How To Play: RED

In this RED strategy guide, we cover everything from game rules and winning strategies to resource management, battle tactics, and player alliances. Learn about the game components, setup, gameplay, and special conditions. Master the game, conquer the world, and enjoy the journey with friends!

Ready to tackle the wild world of RED? In this guide, I’ll lay out the game rules and share some top-notch strategies to help you snag that win. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, these tips will up your game.


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 100 Resource Cards
  • 20 Battle Dice
  • 12 Alliance Tokens
  • 50 Coin Tokens
  • 1 Timer

How To Play RED: Rules Summary

  1. First, make sure you have the game board, player tokens, resource cards, battle dice, alliance tokens, coin tokens, and the timer ready.

  2. Next, place the game board in the center of your play area.

  3. Then, each player picks a token and places it on the starting point of the board.

  4. Distribute resource cards evenly among the players. Place remaining cards in a draw pile.

  5. Finally, set the timer according to the chosen game length.

  1. First, each player rolls a die to determine the starting player.

  2. Then, players take turns in clockwise order, rolling the die and moving their token that number of spaces.

  3. Collect resource cards when you land on a resource space.

  4. If you land on a battle space, roll the battle dice to see if you win or lose resources.

  5. Players can form alliances, sharing resources and strategizing together.

  1. Accumulate the most resources before the timer runs out.

  2. If a player reaches the end space first, they get a resource bonus.

  3. The player with the highest resource count at the end wins.

Special Rules & Conditions
  1. If a player rolls a six, they get an extra turn.

  2. Landing on the same space as another player initiates a trade or battle.

  3. Alliance tokens can be used to protect resources from being stolen.

  4. If the draw pile is empty, reshuffle the discard pile to form a new one.

Best RED Strategies

Winning Through Savvy Resource Management

Prioritize Your Needs
  1. Identify which resources are scarce. If wood is rare, focus on gathering it first.

  2. Keep an eye on your competitors. Are they hoarding something? Act accordingly.

Invest Early
  1. Use your initial resources wisely. Get tools or allies that give you long-term benefits.

  2. Build infrastructure before others. It gives you a solid base to rule from.

Trade Smartly
  1. Always trade up. Swap small gains for bigger ones.

  2. Balance what you keep and what you trade. Don’t leave yourself lacking.

Adapt on the Fly
  1. Game dynamics change. Stay flexible and adapt to new resources.

  2. Don’t stick to one plan. Keep alternatives ready.

Monitor Your Hoard
  1. Always know your inventory. No surprises will catch you off guard.

  2. Plan moves according to what you have. Resource awareness is key.

Mastering Battle Tactics to Crush Your Foes

Winning battles often decides the game. Use smart tactics to outplay opponents.

Positioning Matters

Always maximize your unit’s strength through clever positioning.

  1. Place ranged units behind melee fighters.
  2. Use high ground for an advantage.
  3. Keep weak units away from direct combat.

Timing Your Attacks

Attack at the right moment to catch your enemies off guard.

  1. Strike when your opponent is weakest.
  2. Coordinate attacks with allies.
  3. Time your attacks to disrupt enemy plans.

Know Your Enemy

Study your opponent’s behavior and adapt accordingly.

  1. Analyze their previous moves.
  2. Anticipate their strategy.
  3. Exploit their weaknesses.

Mastering Player Alliances for the Win

Building player alliances can be a game-changer. These partnerships can make or break your path to victory. Let’s explore how to win with allies.

Choose Wisely

Pick your allies with care. Look for players who complement your strategy.

  1. Observe their play style.
  2. Ensure they have resources you lack.
  3. Check if they are trustworthy.

Communicate Clearly

Clear communication is key. It helps you stay on the same page and avoid misunderstandings.

  1. Share your plans early.
  2. Use simple language.
  3. Confirm your agreements.

Exchange Favors

Mutual favors build trust. They also make the alliance beneficial for both parties.

  1. Offer help in battles.
  2. Trade resources often.
  3. Provide intel on enemies.

Stay Flexible

Flexibility keeps alliances strong. Adjust your plans to adapt to new situations.

  1. Be open to new ideas.
  2. Adapt to shifting game dynamics.
  3. Keep options open for new allies.

Master the Game, Conquer the World!

Wrapping up our strategy guide, remember: practice makes perfect. Learn from each match, tweak your tactics, and soon you’ll rule the board. Don’t forget to share your victories and misadventures—after all, we’re all in this for fun! Happy gaming, everyone!

Want to know what we think of RED? Read our detailed review of RED here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.