How To Play: Sagrada – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Quick Summary

Sagrada is an engaging board game that combines aesthetic craftsmanship with strategic gameplay. In this game, players become skilled stained glass artisans, competing to create stunning windows for the Sagrada Familia Cathedral.

With a focus on drafting and placing colored dice onto personal window pattern cards, players must carefully consider placement restrictions and objective fulfillment to maximize their scoring potential.

This strategy guide has covered various essential aspects to help you on your path to victory. By mastering window pattern selection, dice placement strategies, tools and cards utilization, objective optimization, and player interaction tactics, you can elevate your gameplay and increase your chances of winning.

Surround yourself with the vibrant artwork and rich mechanics of Sagrada as you plan and adapt your strategies, constantly striving to create the most aesthetically pleasing window patterns while strategically outmaneuvering your opponents.

Discover the joy of creating harmonious designs, utilize the gifts of tools and cards, and master the art of efficient objective completion. Through careful planning and astute decision-making, your stained glass masterpiece will shine brightly, securing you a victorious place in the annals of Sagrada.

Now, go forth and unleash your creativity. The grandeur of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral awaits your artistic touch!


Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for Sagrada! In this guide, we will provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to excel in this captivating and visually stunning board game. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the game rules or an experienced player aiming to enhance your strategies, this guide has got you covered.

Sagrada is a game that combines the artistry of creating stained glass windows with intricate gameplay mechanics. Your goal is to draft and place dice onto your window pattern card to create harmonious and visually impressive designs. Making strategic decisions during dice drafting, utilizing tools and cards effectively, and optimizing your objectives are key elements to secure victory.

In this guide, we will delve into each aspect of gameplay that can influence your success. You will find a comprehensive outline of the game rules, ensuring that you have a solid foundation for planning your strategies. We will also uncover the best dice placement techniques, explore the utilization of tools and cards to gain advantages, delve into objective optimization to maximize your scoring potential, and reveal effective player interaction tactics to outmaneuver opponents. Whether you prefer a more aggressive or a subtle approach, this guide presents a range of strategies to suit your playstyle.

So, prepare your window pattern card and get ready to elevate your Sagrada gameplay. Let’s jump in and discover the winning strategies that will lead you to glory!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Rule book
  • 4 Player reference cards
  • 12 Window pattern cards
  • 4 Tool cards
  • 24 Favor tokens
  • 90 Dice (18 in each of the 5 player colors)
  • 4 Dice trays
  • 1 Starting player marker
  • 9 Objective cards
  • 4 Private objective cards
  • 7 Round track tokens

How To Play Sagrada: Rules Summary

Objective of the Game
  1. Objective: Draft and place colored dice onto a window pattern card to create a harmonious stained glass masterpiece
  2. Goal: Score the most points based on completing objectives and creating a visually pleasing window
  1. Each player gets a window pattern card, dice tray, favor tokens, and a set of colored dice
  2. Tool and objective cards are placed aside while window pattern cards are shuffled and revealed
  3. Public and private objectives are chosen and placed face-up, and dice sets based on the number of players are prepared
  1. Gameplay occurs over a series of rounds with each round comprising of a drafting and placement phase
  2. The starting player selects dice from the current pool or uses favor tokens to reroll dice
  3. Players continuously take turns selecting and placing dice onto their window pattern cards, following placement restrictions
  4. Special tool cards can be used to manipulate dice, change placement, or assist in scoring
  5. Each player receives favor tokens after their turn based on the number of players
  1. Scoring occurs at the end of the game based on objective completion, placement bonuses, and window pattern card fulfillment
  2. Points are awarded for each completed objective and additional bonus points are awarded for specific conditions
  3. Players lose points for empty spaces on their window pattern card
Game End
  1. The game ends after a specific number of rounds, determined by the number of players
  2. Players tally their scores and the player with the highest score is the winner

With these rules in mind, you are well-prepared to embark on your journey of creating stunning stained glass windows in Sagrada. Remember to strategize, adapt to the dice, and create a masterpiece worthy of acclaim!

Best Sagrada Strategies

Mastering Window Pattern Selection for Victory

Window Pattern Selection is a crucial aspect of succeeding in Sagrada. Choosing the right window pattern card can greatly influence your strategy and ultimately lead you to victory. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Assessing Color and Shade Distribution
  1. Opt for window pattern cards that offer balanced color and shade distribution, facilitating easier completion of objectives
  2. Avoid patterns that heavily favor one specific color or shade, as they can limit your dice placement options
Balancing Placement Constraints and Objectives
  1. Consider the placement restrictions and objective requirements of a window pattern card, selecting one that complements your preferred strategy
  2. Look for patterns that align with the objectives you aim to maximize, whether it’s matching colors, adjacency, or set collection
Anticipating Future Dice Selection
  1. Take into account the dice that will be available during the game, selecting a window pattern card that suits the potential dice combinations
  2. Consider the dice values that are high or low in quantity, and choose a pattern that can easily accommodate them
Diversifying Patterns for Flexibility
  1. Choose different types of window patterns in subsequent games to explore various scoring strategies
  2. Experiment with patterns that focus on shading, colors, or both, allowing for adaptability and flexibility during gameplay

Mastering the skill of effective window pattern selection will grant you a significant advantage in Sagrada, enabling you to create masterful stained glass windows and achieve victory.

Mastering Dice Placement Strategies for Victory

Effective dice placement is key to securing victory in Sagrada. Making informed decisions and strategizing your dice placement can maximize your score and outperform opponents. Here are some essential strategies to consider:

Focus on Objective Fulfillment
  1. Aim to fulfill objective requirements as early as possible to secure valuable points
  2. Prioritize placing dice that align with completed objectives to maximize scoring potential
Capitalizing on Tool and Card Abilities
  1. Utilize tools and cards strategically to manipulate dice values, colors, or placement restrictions
  2. Strategically time the usage of tools to optimize your dice placement and response to opponents
Ensure Color and Number Distribution
  1. Maintain a reasonable distribution of colors and numbers during dice placement to avoid being limited by placement restrictions
  2. Recognize when to prioritize specific colors or numbers to fulfill objectives efficiently
Maximize Optimal Placement Opportunities
  1. Carefully plan and consider the impact of each dice placement to maximize adjacency bonuses
  2. Take advantage of window pattern card features, such as corner spots or large uninterrupted areas
Anticipate Future Moves
  1. Observe opponents’ moves and react accordingly, adapting your strategy to hinder their progress while advancing your own
  2. Consider potential future dice selections and plan ahead to secure optimal placements in later turns

By mastering these dice placement strategies, you can elevate your gameplay in Sagrada and increase your chances of achieving victory.

Mastering Tools and Cards Utilization for Victory

Effectively utilizing tools and cards is a crucial element in achieving victory in Sagrada. By strategically using these resources, you can gain advantages over your opponents and maximize your chances of success. Here are some essential strategies to consider:

Choose Tools and Cards Wisely
  1. Assess the available tools and cards at the beginning of the game and select ones that complement your preferred strategy
  2. Consider the unique abilities and effects of each tool and card, and choose ones that align with your objectives
Plan Ahead with Card Timing
  1. Strategically time the usage of cards for maximum impact or to respond to specific gameplay situations
  2. Consider the timing of acquiring new cards, ensuring that they can be effectively utilized to enhance your strategy
Emphasize Dice Manipulation
  1. Utilize tools and cards that provide abilities to manipulate dice values, re-roll dice, or replace dice
  2. Use these tools and cards strategically to adapt to unforeseen developments and optimize critical placements
Balance Immediate Benefits and Long-Term Strategy
  1. Weigh the immediate benefits of tools and cards against their long-term impact on your overall scoring potential
  2. Prioritize tools and cards that provide continuous advantages or support your broader scoring objectives
Acquire Cards as a Means to Victory
  1. Strategically prioritize acquiring cards that provide valuable scoring opportunities or allow you to fulfill objectives more efficiently
  2. Use acquired cards as part of your overarching strategy, adapting and adjusting your plans as new options become available

By mastering the utilization of tools and cards in Sagrada, you can gain a tactical advantage over your opponents and improve your chances of achieving victory.

Mastering Objective Optimization for Victory

Optimizing your objectives is vital in achieving success in Sagrada. Focusing on fulfilling objectives efficiently and strategically can significantly increase your score and give you a competitive edge over your opponents. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Understand Objective Scoring
  1. Thoroughly read and comprehend the objectives’ scoring conditions at the beginning of the game
  2. Identify patterns and conditions that synergize well with your preferred dice placement strategy
Plan and Prioritize Objectives
  1. Create a priority list of objectives and decide which ones to pursue early on in the game
  2. Balance short-term objectives with long-term goals, outlining a strategic plan for maximizing their completion
Combine Objective Types Strategically
  1. Look for opportunities to combine different objective types to achieve multiple scoring conditions simultaneously
  2. Aim for patterns that fulfill requirements for both private and public objectives, maximizing your overall point potential
Adapt to Changing Objectives
  1. Stay flexible and adapt your strategy as new objectives are revealed throughout the game
  2. Reassess your current priorities and adjust your dice placement strategy to align with the evolving objective requirements
Seek Objective Synergies
  1. Identify and prioritize dice placement opportunities that fulfill multiple objectives at once
  2. Spot patterns that naturally lend themselves to fulfilling objectives efficiently, such as those requiring specific colors or number combinations

By mastering objective optimization in Sagrada, you can elevate your gameplay and increase your chances of achieving victory by capitalizing on valuable scoring opportunities.

Mastering Player Interaction Tactics for Victory

Player interaction tactics can make a significant difference in achieving victory in Sagrada. By effectively interacting with opponents, you can disrupt their strategies while maximizing your own opportunities. Here are some essential strategies to consider:

Observe and React to Opponent Moves
  1. Pay close attention to the choices and actions of other players, reading their strategies and adapting yours accordingly
  2. React strategically to opponents’ moves, adjusting your dice placements or objectives to mitigate their progress
Strategically Using Tools and Cards
  1. Select tools and cards that have an impact on other players, such as influencing their actions or manipulating their dice placements
  2. Utilize these resources at strategic moments to disrupt opponents’ plans or gain an advantage over their gameplay
Strategic Blocking and Denial
  1. Strategically place dice to block or deny opponents from making favorable moves or completing objectives
  2. Identify critical spots on their window pattern cards and try to prevent them from accessing or occupying those positions
Contribute to Public Objectives Interferingly
  1. Scout public objectives and strategically work towards fulfilling them while subtly interfering with competitors’ progress
  2. Focus on objectives that can hinder opponents’ dice placement opportunities or force them to compromise their overall strategies
Execute Bluffing and Misdirection
  1. Employ bluffing techniques to mislead opponents, influencing their decisions and prompting suboptimal dice placements
  2. Utilize misdirection to divert their attention from your true objectives and entice them to competitive paths with limited advantages

By mastering player interaction tactics, you can gain a strategic advantage in Sagrada, disrupting opponents’ plans and positioning yourself closer to victory.

Conclusion: Unleash Your Creativity and Strategy in Sagrada

Congratulations! You have reached the end of our comprehensive strategy guide for Sagrada. Armed with the knowledge of the game rules and a plethora of winning strategies, you are now ready to embark on your journey toward creating breathtaking stained glass masterpieces.

Sagrada offers a unique and immersive experience that combines strategic decision-making, careful dice placement, and an appreciation for artistry. By optimizing your objectives, utilizing tools, and engaging opponents through player interaction tactics, you will have a better chance of outshining your rivals and maximizing your scoring potential.

Remember to adapt your strategies as the game unfolds, keep an eye on your opponents’ moves, and capitalize on available opportunities. Flexibility and creativity are the keys to success in Sagrada.

So, gather your fellow artisans and prepare to be captivated by the beauty and challenge of building stunning stained glass windows. Create your own strategies, explore new techniques, and enjoy the wonder that Sagrada brings to your gaming table.

Embrace the artistic journey, seize the opportunity to showcase your skills, and may your creations leave a lasting impression. Good luck, and may your masterpiece shine above all others!

Want to know what we think of Sagrada? Read our detailed review of Sagrada here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.