How To Play: Mexica

How To Play Mexica involves mastering map control, careful temple placement, and managing action points. Understand rules, use strategy, and prioritize high-value areas to block rivals and create districts. Plan ahead, save points, and monitor opponents to win. Use these key points for an efficient strategy in the game.


Ever wondered how to dominate in Mexica? You’re in the right place! This guide outlines the game’s rules and provides top-notch strategies to help you win. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned player, you’ll find tips to elevate your gameplay. Get ready to outsmart your friends and take control of the board!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Action Point Summary Table
  • 4 Player Reference Cards
  • 4 Mexica Figures
  • 4 Action Point Discs
  • 21 Districts
  • 44 Tepanecs (Bridges)
  • 55 Canals
  • 12 Temples (1-3)
  • 6 Temples (4-5)
  • 4 Temples (6-7)
  • 2 Temples (8)
  • 56 Calpulli Markers
  • 1 Game End Marker
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Mexica: Rules Summary


  1. Place the game board in the center of the table. It depicts the city of Tenochtitlan.

  2. Each player takes their set of pyramids, canals, bridges, and action point tokens.

  3. Shuffle the district tiles and place them face down next to the board.

  4. Randomly draw district tiles and place them on the board in the designated spots.

  5. Give each player a player screen and their corresponding action point markers.


  1. Players take turns in clockwise order, starting with the first player.

  2. On your turn, use your action points to perform various actions:

    1. Move your Mexica (costs 1 AP per space).

    2. Build a canal (costs 1 AP).

    3. Build a bridge (costs 2 AP).

    4. Found a district (costs AP equal to the size of the district).

    5. Build a pyramid (costs AP based on the size of the pyramid).

  3. Players can pass if they have no useful actions left or want to save AP for later turns.


  1. The game ends after a set number of rounds or when specific conditions are met.

  2. Players tally their points, which they earn by founding districts, building pyramids, and controlling areas.

  3. The player with the highest points wins the game.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. If a player builds a canal, they create a water path, altering movement on the board.

  2. Bridges allow Mexicas to move over water without spending extra action points.

  3. Players must consider the size and value of districts when founding and building.

  4. The end of the game is triggered when all districts are founded or when a set number of turns are completed.

Best Mexica Strategies

Mastering Map Control in Mexica

Every game of Mexica starts with understanding the map. If you control regions, you control the game. Here’s how:

1. Secure Key Locations Early
  1. Identify high-value spaces.
  2. Place your pieces to block opponents.
  3. Grab key waterway connections.
2. Think Ahead
  1. Plan your moves three turns ahead.
  2. Anticipate opponent’s strategies.
  3. Adapt as the game changes.
3. Balance Expansion and Defense
  1. Spread out but keep strong regions.
  2. Fortify important spaces.
  3. Respond to threats quickly.

Remember, controlling the map requires constant attention and flexibility. Always stay one step ahead of your friends!

Mastering Temple Placement in Mexica

1. Prioritize High-Value Areas

Firstly, place your temples in high-value areas. This strategy maximizes your influence and rewards. Focus on regions with many adjacent neighborhoods.

2. Block Your Rivals

Next, block your opponents strategically. Placing temples in key spots can limit their expansion. This move forces them to waste precious action points.

3. Create Multiple Districts

Additionally, aim to create multiple districts. This tactic leverages your control over the board, making it difficult for others to dominate any single district.

4. Maximize Your Points

Lastly, maximize your points by placing temples in areas with the highest potential for end-game scoring. Always think ahead and plan your moves several turns in advance.

Action Point Management: Mastering Mexica

If you want to crush your friends in Mexica, you must master action points. You only have six per turn, so make them count.

Plan Ahead

  1. Always plan your moves in advance. Calculate how many points you need for each action.
  2. Prioritize high-impact actions, like building temples or creating new districts.

Save Points

  1. Sometimes it’s best to save a few points. You might need them for crucial moves in the next turn.


  1. Combine actions whenever possible. For example, move and build in one turn if it saves points.

Watch Your Opponents

  1. Keep an eye on rivals. Sometimes, you need to react to their moves, which means spending points wisely.

## Master the Waters, Rule the Land: Final Thoughts on Mexica

You’ve got the basics down. You know how to play Mexica. Now, it’s time to take that knowledge and become the Aztec leader you were born to be! Remember, it’s not just about placing temples. It’s about controlling the map, blocking your opponents, and managing your action points like a pro. I’ve seen players rise from the ashes with a well-timed move. So, keep your eyes on the prize and your head in the game. Who knows, maybe next game night, you’ll be the one bragging about your empire by the end. Happy gaming, amigos!

Want to know what we think of Mexica? Read our detailed review of Mexica here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.