alchemist brilliantly mixes deduction and worker placement, topped with a tech twist via an app. Strategic and fun, though the pace can be slow sometimes.
  • Gameplay
  • Player Interaction
  • Replayability
  • Component Quality
4.8/5Overall Score

Alchemist merges deduction and strategy with an app twist, offering high replayability and quality components. It’s strategic but can be slow.

  • Number of players: 2-4 players
  • Playing Time: 120-180 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Complexity: High
  • Game Type: Deduction, Worker Placement
  • Publish Year: 2014
  • Publisher: Czech Games Edition
  • High replayability
  • Quality components
  • Strategic gameplay
  • App integration
  • Slow-paced gameplay
  • Complex setup
  • App dependency
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey folks! Ever wondered what it feels like to mix potions and unravel mysteries while competing with friends? Well, buckle up because this is my review of Alchemist! Between worker placements, deduction, and a tech-savvy app, Alchemist is no ordinary board game. I’ll spill the beans on gameplay mechanics, player interaction, replayability, and component quality. Sit back, grab a snack, and let’s have some fun!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, place the main board in the center. Each player gets a personal board and a set of ingredients. Mix the ingredients and distribute them randomly. Place the artifact and recipe decks nearby. Don’t forget to download the app and calibrate your devices!


Each round, players take turns placing their workers on various spots on the board. These actions include collecting ingredients, brewing potions, publishing theories, and debunking others. The app plays a crucial role in revealing the results of potion experiments. Strategy is key, and a wrong move can set you back.

Winning the Game

The game ends after six rounds. Players then tally their points from completed potions, successful theories, and other achievements. The player with the most points is crowned the Ultimate Alchemist!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Alchemist.

Delving into the Gameplay Mechanics of Alchemist

Remember that time when my buddy Dave claimed he could mix the perfect potion? Spoiler alert: he couldn’t. But that’s the charm of Alchemist! This game throws you into the chaotic world of potion-making with a unique blend of worker placement and deduction.

The game’s core mechanic revolves around combining ingredients to form potions. You use a nifty app to mix two ingredients, and it tells you the potion’s outcome. You then use logical deduction to figure out what each ingredient actually does. I felt like a mad scientist, scribbling down notes and furiously testing ingredients. The app adds a neat tech twist, making the game feel modern. But make sure your phone’s charged! Trust me, we lost a round due to a dead battery once.

You must balance between making potions and publishing theories. Publishing a theory pushes you ahead in reputation, but if it’s wrong, your credibility takes a hit. And guess what? My reputation took a nosedive more than once. Another aspect is debunking others’ theories. You can call out your friends if you think they’re bluffing or made a mistake. It’s a great way to stir the pot, pun intended.

The game has an excellent replay value because each game session feels different. But it’s not all roses. The deduction process can be mind-boggling at times, and it can slow down the game for new players. Plus, it’s not very forgiving if you make logical errors. Still, the unique blend of mechanics makes Alchemist stand out.

For our next exciting bit, we’ll stir up some magic and delve into Player Interaction!

Player Interaction in Alchemist: A Mix of Strategy and Competition

When I first played Alchemist with my friends, we quickly realized that this game thrives on player interaction. It’s not just about brewing potions and solving puzzles alone. You have to pay attention to what others are doing and sometimes even thwart their plans. I can’t count the number of times I saw my buddy Dave’s face twist in frustration as I snagged the last ingredient he needed.

Alchemist uses a blend of strategic placement and deduction. You need to decide where to place your workers and which theories to debunk or support. And it’s not as easy as it sounds. Watching my friends scramble to figure out whether I’m bluffing or genuinely clueless is half the fun!

One thing that stands out is how the game allows for both direct and indirect interaction. Direct interaction involves actions like debunking each other’s theories or placing a worker in a spot just to block someone else. Indirect interaction comes into play when you’re forced to adapt your strategy based on others’ actions. For example, you might have to change your potion recipe because someone else got to the ingredients first.

This mix keeps everyone on their toes, making for a rather engaging, if sometimes heated, experience. If you’re playing with a competitive group, be prepared for some friendly (or not-so-friendly) rivalry.

Ready to dive into the next potion? Let’s take a look at the replayability of Alchemist in the next section!

Replayability in Alchemist

Ah, replayability. The holy grail of board games. Alchemist doesn’t just sit on your shelf; it screams for multiple outings. First off, the game’s objectives and the logical puzzle vary each game. This means you won’t feel like you’re solving the same old mystery every time you play. The app integration also spices things up. It generates different ingredient combinations every time, so you can’t just memorize solutions. You’re always on your toes, trying to figure out which potion will blow up in your face this time.

Let’s talk about strategies. Alchemist has a ton of them. You can go all Sherlock Holmes with your deductions or play it sneaky and let others make mistakes. You can sell potions, publish theories, or even debunk someone else’s theory if you’re feeling extra devious. The wide variety of strategies means you won’t get bored. Every game, you’ll find new ways to mess with your friends and (hopefully) win.

The player count also impacts gameplay. Alchemist scales well with both low and high numbers of players. With more people, the game becomes more chaotic, but also more fun. You’ll find yourself constantly rethinking your moves, based on what others are doing. It adds a layer of unpredictability, keeping everyone engaged until the very end.

In summary, Alchemist ranks high in replayability. Different setups, varied strategies, and the clever use of technology keep it fresh. You’ll find yourself coming back to this game, eager to brew another potion and outwit your friends.

Next up, we’ll take a look at something you can actually hold: the component quality. Let’s see if the pieces are as magical as the gameplay!

Component Quality in Alchemist: Is it Worth Your Gold?

The first thing you’ll notice about Alchemist is the box. It’s big! You could probably fit a small cat in there—not that I’m recommending it. What’s inside, though, is what we’re really here to talk about.

The Board: The main board is sturdy and beautifully illustrated. It feels like you’re stepping into a fantasy lab. The colors might even remind you of a Saturday morning cartoon.

Cards and Tokens: The cards are thick and durable, which is good because you’ll handle them a lot. The tokens for ingredients are chunky and satisfying to move around. They won’t wear out easily, even after many games.

Player Boards: Each player gets their own board to manage their resources. These are well-designed, with clear spaces for everything you need. You won’t be fumbling around looking for where to place things.

App Integration: The game includes an app that you use to mix potions. The app works seamlessly, adding a modern twist to the traditional board game feel. Just make sure your phone is charged!

Rulebook: The rulebook is thick but well-laid out. The illustrations and examples make it easy to learn, even if you’re not the type to read instructions. Though, let’s be honest, who is?

Overall, the component quality of Alchemist is top-notch. It’s clear a lot of thought and effort went into every piece. Would I recommend it? Absolutely. Just make sure you have a good chunk of time to play, because once you start, you won’t want to stop.


Summing it all up, Alchemist is a blend of smarts and strategy with top-notch components. It offers deep gameplay, engaging player interactions, and lots of replay value. The app integration is slick and adds a modern twist. But, it can drag on a bit, so be ready for a long haul. Overall, it’s a great pick if you love puzzles and strategic play. Hope you enjoyed the review!

4.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.