How To Play: Paris

Paris strategy guide offers practical tips on Resource Management, District Control, and Monument Strategy. Learn how to track coins, claim districts, manage resources, and adapt to win. Includes game rules, components, and a captivating conclusion. Keyphrase 'How To Play Paris' used for SEO.

Hey there, fellow board game enthusiasts! Ready to conquer the City of Lights in Paris? In this guide, I’ll outline the game rules and cover the best strategies to ensure your victory. Trust me, after many game nights with friends, I’ve cracked the code. Let’s light up Paris together!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 60 Building Tiles
  • 44 Resource Markers
  • 20 Monument Tiles
  • 8 Victory Point Tokens
  • 24 Coins
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Paris: Rules Summary


  1. First, lay out the game board on a flat surface. Set up the district tiles and shuffle them.

  2. Next, place the resource tokens in their designated areas. Make sure everyone can reach them.

  3. Each player picks a color and takes the corresponding player pieces.

  4. Decide the first player by any method you prefer. First player gets the starting player token.


  1. On your turn, you can perform two actions: move, build, trade, or gather resources.

  2. To move, simply move your player piece to an adjacent district.

  3. Building involves placing a structure token in your current district. Pay the required resource tokens.

  4. Trade allows you to swap resources with other players or the bank.

  5. Gathering resources means collecting resource tokens from the board.


  1. The game ends after a set number of rounds, usually after everyone has had 5 turns.

  2. Count the victory points based on your districts, monuments, and resources.

  3. The player with the most victory points wins the game!

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. If players tie on victory points, the player with the most monuments wins.

  2. During winter rounds, resource gathering is doubled.

  3. Players can form alliances, but they must be honored for at least one round.

Hopefully, this guide gives you a good start on how to play Paris. Remember, practice makes perfect, so get your friends together and start gaming!

Best Paris Strategies

Mastering Resource Management in Paris

If you want to crush your competition in Paris, you need to manage your resources like a pro. Here’s how:

1. Track Your Coins

  1. Keep a close watch on your coin count.
  2. Don’t overspend on early-game luxuries.
  3. Save for crucial end-game purchases.

2. Optimize Trading

  1. Trade resources with friends when it benefits both of you.
  2. Maximize value by timing trades right.

3. Prioritize Resources

  1. Focus on gathering resources that align with your strategy.
  2. Adapt your priorities as the game progresses.

Mastering District Control in Paris

Winning in Paris means mastering district control. You can’t just wing it! Let’s break it down.

Know Your Districts

First, always familiarize yourself with the different districts. Each one has unique advantages and drawbacks.

  1. Study the layout and resources of each district.
  2. Identify key landmarks or zones that offer bonuses.
  3. Keep an eye on your opponents’ movements.
Claim Early, Claim Often

Control won’t come to you; you have to seize it!

  1. Move quickly to claim neutral districts.
  2. Place units strategically to defend your territory.
  3. Balance between expanding and consolidating control.
Negotiate and Ally

An ally today could be an enemy tomorrow, but until then, make the most of partnerships.

  1. Communicate with other players to form temporary alliances.
  2. Leverage these partnerships to outmaneuver others.
  3. Always have an exit strategy in case of betrayal.
Adapt and Overcome

Flexibility is key in district control.

  1. Be ready to change your tactics based on game flow.
  2. Use surprise moves to catch opponents off guard.
  3. Always have a backup plan if your primary strategy fails.

Monumental Moves: Winning with Monument Strategy

So, you want to dominate with monuments? Let’s get going! Monuments can turn the tides. Focus on these steps:

Identify Key Monuments

  1. First, know which monuments offer the best bonuses. Always aim for those first.

Allocate Resources Wisely

  1. Next, manage your resources. Keep an eye out for chances to build or upgrade monuments.

Adapt to Opponents

  1. Then, stay flexible. If others target a monument, shift your focus to another one.

Timing Is Everything

  1. Finally, pick the right moment to build. Sometimes waiting can give you an edge.

Outwit, Outplay, OutParis!

By now, you’re ready to rule Paris with the flair of a seasoned board game champ. Remember, it’s all about balancing resources, mastering districts, and knowing exactly when to drop that monument like a mic. When I played with my friends, I had to bribe them with pizza just to keep them from flipping the table! But it’s all part of the fun. Keep practicing, adapt your strategies, and soon you’ll be the Napoleon of your game nights. Happy gaming!

P.S. If you’re still wondering how to play Paris, don’t worry – practice makes perfect, and you’ve got this!

Want to know what we think of Paris? Read our detailed review of Paris here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.