How To Play: Simplicity

Ready to master Simplicity? Focus on resource management, building efficiency, and optimization strategies. Key components: game board, player tokens, resource cards, building tiles, coin tokens, and rulebook. Follow rules: setup, gameplay, winning, special conditions. Conquer Simplicity with clever strategies, and make sure the dice favor you!

Hey friends! Welcome to my guide on mastering the game Simplicity. This post will give you a clear outline of the game rules and the best strategies for winning. Whether you’re new to the game or looking to up your game, I’ve got you covered. Let’s get started on our journey to victory!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Tokens
  • 50 Resource Cards
  • 20 Building Tiles
  • 40 Coin Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Simplicity: Rules Summary


  1. First, place the game board in the center of the table.
  2. Then, give each player a player token.
  3. Next, shuffle the Resource Cards and deal five to each player.
  4. After that, place the remaining Resource Cards in a deck by the board.
  5. Finally, arrange Building Tiles and Coin Tokens in separate piles within reach of all players.


Players take turns in clockwise order. Each turn consists of the following steps:

  1. Draw a Resource Card from the deck.
  2. Use Resource Cards to build or upgrade buildings on the board.
  3. Manage building resources and collect corresponding Coin Tokens.
  4. End turn by passing the player token to the next player.


  1. The game ends when a player reaches a predetermined number of points, usually 20.
  2. Players count their Coin Tokens and points from buildings.
  3. The player with the most points wins.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. If a player draws a ‘Market Crash’ card, they lose half their Coin Tokens.
  2. Two players can trade resources, but only once per turn.
  3. Players can only build on empty spaces corresponding to the card they play.

Best Simplicity Strategies

Mastering Resource Management in Simplicity

To win in Simplicity, focus on Resource Management. Use your resources wisely to outsmart your friends. This means knowing how and when to spend, save, and trade.

1. Prioritize

  1. Always keep an eye on the resources needed for your next move.
  2. Avoid stockpiling resources that don’t add value.

2. Trade Smartly

  1. Trade only when you get a good deal.
  2. Know what your friends need and leverage it.

3. Time Your Actions

  1. Save resources for key moments.
  2. Spend resources to gain an early advantage when possible.

By mastering these, you’ll manage resources like a pro!

Mastering Building Efficiency

Building Efficiency can make or break your game. Here’s how you can ace it.

Plan Ahead

Always look at the big picture. Before placing your buildings, decide on the layout that brings you the most benefits.

  1. Survey the map.
  2. Identify resource nodes.
  3. Zone out key areas.

Optimize Space

Space is at a premium. So, use it wisely, like packing your suitcase for a vacation.

  1. Group similar buildings.
  2. Maximize adjacency bonuses.
  3. Leave room for future expansions.

Upgrade Wisely

Not all upgrades are created equal. Choose the ones that give the best return on investment first.

  1. Upgrade key production buildings.
  2. Boost storage capacities.
  3. Improve infrastructure to support growth.

Boost Your Winning Chances With Smart Optimization Strategies

Want to win big in Simplicity? Follow these optimization strategies. Your path to victory will be much smoother.

Analyze Your Resources

First, you must analyze your resources. Look for ways to maximize their utility.

  1. Track resource production and consumption.
  2. Identify bottlenecks and resolve them.
  3. Use surplus resources wisely.

Plan Your Actions

Secondly, planning is crucial. This sets the foundation for efficient play.

  1. Create a roadmap for your goals.
  2. Prioritize tasks to achieve objectives.
  3. Adapt plans as needed based on game situation.

Time Management

Finally, manage your time well. Every moment counts.

  1. Allocate time for critical tasks.
  2. Avoid wasting time on less important activities.
  3. Set deadlines for major milestones.

Wrap It Up and Own Simplicity

So there you have it, folks! By focusing on resource management, efficient building, and smart optimization strategies, you’ll be dominating Simplicity in no time. Remember, every game is an opportunity to tweak your strategy and learn something new. Now, go forth and apply these tips. Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up teaching me a thing or two! Happy gaming and may the dice be ever in your favor!

Want to know what we think of Simplicity? Read our detailed review of Simplicity here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.