How To Play: Pandemic: Iberia – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Quick Summary

In Pandemic: Iberia, a cooperative adventure set in the late 19th century, players must work together to save the Iberian Peninsula from devastating diseases. This strategy guide has equipped you with valuable insights and tactics to maximize your chances of success:

  • Master role specializations to excel in crucial areas and leverage unique abilities.
  • Engage in efficient resource management to optimize your actions and maximize your impact.
  • Develop a strategic transportation plan to quickly respond to outbreaks and connect key cities.
  • Understand disease spreading patterns to proactively control infections and contain outbreaks.
  • Foster cooperative planning by communicating, sharing knowledge, and making decisions as a cohesive team.

By implementing these strategies, you can overcome the historical challenges that Pandemic: Iberia presents. Work collaboratively, adapt to the dynamic gameplay, and leverage each player's strengths to achieve victory.

Remember, the Iberian Peninsula needs your expertise and ingenuity. The fate of the region lies in your hands. Stand united, apply your newfound strategies, and embark on an immersive and thrilling journey to overcome the historical epidemics that threaten this vibrant land.

Are you ready? Gather your team, harness your talents, and save the Iberian Peninsula in Pandemic: Iberia!


Welcome to this comprehensive strategy guide for Pandemic: Iberia! Within these pages, you will find a wealth of valuable information to help you conquer the challenges that lie ahead. Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned player looking to improve your skills, this guide will provide you with the necessary tools and strategies to achieve victory in this historically immersive cooperative board game.

Pandemic: Iberia takes you back in time to the late 19th century, where you and your teammates must work together to combat epidemics sweeping across the Iberian Peninsula. As you delve into the guide, you will find an outline of the game rules, highlighting the unique gameplay mechanics and historical accuracy that sets Pandemic: Iberia apart.

But this guide goes beyond the basic rules. It delves into the best strategies for emerging victorious in every game. You will uncover secrets to effective role specializations, efficient resource management, transportation strategies, understanding disease spreading patterns, and the art of cooperative planning. With these insights at your disposal, you are equipped to face the challenges head-on and increase your chances of saving the region from devastating outbreaks.

So join us on this immersive journey as we explore the strategies and tactics that pave the way to triumph in Pandemic: Iberia!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 6 Wooden Pawns
  • 9 Character Role Cards
  • 70 Player Cards
  • 48 Infection Cards
  • 96 Disease Cubes (in four colors)
  • 48 Railroad Tracks
  • 24 Steamship Tokens
  • 1 Infection Rate Indicator
  • 5 Infection Rate Cards
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 6 Research Stations
  • 1 Die
  • First Player Marker
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Pandemic: Iberia: Rules Summary

Goal of the Game
  1. Your goal is to work collaboratively with the other players to discover the cures for historical diseases, prevent outbreaks, and build a network of railways to connect cities.
  2. You win the game by discovering all four cures or by building a specified number of railways to connect targeted cities.
  1. Place the game board in the center of the table, representing the Iberian Peninsula.
  2. Each player chooses a role card and pawn, and places their pawn on a starting city.
  3. Shuffle the City, Infection, and Role cards separately and create draw piles.
  4. Place cubes based on the setup cards in designated cities.
  5. Set the infection rate and adjust the turn order using the determined first player marker.
  6. Create an initial infection in cities based on the current infection rate.
  1. On your turn, you can perform up to four actions, such as moving, treating diseases, or building railways.
  2. Afterward, draw a number of Player Cards from the Player deck.
  3. Resolve the Infection Phase by drawing Infection Cards and placing disease cubes on the corresponding cities.
  4. Make use of special cards and role abilities throughout the game for strategic advantages.
  5. Collaborate and communicate with other players to plan actions, share knowledge, and coordinate efforts.
  6. Work together to treat diseases, find cures, prevent outbreaks, and build crucial railways.
Losing and Winning Conditions
  1. You lose the game when there are not enough disease cubes or Player Cards, or if too many outbreaks occur.
  2. Players win by discovering the cures for all four diseases or by building a specified number of railways.

Remember, Pandemic: Iberia is a cooperative game. Teamwork, communication, and strategic planning are essential for victory. With these fundamental rules in mind, you are ready to embark on your immersive adventure through the Iberian Peninsula!

Best Pandemic Iberia Strategies

Role Specializations

Role specializations play a crucial role in the success of your team in Pandemic: Iberia. Each role brings unique abilities and strategies to the table, allowing for efficient disease management and coordinated efforts. Here are some strategies to maximize the effectiveness of each role:

Field Director

  1. Prioritize building railroads to facilitate quick movement between cities.
  2. Coordinate with other players to strategize efficient disease eradication plans.
  3. Use your special ability to reorganize city cards and maximize their effectiveness.
  4. Assist in establishing regional networks by placing research stations in strategic locations.
  5. Stay connected with your team to effectively discuss deployment plans.

Railroad Superintendent

  1. Focus on building railways to connect high-risk cities and establish fast response routes.
  2. Use your special ability to lay railway tracks efficiently, considering upcoming outbreaks and potential hotspots.
  3. Maintain open communication with the Field Director to prioritize long-distance connections and assist in rapid response.
  4. Consider the long-term goals of the team by building railways near cities to be visited for cures.
  5. Allocate actions to ensure a comprehensive network of railways is established before the situation worsens.

Sanitation Engineer

  1. Focus on disease prevention by removing cubes to control the outbreak.
  2. Utilize your special ability to remove multiple disease cubes at once, especially in cities with higher infection rates.
  3. Communicate with teammates on areas with upcoming outbreaks, so you can prioritize your actions accordingly.
  4. Make use of your knowledge of the historical diseases to anticipate symptoms and target the right areas.
  5. Coordinate with others for efficient movement to cities in need of sanitation.

By utilizing the unique abilities of each role and collaborating effectively with your team, you can increase your chances of winning in Pandemic: Iberia. Remember, communication and coordination are key!

Efficient Resource Management

Efficient resource management is a crucial aspect of winning in Pandemic: Iberia. Smart allocation of your limited resources can make all the difference in your fight against the diseases. Here are some strategies to optimize your resource usage:

Card Sharing and Trading

  1. Establish a card-sharing system with your teammates to ensure critical city cards are available for efficient cures.
  2. Keep an eye on the hand of other players to anticipate possible card trades and plan ahead.
  3. Prioritize sharing cards that match upcoming outbreaks or regions at higher risk.
  4. Coordinate with players specializing in movement to easily exchange necessary cards.
  5. Communicate and strategize to maximize the team’s trading potential.

Optimal Card Usage

  1. Use city cards for direct flight operations when necessary, minimizing the use of action points for movement.
  2. Strategically discard less useful cards to build research stations or cure diseases effectively.
  3. Carefully plan the utilization of event cards to capitalize on their powerful effects, especially during critical moments.
  4. Avoid unnecessary discards by taking coordinated actions that allow teammates to draw desired cards.
  5. Consider the potential consequences of card discards and weigh the long-term implications.

Resource Conservation

  1. Use actions efficiently, avoiding wasteful movements or multiple visits to the same city unless necessary.
  2. Choose actions that benefit multiple goals simultaneously, such as treating diseases while establishing railway connections.
  3. Plan carefully to minimize the spread of diseases within cities and reduce the number of cubes needing attention.
  4. Coordinate with teammates to capitalize on each other’s actions, pooling resources whenever possible.
  5. Be mindful of the limited supply of cubes and design your strategy to manage outbreaks effectively.

By implementing these strategies of efficient resource management, you maximize your chances of victory in Pandemic: Iberia. Thoughtful allocation of your resources contributes to the overall effectiveness of your team’s efforts to combat the diseases plaguing the region.

Transportation Strategy

A well-planned transportation strategy is essential for success in Pandemic: Iberia. Efficiently utilizing steamships and railroads can greatly expedite your response to outbreaks and aid in disease control. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Establishing Railway Connections

  1. Prioritize building railroads to connect cities with the most disease cubes or high-risk areas.
  2. Create railway networks that allow for quick movement between cities, optimizing response time.
  3. Strategically place railway tracks in regions that are prone to outbreaks or have a high infection rate.
  4. Coordinate with teammates to extend railways to cities where disease cures can be discovered.
  5. Balance your efforts between railway construction and other vital tasks to maintain a comprehensive transportation network.

Efficient Steamship Usage

  1. Utilize steamships to quickly reach distant cities without direct connections, focusing on critical regions.
  2. Plan steamship routes to transport specialists or urgently needed supplies to tackle outbreaks in hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Make use of your action points to take advantage of available steamship routes, optimizing your movement and response capabilities.
  4. Maintain a balance between railway and steamship usage to cover all areas effectively.
  5. Communicate and coordinate with teammates to ensure optimal use of steamships for collaborative efforts.

Connecting Diverse Regions

  1. Consider connecting cities in different regions to hasten the response to outbreaks in far-reaching areas.
  2. Create transportation routes that minimize the spread of diseases across diverse regions of the Iberian Peninsula.
  3. Strategically connect major cities of different regions to establish efficient disease control hubs.
  4. Coordinate with teammates to ensure comprehensive coverage of the entire region through well-connected transportation networks.
  5. Balance your actions by expanding transportation options and focusing on other necessary tasks for a comprehensive strategy.

By formulating a comprehensive transportation strategy, you enhance your team’s ability to combat diseases and respond to outbreaks in a timely and effective manner. Maximizing railway and steamship usage fosters swift action and efficient disease control throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

Disease Spreading Patterns

Understanding and anticipating disease spreading patterns is crucial for victory in Pandemic: Iberia. Knowing how diseases spread and being prepared to tackle outbreaks effectively can make a significant difference in combating the epidemic. Here are some key strategies to help you navigate the challenges:

Identifying High-Risk Cities

  1. Identify cities at higher risk due to transportation routes, neighboring infected cities, or historical patterns.
  2. Focus preventive efforts on high-risk cities to minimize the spread of diseases.
  3. Allocate resources proactively to reinforce containment measures in these key locations.
  4. Monitor recurring disease patterns and act swiftly to prevent outbreaks in vulnerable areas.
  5. Communicate with teammates about potential outbreak clusters to coordinate response plans effectively.

Containment Strategies

  1. Assign players to strategically position themselves in locations susceptible to outbreaks.
  2. Concentrate actions on decreasing infection rates in heavily infected areas to prevent further spreading.
  3. Prioritize actions such as quarantining and treating diseases to contain outbreaks.
  4. Coordinate with teammates to maximize the effectiveness of containment measures.
  5. Strategically use event cards or role abilities to regain control over escalating outbreaks.

Forecasting Disease Movements

  1. Anticipate potential disease movement by analyzing infection rates, historical data, and disease characteristics.
  2. Pay close attention to regions where multiple outbreaks are likely to occur.
  3. Plan actions accordingly, focusing on reducing infection levels and establishing preventive measures.
  4. Prepare for potential hotspots by ensuring quick access for necessary resources.
  5. Continuously assess and reassess your plan as the disease spreading patterns evolve and new information arises.

By applying strategies centered around understanding disease spreading patterns, you can stay one step ahead of the infections in Pandemic: Iberia. Being proactive, prioritizing high-risk cities, and implementing effective containment measures are vital steps towards victory.

Cooperative Planning

Cooperative planning is the key to success in Pandemic: Iberia. By actively collaborating and sharing information with your teammates, you can establish effective strategies and coordinate efforts to overcome the challenges together. Here are some important strategies for optimal cooperative planning:

Shared Knowledge and Communication

  1. Establish open lines of communication to share critical information about cities at risk, available resources, and upcoming outbreaks.
  2. Regularly exchange information and coordinate actions with teammates to achieve common objectives.
  3. Plan moves strategically together, discussing and evaluating different possible scenarios.
  4. Keep each other informed about card availability and strategize accordingly for optimal card sharing.
  5. Effective communication helps avoid redundant actions and ensures efficient allocation of limited resources.

Assigning Roles and Specializations

  1. Select roles and role specializations that complement each other and contribute to a well-rounded team.
  2. Discuss and agree on an effective distribution of role responsibilities among teammates.
  3. Allocate roles based on player preferences, their strengths, and the needs of the current situation.
  4. Provide each player with the opportunity to contribute their expertise to the team’s overall success.
  5. Collaborative decision-making ensures that each individual’s unique abilities are harnessed strategically.

Strategic Decision-Making

  1. Involve all team members in strategic decision-making processes and actively seek inputs from everyone.
  2. Discuss and evaluate long-term goals while considering the immediate needs and priorities.
  3. Plan resource allocation collectively, keeping in mind the changing circumstances.
  4. Avoid individualistic decision-making and encourage a cooperative mindset focused on the team’s success.
  5. Regularly reassess and adjust strategies based on the dynamic nature of the game and evolving challenges.

By fostering a culture of cooperative planning, effective communication, and collective decision-making, you forge a strong team that is better equipped to tackle the epidemics in Pandemic: Iberia. Emphasize teamwork, promote open dialogue, and capitalize on the unique contributions of each player for a higher chance of victory.


Congratulations! You have now journeyed through this comprehensive strategy guide for Pandemic: Iberia. Armed with a deep understanding of the game, its mechanics, and the best strategies for success, you are well-prepared to tackle the challenges that await.

Remember the importance of effective collaboration and communication with your teammates, as you work together to discover cures, prevent outbreaks, and build railways throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

As you navigate the game, be mindful of efficient resource management, strategic transportation planning, disease spreading patterns, and the power of cooperative decision-making. Combining these elements will greatly enhance your chances of victory against the historical epidemics that threaten the region.

Now, armed with your knowledge and the proper tactics, it’s time to put your expertise into practice. Rally your teammates, gather your wits, and embark on the daring adventure that lies ahead. With teamwork, adaptability, and determination, success is within your grasp!

Best of luck on your journey to conquer Pandemic: Iberia!

Want to know what we think of Pandemic: Iberia? Read our detailed review of Pandemic: Iberia here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.