How To Play: QE

This guide dives headfirst into the exciting world of QE, offering a hilarious yet insightful look at gameplay, strategies, and those oh-so-important tactics of bidding and economic balance. After many game nights, I've learned the ropes and shared here how to outsmart your friends and have a blast doing it.

Hey folks! Jamie here. I’ve spent countless nights playing QE with my buddies, and let me tell you, it’s been a blast. I’ve put together this little guide to not only walk you through the game rules but also to arm you with the best strategies to crush your friends (all in good fun, of course). So, let’s not waste any more time and jump right in!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 5 Dry Erase Markers
  • 5 Bid Boards
  • 1 Lead Bidder Marker
  • 65 Company Tiles
  • 16 Special Tiles
  • 5 Wooden Screens
  • 1 Rule Book

How To Play QE: Rules Summary

Grab your gavel and get ready to dive into the world of high-stakes bidding with QE. It stands for Quantitative Easing, and in this game, you’re gonna spend like there’s no tomorrow. Why? Because in QE, money is just a number on a piece of paper. But hey, don’t let that fool you. Winning requires smarts, strategy, and a keen eye on your opponents. Let’s break it down.


  1. Lay out the central bank board and the marker for the current round.
  2. Each player chooses a country and takes the corresponding bid board and marker.
  3. Shuffle the industry tiles and place them in a stack face down.
  4. Determine the starting player randomly.


  1. The starting player reveals the top industry tile.
  2. Players secretly write down their bids on their bid boards.
  3. Reveal the bids. The highest bidder wins the tile but pays their bid to the bank.
  4. The next round begins, with the winner of the last bid choosing the next tile to auction.
  5. This continues until all tiles have been auctioned.


  1. The player with the most points from industry tiles wins.
  2. However, there’s a twist! The player who spent the most overall is immediately disqualified.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. If there’s a tie in bids, the player who won the last auction wins the tie.
  2. Some tiles have special abilities that can affect scoring or bidding.
  3. Players can bid any amount, even if it’s not realistic. Remember, it’s all about the strategy!

So there you have it, folks. A quick guide on How To Play QE. Just remember, in QE, it’s all about spending big but not the biggest. Watch your opponents, make those big moves, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll emerge as the economic champion. Good luck, and happy bidding!

Best QE Strategies

Mastering the Art of Bidding in QE

Understanding Your Limits

First off, know your bidding power. It sounds basic, but so many players get carried away. Start by bidding conservatively. As the game progresses, adjust your strategy based on your economic position and the actions of others.

Reading the Room

Next, watch your opponents like a hawk. If they’re tight with their bids, it might be time to get aggressive. Conversely, if they’re splashing cash, tighten your own strategy to not get caught in a bidding war.

Timing Is Everything

Finally, timing your bids can make or break your game. Don’t show your hand too early. Wait for the right moment to make a significant bid that others can’t match without hurting their economy.

  1. Start with conservative bids and adjust as needed.
  2. Observe your opponents’ bidding strategies closely.
  3. Time your bids to maximize impact without overspending.

The Art of Economic Balance in Board Games

To win, mastering economic balance is key. It’s not just about spending; it’s about smart spending. Here’s how:

Know When to Hold Back

  1. Watch your resources. Don’t blow them all in early rounds.
  2. Anticipate big moves. Save for them.

Invest Wisely

  1. Spot good value. Some investments offer better returns.
  2. Adjust to the game’s flow. What worked before might not now.

Outsmart Your Opponents

  1. Read their strategy. If they’re saving, maybe you should spend.
  2. Force their hand. Make them spend when they don’t want to.

Mastering Opponent Observation: Your Path to Victory

Observing your opponents is key in games like QE. It’s not just about what you do, but what they might. First, watch their bidding habits. Do they start strong or save for later rounds? Next, notice their reactions to wins and losses. This can reveal their confidence levels. Finally, track their resource levels. Are they spreading thin or hoarding? Use these insights to adjust your strategy on the fly.

Strategies for Keen Observation

  1. Watch bidding patterns closely.
  2. Notice emotional cues after wins or losses.
  3. Analyze their resource management.
    1. Turning Observation into Victory

      By keeping an eye on your opponents, you’ll find opportunities to outsmart them. Remember, in QE, knowledge is as valuable as the money you bid.

      So, You Think You Can Bid?

      Wrapping up this rollercoaster of a guide, I hope you’ve picked up some golden nuggets on how to play QE like a pro. From mastering the art of the bid to keeping an eagle eye on your competition, it’s all about balance, guts, and a bit of cheeky strategy. Remember, it’s not just about throwing around imaginary money like you’re in a Monopoly game with Monopoly rules. It’s about smart investments, knowing your opponents even better than they know themselves, and sometimes, just going for it because, hey, it’s all make-believe money anyway, right?

      Get those bids ready, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, and let the economic conquest begin! Who knows, you might just end up being the QE champion among your group, with bragging rights that are very, very real.

      Want to know what we think of QE? Read our detailed review of QE here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.