How To Play: London

In London, manage your cards well, balance the economy, and plan your city smartly. Follow game rules on setup and gameplay. Focus on economic balance, track finances, and invest in properties. For more details and strategies, search 'How To Play London'.


Ready to conquer the streets of old London Town? Our guide will help you do just that! This post outlines the game rules and dishes out the best strategies for winning. We played London several times with friends, and trust me, we’ve got the scoop on how to emerge victorious. From economic balance to card management, we cover it all. Let’s get started!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 101 Playing Cards
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 36 District Tokens
  • 60 Poverty Cubes
  • 50 £1 Coins
  • 25 £5 Coins
  • 4 Player Aids
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play London: Rules Summary

  1. First, lay out the board and shuffle the deck of cards.

  2. Next, each player picks a color and takes the corresponding pieces.

  3. Deal five cards to each player. Place the rest of the cards as a draw pile.

  4. Distribute starting money to each player: 10 pounds for the first player, 12 for the second, and so on.

  5. Lastly, place the loan and poverty markers within easy reach.

  1. On your turn, you can take one of three actions: Draw three cards, play a card, or develop property.

  2. Draw three cards: Simply draw three cards from the deck, adding them to your hand.

  3. Play a card: Choose a card from your hand and follow its instructions.

  4. Develop property: Place building markers on the board, based on the cards you’ve played.

  5. End your turn by discarding down to nine cards if needed.

  1. The game ends when the draw pile is empty and all players have taken their final turn.

  2. Then, calculate your total points based on properties and cards in play.

  3. Subtract any poverty points or loans from your total score.

  4. The player with the highest score wins!

Special Rules & Conditions
  1. You must repay loans before the game ends, or you will lose points.

  2. Poverty points accumulate when you play certain cards or take specific actions.

  3. Watch out for event cards that can change the game dramatically!

  4. Players can trade cards and money under mutual agreement, adding a strategic layer.

Best London Strategies

Mastering Card Management to Win ‘London’

Card management in ‘London’ is like juggling cats. It’s tricky, but with practice, you’ll look like a pro. Let’s break down the key points.

Keep Your Hand Small

  1. Draw less to maintain flexibility.
  2. Play cards often to avoid penalties.

Plan Ahead

  1. Consider future turns when playing cards.
  2. Anticipate other players’ moves.

Utilize Card Abilities

  1. Maximize the unique powers of each card.
  2. Combine abilities for a stronger effect.

Balance Risk and Reward

  1. Take calculated risks with high-reward cards.
  2. Avoid over-committing to single strategies.

Mastering Economic Balance in London: Your Key to Victory

Track Your Finances

Staying on top of your money is essential.

  1. Regularly count your cash.
  2. Keep an eye on your income and expenses.
  3. Plan your investments wisely.

Invest in Properties

Your property portfolio can be a goldmine.

  1. Buy low, sell high.
  2. Balance your investments in different areas.
  3. Look for undervalued properties.

Avoid Debt

Debt can sink you fast.

  1. Pay off loans quickly.
  2. Use credit wisely.
  3. Only borrow when necessary.

Monitor Market Trends

Market trends can make or break you.

  1. Stay informed about market changes.
  2. Adjust your strategy as needed.
  3. Anticipate market shifts.

Mastering City Planning in London

Winning in the game of London requires smart city planning. This means placing buildings and managing poverty effectively. Here’s how to ace it:

1. Optimize Building Placement

  1. Place high-value buildings in strategic locations.
  2. Ensure you get the most points per building.

2. Manage Poverty Levels

  1. Balance new building cards with poverty reduction cards.
  2. Keep an eye on your poverty level at all times.

3. Sequence Your Actions

  1. Plan your actions for maximum efficiency.
  2. Anticipate other players’ moves and adapt.

Following these steps, you can master City Planning and outwit your opponents in London.

# Time to Build Your Empire! 🏙️

There you go! Your crash course in mastering London. Remember, balance is key. Manage those cards wisely, keep your economy strong, and don’t forget to make your city shine. You might not become a billionaire overnight, but you’ll give those old-timey Londoners a run for their shillings!

One last tip: Have fun. It’s a game, after all! Gather your friends, share a laugh, and watch London rise from the ashes of the Fire. Who knows, you might even end up in history books.

Got any secret tips of your own? Drop them in the comments! And if you still wonder about “How To Play London,” hit me up. Cheers, and happy building!

Want to know what we think of London? Read our detailed review of London here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.