Shadows Over Camelot cover
Shadows over Camelot - Game in progress -- the grail is in sight, few engines attack Camelot. It went downhill from here. - Credit: galfridus
Shadows over Camelot - Lancelot Board - Credit: Gialmere
Shadows over Camelot - Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. - Credit: Gialmere
Shadows over Camelot - Dragon Board - Credit: Gialmere
Shadows over Camelot - Game in Progress, taken at Gathering of Friends 2005 - Credit: galfridus
Shadows over Camelot - We Won!!! - Credit: moonblogger
Shadows over Camelot -  - Credit: Gialmere
Shadows over Camelot - The board - Credit: zgabor
Shadows over Camelot - Knights in original packaging - Credit: Gruumsh
Shadows over Camelot - Catapults - the end is coming - Credit: zgabor
  1. Shadows Over Camelot cover
  2. Shadows over Camelot - Game in progress -- the grail is in sight, few engines attack Camelot. It went downhill from here. - Credit: galfridus
  3. Shadows over Camelot - Lancelot Board - Credit: Gialmere
  4. Shadows over Camelot - Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. - Credit: Gialmere
  5. Shadows over Camelot - Dragon Board - Credit: Gialmere
  6. Shadows over Camelot - Game in Progress, taken at Gathering of Friends 2005 - Credit: galfridus
  7. Shadows over Camelot - We Won!!! - Credit: moonblogger
  8. Shadows over Camelot -  - Credit: Gialmere
  9. Shadows over Camelot - The board - Credit: zgabor
  10. Shadows over Camelot - Knights in original packaging - Credit: Gruumsh
  11. Shadows over Camelot - Catapults - the end is coming - Credit: zgabor

Shadows over Camelot Review

Shadows over Camelot delivers a riveting blend of cooperative strategy and traitor-induced suspense that unifies players in Arthurian legend, challenging both intellect and alliances.
  • Cooperative Dynamics
  • Traitor Mechanic Tension
  • Quest Completion Strategies
  • Social Engagement
4.5/5Overall Score

'Shadows over Camelot' blends cooperation, deception, communal quests, enhancing it as a fabulous, treacherous board game journey.

  • Number of Players: 3-7
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 10 and above
  • Game Type: Cooperative Board Game
  • Mechanics: Hand Management, Team-Based Play, Traitor Element
  • Designer: Bruno Cathala, Serge Laget
  • Publisher: Days of Wonder
  • Engaging cooperative play
  • Intriguing traitor mechanic
  • Tense strategic decisions
  • Robust social interaction
  • Potential for analysis paralysis
  • Long setup time
  • Traitor can dominate
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to the mystical realm of King Arthur’s Court, where courage and cunningness come together in ‘Shadows over Camelot‘. In this review, we’re delving deep into the cavernous dungeon of this cooperative, yet cunningly competitive game. From the knights at the round table to the ever-lurking possibility of a traitor, this game enwraps players in a cloak of medieval strategy and suspense. Get ready to raise your sword as we explore the virtues and vices of ‘Shadows over Camelot’.

How It Plays

Setting Up

Before embarking on your adventures in ‘Shadows over Camelot’, you’ll assemble the legendary Round Table by placing the impressive game board at the center of the playing area. Each player selects a knight, taking the corresponding miniature, coat of arms, and loyalty card – which is secretly drawn to determine if there’s a traitor in your midst. Distributed among the knights are a deck of white cards representing various items, allies, and actions, along with the powerful Merlin cards, as the game prepares to challenge your band of knights right from the start.


The gameplay is deftly designed around cooperative mechanics, maneuvering around Camelot and tackling quests such as the search for the Holy Grail or battling the Black Knight. Knights take turns drawing black cards that foster adversity, followed by performing heroic actions like playing white cards to progress in quests, or directly confronting siege engines that threaten Camelot. Communication and strategy are pivotal, as resources are scarce, and the potential of a traitor looms, sowing distrust among the loyal.

Winning the Game

Victory in ‘Shadows over Camelot’ is no simple feat. The knights must complete more quests successfully than those that culminate in failure. If seven white swords adorn the Round Table after prevailing in quests, Camelot and its knights can celebrate their ability to quell the lurking darkness. However, should the black swords outnumber the white, or if Camelot falls to siege engines or specific conditions of overwhelming darkness, defeat will claim the hearts of the players. Each game narrates its own saga of camaraderie, bravely, and sometimes betrayal.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Shadows over Camelot.

A Fellowship Forged in Shadows

The essence of camaraderie often springs from tackling obstacles as a group, something Shadows over Camelot exemplifies with aplomb. Cooperative play dynamics are the game’s beating heart, weaving together each individual’s decisions into a unified campaign against the game’s relentless pressure. In my own playthroughs, as we formed hasty plans around the cluttered Round Table, anyone’s heroic success or blunder became a shared moment.

Unity Against Darkness

As we ventured forth in our adventures, it wasn’t just our knights facing down the encroaching shadows, but us as players, united. These shared trials fostered a bond that managed to outshine the pounding threat of siege engines crowding Camelot’s borders.

Contours of Collective Decision-Making

The game’s demand for strategy concerning when to hold firm and when to lend aid to a beleaguered comrade resonated throughout each session.

Immersive as the game’s promised unity is, don’t forget the spice that’s about to be discussed: the treachery that is the Traitor mechanic tension.

Shadows over Camelot - Game in progress -- the grail is in sight, few engines attack Camelot. It went downhill from here. - Credit: galfridus

The Mistrust that Binds Us

In my many play-throughs for the Shadows over Camelot Review, the traitor mechanic always comes up as a critical discussion point. It’s a paradoxical glue that invokes tension yet builds camaraderie. Initially, you start with implicit trust, sharing resources, and strategizing openly.

Whispers of Betrayal

However, with each move that slightly deviates from the plan, suspicion grows. As part of my reviews, I can’t help but chuckle recalling the accusations flying across the table as one team member makes an unexpected move. It’s this social dynamic that turns the game from a simple task completion exercise to a complex psychological dance.

Unmasking the Traitor

The moment of the traitor’s reveal is often a game highlight – revealing not only the traitor but the collective guesswork of the group. It’s an exhilarating moment of triumph or an astonishing plot twist, depending on which side you’re on.

As we prepare to delve into the nerve-wracking anticipation of who’s wearing the traitorous cloak, let us not forget the paths to victory await us, painting a picture of intricate strategy in the next section about Quest completion strategies.

Shadows over Camelot - Lancelot Board - Credit: Gialmere

Mastering the Art of Questing

In every Shadows over Camelot review session my group brings to the round table, the pivotal moments often revolve around the quest completion strategies we adopt. A synergy among knights is essential, which charts the path to victory or defeat. Choosing when to hoard resources for a collective showdown or go solo is an ongoing predicament that tests our tactical acumen.

Collaboration is ideal, but there’s also the thrill of a critical solo turn—a leap of in-game faith—and, oh, how glorious it is when it pays off! In sum, the choices and strategies breathe vibrancy into recounts of heroic ventures or valiant missteps. It’s this tailored complexity that endorses Shadows over Camelot: a tapestry of risk and reward I heartily recommend.

Shadows over Camelot - Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. - Credit: Gialmere


In wrapping up this review, ‘Shadows over Camelot’ impresses with its blend of cooperative tactics and the undercurrent of betrayal from the traitor mechanic. The intricacies of quest strategies demand players to communicate and adapt, making every game a fresh odyssey into Arthurian legend. It’s not just a board game; it’s a journey of camaraderie with a spicy dash of suspicion that ensures no two playthroughs are ever the same. Undoubtedly, for those who love contingent planning amidst trust’s fragility, this game is an exceptional addition to the gaming shelf. ‘Shadows over Camelot’ not only gets a shining recommendation for its mechanics and group play dynamics, but it also occupies a special place for the memories it creates amongst friends at the gaming table.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.