How To Play: Vikings

Learning 'How To Play Vikings' involves resource management, combat tactics, and exploration strategies. The game includes components like a board, Vikings, gold coins, and more. Follow setup and gameplay rules carefully. Understanding these elements can lead to victorious seas. Conquer the seas with confidence using these tips and tricks!

Welcome to the ultimate guide to How To Play Vikings! This post outlines the game rules and offers the best strategies for winning. Whether you’re new or a seasoned player, our tips will help you lead your Viking tribe to victory. Ready to conquer? Let’s get started!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 78 Vikings (6 sets of 13)
  • 48 Gold Coins
  • 30 Loyalties
  • 4 Scoring Markers
  • 1 Start Player Token
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 72 Harbor Tiles
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Vikings: Rules Summary


  1. First, lay out the game board on a flat surface.

  2. Next, distribute the Viking figures evenly among the players.

  3. Then, place the gold coins and other tokens in the center for easy access.

  4. Deal out each player’s loyalty markers and assign territories.

  5. Finally, give each player their action boards and tiles.


  1. Players take turns in a clockwise order.

  2. On your turn, move your Vikings according to the action tiles.

  3. Gather resources by landing on specific board spots.

  4. Engage in combat with other players’ Vikings when in the same territory.

  5. Trade resources and form alliances with fellow players.


  1. The game ends when all territories are claimed or resources are depleted.

  2. Count up your territories and resources.

  3. The player with the most combined points wins!

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. If a player rolls a six, they gain an extra turn.

  2. Forming an alliance grants both players a resource bonus.

  3. If a player loses all their Vikings, they can re-enter the game after one turn.

  4. Special event cards can alter the game dynamics drastically, so be prepared!

That’s a wrap on How To Play Vikings; now go forth and conquer!

Best Vikings Strategies

Mastering Resource Management: Your Key to Victory

Winning begins with smart resource management. First, focus on gathering resources efficiently. Next, allocate them wisely. Finally, maintain a balance to adapt to changing game dynamics.

Efficient Resource Gathering
  1. Prioritize high-value resources.
  2. Use your units for multitasking.
  3. Scout for hidden resources early.
Wise Allocation of Resources
  1. Invest in essential upgrades first.
  2. Support your weakest links.
  3. Keep resources for emergency needs.
Maintain Balance and Adapt
  1. Monitor your resource flow.
  2. Adjust strategies based on opponents’ actions.
  3. Stay flexible with your plans.

Mastering Combat Tactics: Outsmart Your Opponents

Choose Your Battles Wisely

First, always assess your opponent’s strength. Then, decide if the fight benefits you. When in doubt, retreat and regroup.

Position Your Forces

  1. Spread your units to cover more ground.
  2. Place ranged units on high ground.
  3. Keep melee units close to protect key assets.

Use Special Abilities

Always leverage unique abilities. Utilize them at the right moment to shift the battle in your favor.

Anticipate Enemy Moves

Study your opponent’s patterns. Move your units to counter their strategies before they act.

Adapt Mid-Battle

If things go south, don’t panic. Change your tactics on the fly. Sometimes, a quick rethink can turn the tide.

Unveiling Effective Exploration Strategies for Board Game Victory

Exploring the game board can turn the tide in your favor. Here are some stellar strategies that have worked wonders for me and my friends.

Scout Thoroughly

Look everywhere for hidden treasures and key locations. We always:

  1. Plan a route
  2. Mark important spots
  3. Double-check areas

Stay Flexible

Things change fast, so be ready to adapt. I suggest:

  1. Updating plans
  2. Adjusting goals
  3. Reacting to new info

Prioritize Key Objectives

Not all places are worth the effort. Focus on:

  1. High-value targets
  2. Safe paths
  3. Resources nearby

Conquer the Seas with Confidence

Now that you know the ins and outs of Vikings, you’re ready to set sail and claim your glory! The best strategies mix resource management, smart combat, and keen exploration. Remember those times I outwitted my pals with a sneaky move? You can too! Master these tactics, and soon you’ll have them begging for mercy. Ready to become the ultimate Viking chieftain? Go forth and make Odin proud!

Want to know what we think of Vikings? Read our detailed review of Vikings here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.