Экивоки - Front side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja
Экивоки - Front side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja
Экивоки - Reverse side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja
  1. Экивоки - Front side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja
  2. Экивоки - Front side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja
  3. Экивоки - Reverse side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja

Экивоки Review

Экивоки thrives on its blend of accessibility with depth—offering exciting social dynamics, creative wordplay, and an effortless rule set that engages a wide audience. A must-try for newcomers and seasoned gamers alike.
  • Social Interaction
  • Wordplay Creativity
  • Ease of Learning Rules
  • Overall Gaming Experience
4.5/5Overall Score

Экивоки shines in social dynamics, creative wordplay, and straightforward rules, offering an engaging experience for all players.

  • Number of players: 4-8
  • Playing Time: 30-60 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 12+
  • Game type: Party
  • Language dependence: High
  • Skill level: Easy to Learn
  • Fosters social interaction
  • Intuitive wordplay
  • Simple to learn
  • Engages creativity
  • Language barrier potential
  • Might confuse first-timers
  • Limited replay value
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Today, we’re diving into the vibrant world of Экивоки, a game teeming with social dynamics, wordplay, and accessibility. This review will unfold the magic behind how Экивоки’s simple yet compelling mechanics bring people together, challenging them in a festivity of words and creativity. From memorable games nights to meaningful connections, let’s embark on this exploration together.

How It Plays

Экивоки is one of those games that blends simplicity with cleverness, enveloping players in a world of wordplay and keen social interaction. In this game, players are challenged not only by the words they think of but also by how these words are perceived by others. Here’s a quick guide to getting the game set up, how gameplay unfolds, and what it takes to win.

Setting up

Setup is pleasantly straightforward: gather your friends around, distribute the clue cards evenly among players, and you’re ready to dive in. Choose one player to be the initial clue giver, and you’re all set for your first round of Экивоки fun.


During each round, the cluegiver reads a word aloud from their clue card. All players then write down secretly what they think the clue word relates to, aiming for cleverness and ambiguity. The fun begins when guesses are shared aloud, sparking laughter, debates, and the occasional groan of missed connections.

Winning the game

The winner is the player who accumulates the most points through guessing the relation of others’ words to the clue words accurately and whose word clues lead to the most correct guesses. It’s a whirlwind of mind-matching, strategic ambiguity, and outright hilarity, making Экивоки a benchwarmer in the realm of word games.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Экивоки.

The Social Heartbeat of Экивоки

When I reflect on the evenings spent playing Экивоки, it’s the laughter and the unexpected alliances that spring to mind first. The beauty of Экивоки lies not just in its mechanics, but in how it molds the social dynamics of any group.

Unexpected Alliances

Amidst the game’s frenzy, I’ve watched quiet friends become outspoken, and the most competitive players cheerfully join forces with their usual rivals. Экивоки has this unique knack for smoothing over usual social barriers, engaging everyone in a collective effort to outwit and outplay.

Lasting Memories

Ultimately, it’s the stories that last. We often regale each other with tales of past plays, chuckling over that impossible clue or the absurd leap of logic that, somehow, made perfect sense. These narratives, woven into the fabric of our social tapestry, keep us coming back to the table.

Now, let’s pivot to another cornerstone of Экивоки’s appeal: Wordplay creativity and variety.

Экивоки - Front side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja

Unlocking Creativity with Экивоки

One of the captivating facets of Экивоки lies in its boundless creativity in wordplay. Each session nudges us into the realms of wit and inventiveness. My friends and I often find ourselves laughing over the unexpected connections we make, thanks to Экивоки’s broad appeal.

Celebration of Language

Throughout our play, puns and twisted phrases become the order of the day, with each game steering us into fascinating discussions about language’s elasticity. Экивоки’s strength is in its celebration of lexical diversity, pushing our linguistic creativity to thrilling heights.

A Stage for Expression

The game has been an excellent stage for expressing our unique brand of humor, bridging gaps and bringing us closer as a group. It thrives on variety, ensuring no two games are ever the same.

As we explore the wordplay wonders of Экивоки, it gently eases us into our next adventure: grasping the simplicity behind its rules.

Экивоки - Reverse side of the box (2nd edition) - Credit: vgrldnja

Swift Learning Curve

One aspect that particularly stands out about Экивоки is its remarkable simplicity. From the moment you unfold the game board, you’re basically ready to dive in. My friends and I, vastly varying in our gaming experiences, found ourselves wrapped up in the gameplay in no time.

Clear Instructions, Pure Fun

The rulebook for Экивоки is a masterclass in clarity. Not only does it use concise language, but it also provides useful examples that illustrate gameplay scenarios vividly. Our first game night with it was a smooth sail—we barely had to refer back to the instructions.


This game flexes to accommodate both small and large groups, making rules easy to follow regardless of the party size. Furthermore, its shades of strategy satisfy gamers of all kinds. That’s why, without a shadow of a doubt, I highly recommend it.


In wrapping up this review, Экивоки indisputably shines as a board game infused with social camaraderie, linguistic creativity, and an approachable learning curve. These features, among others, elevate it beyond a mere pastime, promoting it to a tool of unmatched social synchronization and intellectual expression within the comfort of a light-hearted, inclusive atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado of board games seeking to diversify your collection or a newcomer eager to delve into an engaging communal experience, Экивоки complements any game night with its unique blend of interaction and wit. Therefore, as we conclude this exploration, it’s clear that Экивоки stands out as a compelling choice for enthusiasts ready to embark on adventures defined by laughter, strategic wordplay, and memorable connections.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.