How To Play: Near and Far – Setup, rule summary and strategy

In the enchanting world of Near and Far, embark on an immersive adventure filled with strategic decision-making, captivating storytelling, and exciting quests. Master resource management to optimize your progress, prioritize quests based on rewards and risks, and plan your routes efficiently to outmaneuver opponents. Utilize worker placement tactics to maximize your actions and make the most of your resources. With the right strategies, you can navigate the map, recruit powerful companions, complete quests, and earn victory points to claim triumph in this epic game. Immerse yourself in the rich storytelling, make impactful choices during encounters, and experience the depth and replayability that Near and Far has to offer.

Prepare for moments of excitement, as you forge your own path, build alliances, and face unique challenges in every playthrough. Whether you prefer a more aggressive approach, a focus on resource management, or a well-rounded strategy, Near and Far provides endless opportunities for strategic gameplay. In this stunningly designed and immersive world, adventure awaits at every turn. Are you ready to embark on a journey that will test your strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, and storytelling skills? Enter the realm of Near and Far, and let your legend unfold!


Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for Near and Far! Whether you are a veteran player looking to sharpen your skills or a newcomer eager to grasp the game’s mechanics, this guide is here to assist you on your path to victory. Within these pages, you will find an in-depth exploration of the game rules and the most effective strategies for achieving success.

At its core, Near and Far is a game that seamlessly blends exploration, storytelling, and strategic decision-making. Players embark on epic quests, navigate uncharted lands, and compete to accumulate victory points. To emerge triumphant, you need to carefully manage your resources, optimize your route planning, make informed decisions about quest prioritization, and utilize worker placement tactics strategically. Understanding the nuances of these gameplay elements is the key to overcoming challenges and outmaneuvering your opponents.

Throughout this guide, we will delve into each aspect of gameplay, providing valuable insights and tactical tips to enhance your understanding and improve your performance. Whether you prefer a more aggressive strategy, a focus on resource management, or a well-rounded approach, we have you covered with detailed strategies and tactics for each playstyle.

If you are ready to take your Near and Far skills to the next level, join us on this inspiring journey through the game’s mechanics and discover the best strategies to claim victory in this enchanting world!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 35 Location Tiles
  • 256 Adventure Cards
  • 100 Unit Cards
  • 14 Market Goods Cards
  • 55 Near & Far Story Cards
  • 45 Near & Far Item Cards
  • 20 Mystic Ruins Cards
  • 18 Event Cards
  • 30 Event Tiles
  • 54 Character Cards
  • 45 Coin Tokens
  • 60 Resource Tokens
  • 60 Companion Tokens
  • 1 Engraved Nahal Booth
  • 80 Crystals
  • Rulebook

How To Play Near and Far: Rules Summary

Welcome to the exciting world of Near and Far! In this section, we will outline the rules and gameplay mechanics to help you jump right into the adventure.

1. Setting Up

  1. Arrange the game board and location tiles.
  2. Place the quest cards in their designated spots.
  3. Choose a character and collect starting resources.
  4. Shuffle the event deck and place it within reach.

2. Turn Structure

  1. Start with the First Player and proceed clockwise.
  2. Choose and perform one action from the available actions.
  3. Resolve any quest or event cards played.
  4. Pass the first player token to the next player.

3. Action Selection

  1. Choose from recruiting, collecting resources, resting, or traveling actions.
  2. Recruiting: Spend coins to recruit companions and add their abilities to your party.
  3. Collecting Resources: Gather resources based on your location and character abilities.
  4. Resting: Regain health and resources by resting at your current location.
  5. Traveling: Move to a new location on the map to begin a new leg of your journey.

4. Quests and Storytelling

  1. Read and comprehend the quest cards, storybook, and encounter book for immersive storytelling.
  2. Choose quests to undertake and follow the stories to uncover new adventures.
  3. Make choices during encounters that can impact future events and outcomes.
  4. Earn rewards and victory points by successfully completing quests.

5. Resource Management

  1. Manage resources wisely to optimize your gameplay.
  2. Balance the use of fuel, gold, and provisions strategically.
  3. Utilize resources to recruit companions, complete quests, and improve your party’s abilities.
  4. Ensure you have enough resources to sustain your journey and accomplish your objectives.

With these key rules in mind, you are well-equipped to embark on the adventures that await in Near and Far. Strategize, explore, and make story-driven choices to build your path to victory!

Best Near And Far Strategies

Resource Management

Mastering resource management in Near and Far is crucial to your success in the game. Ensuring you have a steady supply of essential resources and using them wisely will give you an edge over your opponents. Here are some effective strategies to optimize your resource management:

Prioritize Key Resources

  1. Fuel: Ensure you have enough fuel to enable longer journeys and reach valuable locations.
  2. Gold: Use gold strategically to recruit powerful companions and unlock advantageous abilities.
  3. Provisions: Stock up on provisions to sustain your party during quests and expeditions.

Maximize Resource Gathering

  1. Plan Routes: Efficiently gather resources by strategically planning your movement on the map.
  2. Utilize Abilities: Leverage character abilities and item cards to increase resource gathering efficiency.
  3. Strategic Resting: Carefully choose when to rest to regain health and resources at crucial times.

Optimize Resource Consumption

  1. Upgrade Companions: Invest resources in upgrading your companions to unlock beneficial abilities and bonuses.
  2. Complete Quests: Navigating quests successfully for valuable rewards will enable resource optimization.
  3. Trade and Negotiate: Utilize trading opportunities and negotiate with other players to acquire resources you lack.

By effectively managing your resources, prioritizing key elements, gathering strategically, and optimizing consumption, you will lay the foundation for securing victory in Near and Far. Remember, every resource counts!

Decision-making Strategies

Effective decision-making can be the difference between victory and defeat in Near and Far. Making the right choices at the right time will help you maximize opportunities and overcome challenges. Here are some decision-making strategies to consider:

Quest Selection

  1. Choose Wisely: Evaluate the rewards, risks, and prerequisites of each quest before committing.
  2. Specialization: Focus on quests that align with your character abilities and resources.
  3. Balance Difficulty: Strike a balance between challenging quests with high rewards and easier ones to secure consistent progress.

Route Planning

  1. Efficiency: Plan your routes to cover as many valuable locations as possible within a limited timeframe.
  2. Resource Optimization: Consider the resource requirements of potential locations when planning routes.
  3. Alternate Paths: Identify alternative routes to adapt to changing game conditions and outmaneuver opponents.

Companion Recruitment

  1. Synergy: Select companions that complement your character’s abilities for enhanced effectiveness.
  2. Diversify: Recruit companions with different skills to handle a variety of challenges and tasks.
  3. Timing: Carefully choose when to recruit companions to mitigate resource constraints.

Encounter Resolutions

  1. Evaluate Past Performance: Consider the outcome consequences of choices made in previous encounters.
  2. Risk Assessment: Weigh the benefits against potential risks before making decisions in encounters.
  3. Flexibility: Adapt your approach based on the encountered NPCs’ personalities and objectives.

Mastering decision-making strategies in Near and Far requires keen observation, strategic foresight, and adaptive thinking. Make thoughtful choices, seize opportunities, and outmaneuver your opponents to secure victory!

Route Planning

Mastering route planning in Near and Far is essential for optimizing your movement on the map and maximizing your progress. Careful consideration and strategic planning will help you reach valuable locations and outmaneuver your opponents. Here are some route planning strategies to employ:

Evaluating Location Importance

  1. Prioritize Valuable Locations: Identify and prioritize locations that offer resources, powerful companions, or rewarding quests.
  2. Consider Proximity: Plan routes that maximize your ability to reach multiple important locations within a limited number of turns.
  3. Adapt to Changing Conditions: Assess the evolving game state and adjust your routes accordingly to leverage emerging opportunities.

Efficient Movement Optimization

  1. Longer vs. Shorter Paths: Weigh the benefits of taking longer paths to reach valuable locations against the potential loss of time.
  2. Resource Balance: Plan routes that allow you to collect necessary resources while minimizing wasteful or unnecessary movement.
  3. Alternative Routes: Identify alternate paths to reach your desired locations, giving you flexibility in case of interference from opponents.

Utilizing Character Abilities

  1. Character Synergy: Plan routes that maximize the effectiveness of your character’s abilities in achieving your objectives.
  2. Combining Companions: Pair your character abilities with those of your companions to unlock powerful synergies and tactical advantages.
  3. Tactical Resting: Strategically plan resting periods to recover health and optimize your route planning.

Adapting to Opponent’s Actions

  1. Observe and React: Pay attention to your opponents’ movements and adjust your own routes to exploit opportunities or minimize risks.
  2. Block and Disrupt: Modify your routes to block opponents from reaching advantageous locations or disrupt their strategies.
  3. Improve Timing: Plan routes to coincide with advantageous encounters, acquiring favorable rewards or hindering rivals.

By utilizing effective route planning strategies, you can navigate the expansive world of Near and Far with efficiency and precision, gaining a strategic advantage and securing your path to victory.

Quest Prioritization

Strategically prioritizing quests in Near and Far is a key factor in securing victory. Different quests offer varying rewards and gameplay advantages, so choosing the right quests to focus on is crucial. Here are some quest prioritization strategies to help you make informed decisions:

Evaluating Rewards and Risks

  1. Assess Reward Value: Consider the victory points, resources, companions, and special abilities offered as quest rewards.
  2. Weigh Risk vs. Reward: Analyze the difficulty level and prerequisites of each quest, evaluating the potential costs and benefits.
  3. Balancing Long-Term and Short-Term Goals: Strive for a mix of quests that provide immediate benefits while setting you up for long-term success.

Synergy with Resources and Companions

  1. Resource-Driven Quests: Prioritize quests that can help you gain necessary resources or synergize with your current resource status.
  2. Companion Abilities: Select quests that complement your character and companion abilities to maximize their effectiveness.
  3. Unlocking Special Abilities: Focus on quests that grant unique special abilities that enhance your gameplay strategy.

Location and Encounter Considerations

  1. Location Efficiency: Give preference to quests that can be completed while efficiently navigating the locations you plan to visit.
  2. Status Effects: Prioritize quests that can remove negative status effects or provide positive effects to improve your gameplay.
  3. Opportunistic Encounters: Choose quests that align with the NPCs you are likely to encounter on your journey for extra strategic flexibility.

By strategically prioritizing quests based on their rewards, risks, synergy with resources and companions, and alignment with locations and encounters, you can optimize your progress, outsmart your opponents, and reach victory in Near and Far.

Worker Placement Tactics

Mastering worker placement tactics in Near and Far can give you a significant advantage in efficiently utilizing your actions and resources. Making strategic decisions regarding worker placement can greatly impact your progress towards victory. Here are some effective worker placement tactics to consider:

Placement Order

  1. Early Placement: Secure vital locations or powerful companions early to bolster your capabilities from the start.
  2. Delayed Placement: Hold off on worker placement to assess opponents’ strategies and react accordingly.
  3. Last Player Advantage: Hold back on worker placement to secure advantageous spots that others overlook.

Actions and Resource Management

  1. Evaluate Costs and Benefits: Analyze the potential returns and resource requirements of each available action.
  2. Strategic Blocking: Place workers strategically to block opponents from accessing coveted actions or locations.
  3. Combo Actions: Capitalize on action combinations to maximize the efficiency and output of your workers.

Timing and Flexibility

  1. Timing Consideration: Anticipate popular actions and allocate workers early to secure those actions before they are taken.
  2. Adaptability: Be flexible with worker placement decisions to counter rivals’ moves or capitalize on changing circumstances.
  3. Multi-Turn Planning: Plan worker placement across multiple turns to set up future actions and resource gathering.

Companion Placement

  1. Complementary Abilities: Employ workers to recruit or utilize companions that complement your character’s abilities for maximum efficiency.
  2. Strategic Teamwork: Deploy workers and companion abilities in tandem to accomplish quests or overcome challenges.
  3. Diversify Companion Placement: Spread out the placement of companions to maximize their benefits and actions.

Strategically placing your workers by considering placement order, actions and resource management, timing, and companion placement will give you an edge in Near and Far, optimizing your strategies and taking significant steps closer to victory.


Congratulations! By mastering the rules and learning the best strategies for Near and Far, you are ready to embark on a thrilling adventure full of exploration, strategic decision-making, and immersive storytelling. Remember to manage your resources wisely, prioritize quests, plan your routes effectively, and utilize worker placement tactics to your advantage.

Near and Far offers a rich and expansive game experience, providing countless possibilities and pathways to victory. Whether you choose to focus on resource gathering, completing quests, or outmaneuvering your opponents, adapting your strategies based on the evolving game state will be essential for success.

Now, armed with your newfound knowledge and insights, it is time to gather your companions, map out your journeys, and leave your mark on the world of Near and Far. May your choices be wise, your quests be bountiful, and your victories be legendary!

Want to know what we think of Near and Far? Read our detailed review of Near and Far here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.