How To Play: The Voyages of Marco Polo – Setup, rule summary and strategy

In The Voyages of Marco Polo, players embark on a thrilling journey of trade and exploration. Through engaging gameplay mechanics, immersive theme and artwork, high replayability, and exceptional component quality, this game offers an exceptional gaming experience. Players must strategically plan their actions, optimize their routes, manage their resources, and fulfill contracts to claim victory. The unique character abilities provide diverse strategies, while the dynamic board and randomized setups keep the gameplay fresh and exciting with each playthrough.

With meticulous action planning, resource management, route optimization, and successful contract fulfillment, players can chart their path to triumph. The premium components and stunning artwork elevate the visual appeal of the game, enhancing the immersive experience. The strategic depth, varied gameplay options, and captivating theme make The Voyages of Marco Polo a must-have for board game enthusiasts seeking adventure and challenge. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a strategy lover, or someone looking for a visually stunning and enjoyable game, The Voyages of Marco Polo offers an exceptional journey.

Set sail, embrace the spirit of Marco Polo, and conquer the game through wise decision-making and calculated moves. Enjoy the thrill of exploration and mastery as you embark on one of the most captivating gaming experiences offered by The Voyages of Marco Polo.


Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for The Voyages of Marco Polo. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to improve your skills or a newcomer aiming for a successful campaign, this guide is here to help you navigate the intricacies of the game and assist you in achieving victory.

Within this guide, you’ll find a complete outline of the game rules for The Voyages of Marco Polo, providing you with a solid foundation for understanding the game mechanics and gameplay flow. Alongside the rules, we’ll delve into the best strategies for optimizing your gameplay, making wise choices, and securing an advantageous position in the world of trade and exploration.

We’ll explore each aspect of the game in detail, ranging from character selection to resource management, action planning, route optimization, and successful contract fulfillment. Through strategic decision-making and efficient resource management, you’ll learn how to maximize your actions, navigate the map, and ultimately emerge as a triumphant explorer.

Prepare to embark on a rewarding journey of discovery and mastery as we guide you towards honing your skills and improving your chances of victory. Let’s delve into the strategies and tactics that will lead to triumph in The Voyages of Marco Polo!

What’s in the Box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 6 Custom Dice
  • 16 Character Tiles
  • 80 Trade Contracts
  • 18 City Bonus Tiles
  • 36 Contract Bonus Tiles
  • 24 Objective Cards
  • 40 Gold Bars
  • 72 Goods Cubes
  • 20 Resource Cards
  • 30 City Cards
  • 4 Player Markers
  • 10 Contract Discs
  • 1 Start Player Marker
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play The Voyages of Marco Polo: Rules Summary

Game Setup

  1. Place the game board in the center of the play area.
  2. Place City Cards face up on their designated spots on the board.
  3. Give each player a Player Board, a set of Dice, and the corresponding Basic Resource Cards.
  4. Shuffle and distribute Character Tiles to each player, choosing one.
  5. Place the Start Player Marker and Contract Discs on the appropriate spaces.
  6. Generate a randomized Starting Bonus and set it aside.
  7. Deal initial Contract cards to each player.
  8. Prepare the Resource Cards, Gold Bars, Goods Cubes, and other components within reach.


  1. On your turn, place your dice on available action spaces on the board.
  2. Activate the action by paying the required dice value.
  3. Carry out the action indicated by the space.
  4. Trade, acquire resources, fulfill contracts, or gain special abilities.
  5. Characters have unique abilities that can be used once per turn.
  6. Alongside actions, players can always pay to gain 1 Gold Bar to supplement dice values.
  7. Once all players have placed and resolved their dice, start a new round.

Game Rounds and Ending the Game

  1. Keep track of rounds based on the number of player turns taken.
  2. The game ends after a specific number of rounds or when a player places all their Trading Posts.
  3. Players calculate victory points earned from Contracts, Trading Posts, remaining resources, and bonus objectives.
  4. The player with the most victory points wins the game.

With the rules summary provided, you now have a solid understanding of The Voyages of Marco Polo. Gather your resources, strategize your actions, and embark on a thrilling adventure to become the most successful trader and explorer of the Marco Polo era!

Best The Voyages Of Marco Polo Strategies

Mastering Character Selection

Choosing the right character in The Voyages of Marco Polo can significantly impact your gameplay and greatly contribute to your chances of victory. Each character possesses unique abilities and special powers that can be utilized to gain an advantage over your opponents. Here are some strategies to master the art of character selection:

Understanding the Characters

  1. Familiarize yourself with the special abilities of each character.
  2. Take into consideration the character’s potential for resource generation, movement, and trading benefits.

Adapting to the Strategy

  1. Choose a character that aligns with your preferred strategy.
  2. If aiming for trade-based strategies, consider characters with abilities focused on contracts and trade routes.
  3. For more aggressive tactics, choose characters with powers that hinder opponents or provide combat advantages.

Synergy with Other Characters

  1. Consider the synergies between your chosen character and other characters in play.
  2. Create combinations that enhance your overall strategy and provide additional benefits.

Flexibility for Variable Setups

  1. Choose characters that can adapt well to different randomized setups.
  2. Keep in mind that abilities that may excel in one setup may not be as effective in another, so opt for characters with versatile powers.

Mastering the art of character selection in The Voyages of Marco Polo can enhance your gameplay and propel you closer to victory. Adapt your strategy, synergize effectively, and remain flexible to succeed in the dynamic world of Marco Polo’s voyages.

Meticulous Action Planning

A successful strategy in The Voyages of Marco Polo revolves around careful and meticulous action planning. Effectively managing your actions can make all the difference between victory and defeat. Here are some key strategies to master the art of action planning:

Prioritizing High-Value Actions

  1. Identify the high-value actions, such as completing contracts, building trading posts, or acquiring highly valued resources.
  2. Allocate your actions to ensure you make the most of these opportunities that strategically advance your game plan.

Building Action Efficiency

  1. Look for synergies between your chosen character’s abilities and the available actions.
  2. Make use of your character’s unique powers to optimize the efficiency of your actions.

Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

  1. Strike a balance between short-term gains and long-term objectives.
  2. Weigh immediate benefits versus potential future opportunities to ensure balanced progress throughout the game.

Adapting to Rivals’ Actions

  1. Observe your opponents’ actions and adapt your plan accordingly.
  2. Anticipate their moves and strategize to prevent them from hijacking your desired actions or routes.

With meticulous action planning, you can gain a competitive edge in The Voyages of Marco Polo. Make strategic decisions, prioritize your actions, and adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the game board to secure your path towards victory.

Strategic Resource Management

Effective resource management is key to success in The Voyages of Marco Polo. Skillfully allocating and utilizing your resources can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. Here are some strategies to excel in resource management:

Identifying Key Resources

  1. Establish which resources are critical for your chosen strategy, such as camels for improved movement or gold for lucrative contracts.
  2. Focus on acquiring and managing these key resources efficiently throughout the game.

Balancing Resource Acquisition

  1. Maintain a careful balance between acquiring new resources and spending existing resources.
  2. Avoid hoarding excessive resources that could hinder your actions, while ensuring you have enough for strategic maneuvers.

Optimizing Resource Conversion

  1. Understand the conversion ratio of resources and strategically convert them as needed.
  2. Maximize the value of your resources by converting them into more valuable or flexible resources when required.

Trading for Advantage

  1. Engage in clever and advantageous trades with other players to acquire resources that complement your goals.
  2. Look for opportunities to trade surplus resources for valuable ones, or negotiate trades that strategically benefit you.

By effectively managing your resources, you can tip the scales of victory in The Voyages of Marco Polo. Identify key resources, strike a balance, optimize conversions, and seize trading opportunities to gain a decisive edge over your opponents.

Mastering Route Optimization

Effective route optimization is a crucial aspect of achieving victory in The Voyages of Marco Polo. Maximizing your movement and navigating the map efficiently can greatly enhance your chances of success. Here are some strategies to master the art of route optimization:

Planning Efficient Routes

  1. Analyze the available routes and plan your journeys to minimize movement while maximizing your reach.
  2. Prioritize connecting lucrative trade routes or fulfilling contracts efficiently.

Utilizing Movement Abilities

  1. Choose characters with movement-enhancing powers to gain a mobility advantage.
  2. Make optimal use of abilities and resources to minimize travel time and maximize actions.

Leveraging Camel Caravans

  1. Camels provide improved movement, strategize their utilization to minimize costs and reach desired locations quickly.
  2. Identify opportunities to efficiently traverse longer paths using camel caravans strategically.

Seizing Opportune Paths

  1. Monitor the movements of other players and identify untaken paths that can give you a competitive edge.
  2. Seize opportunities to claim lucrative routes and positions that benefit your overall strategy.

Mastery of route optimization in The Voyages of Marco Polo can greatly influence your chance of victory. Plan your routes efficiently, utilize movement enhancements, leverage camel caravans, and seize opportune paths to forge a winning path through the dynamic trading routes and landmarks of Marco Polo’s world.

Successful Contract Fulfillment

Contract fulfillment is a vital aspect of victory in The Voyages of Marco Polo. Meeting the requirements of contracts and leveraging their benefits can strongly contribute to your overall success. Here are some strategies to master the art of contract fulfillment:

Identifying Lucrative Contracts

  1. Analyze the available contracts and prioritize those offering substantial rewards, such as victory points, resources, or special abilities.
  2. Focus your efforts on fulfilling contracts that align with your overall strategy.

Efficient Resource Allocation

  1. Ensure you have the necessary resources to fulfill contracts promptly.
  2. Balance your resource allocation to minimize wastage and optimize progress towards contract completion.

Strategic Contract Sequencing

  1. Sequencing your contract fulfillment strategically can lead to valuable synergies or cascading benefits.
  2. Plan your actions to fulfill contracts in a sequence that maximizes the chain of rewards or unlocks advanced opportunities.

Seizing Bonus Objectives

  1. Pay attention to bonus objectives and strive to fulfill their conditions for additional victory points and advantages.
  2. Align your actions and contract fulfillment to fulfill bonus objectives whenever possible.

Masterful contract fulfillment is a key driver of success in The Voyages of Marco Polo. Identify lucrative contracts, allocate resources efficiently, strategically sequence your contract fulfillment, and seize bonus objectives to shape your path towards victory in the dynamic realm of trade and exploration.

Conclusion: Chart Your Path to Victory

Congratulations! You have now navigated your way through our comprehensive strategy guide for The Voyages of Marco Polo. Armed with an understanding of the game’s rules, as well as valuable insights into character selection, action planning, resource management, route optimization, and contract fulfillment, you are well-equipped to take on the challenges of this immersive game.

Remember to approach each game with a flexible mindset, adapting your strategies based on the dynamic board and the actions of your opponents. With practice and experience, you will master the art of decision-making, maximizing your actions, and seizing opportunities to propel yourself closer to victory.

So, gather your fellow explorers, set sail across the ancient trade routes, and embark on a remarkable adventure filled with challenges and opportunities. Utilize the knowledge you’ve gained and aim for greatness in every journey you undertake.

May your voyages in The Voyages of Marco Polo be filled with success, excitement, and memorable triumphs. Best of luck in your future expeditions!

Want to know what we think of The Voyages of Marco Polo? Read our detailed review of The Voyages of Marco Polo here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.