How To Play: Last Will – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Mastering 'How To Play Last Will' involves strategic planning, action management, and circumstantial adaptability. Winning requires not only choosing properties carefully and executing actions efficiently but also adjusting strategies in response to opponents. The key is embracing flexibility and experimenting with different approaches to find success.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on How To Play Last Will, the eccentric game where you race to spend a fortune! Are you ready to step into your wealthy uncle’s shoes, strategically squander your inheritance, and emerge victoriously? In this guide, we’ll dive into the basic game rules, ensuring you have a solid foundation before moving on to advanced strategies. Let’s throw caution to the wind as we embark on this journey to bankruptcy!


What’s in the box

  • 1 Game board
  • 1 Planning board
  • 5 Player boards
  • 5 Planning markers
  • 5 Errand boy tokens
  • 2 Round counter tokens
  • 1 Starting player token
  • 12 Action cards
  • 120 Player cards (24 per player)
  • 30 Event cards
  • 70 Property cards
  • 20 Helper cards
  • 18 Expense modifiers
  • 5 Last Will reference cards
  • 95 Money tokens in various denominations
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Last Will: Rules Summary

Delving into ‘Last Will’ is a fascinating journey of strategy and spontaneity. If you’ve never played before or need a quick refresher, let’s break down the basic rules. Master these, and you’ll be on your way to squandering your fortune efficiently in no time.


  1. Place the board in the center of the table.
  2. Distribute starting resources to each player; cash, property, and helpers.
  3. Set up the errand boys on the planning spaces.


  1. Begin with the first player and move clockwise, where each player chooses an action space.
  2. Execute the available actions in the order you’ve chosen them; this can include buying properties, attending events, or maintaining your estates.
  3. Modify your actions with any companions or special cards you have.


  1. The game ends when the executor marker reaches the final space. At this point, the player who has managed to spend their fortune most effectively (or is closest to broke) wins the game.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. Pay attention to the valid combinations of companions and special care needed to maintain certain properties.
  2. Monitor the bankruptcy rule – if your debts exceed your assets significantly, you could face penultimate defeat purely by oversight.

The rich tapestry of ‘How To Play Last Will’ ensures no two games are the same, embodying the chaotic excitement of trying to lose a fortune with grace and strategy. Happy gaming!

Best Last Will Strategies

Mastering Property Choices in Last Will

In ‘How To Play Last Will’, choosing starting properties wisely is pivotal. Firstly, consider properties that depreciate quickly; they can be sold off faster, maximizing your strategy to go broke.

Optimal Property Types

  1. Focus on easy-to-sell estates.
  2. Prioritize high-maintenance properties.

Timing Your Sales

Secondly, timing is crucial. Plan to offload properties when the market conditions favor a loss, intensifying your financial downfall, a quirky yet necessary strategy in Last Will.

Adapting Strategies

Lastly, flexibility is key. Adjust your choices based on available properties and opponents’ actions. Crucis, as the game’s unpredictable nature might destine for you remarkably ludicrous estates that aid your lavish journey towards bankruptcy.

Mastering the Art of Errands and Actions

Action and errand management are crucial to winning in ‘Last Will’. Getting ahead requires not just a plan, but the efficient execution of that plan. Always consider the most impactful way to use your actions every turn.

Plan Your Errands

  1. Identify priority actions.
  2. Minimize movements on the board.

Maximizing Actions

  1. Combine properties and companions for bigger expenses.
  2. Seek synergy between cards for effective play.

Adapt and React

  1. Stay flexible with your plan.
  2. Monitor opponents’ strategies to counter or outpace them effectively.

Mastering the Art of Adaptation

Winning in Last Will requires keen observation and the ability to adapt strategies based on your opponents’ moves. It’s not just about what you’re doing; it’s also about predicting and reacting to what others are planning. This becomes a chess game of anticipating several steps ahead, ensuring you can adjust your strategy on the fly to keep your opponents guessing and off-balance.

Identifying Opponent Trends

  1. Watch for patterns in how competitors manage their properties and errands.
  2. Note any preference for specific action cards they have.
  3. Adjust your play to counteract their tendencies.

Building Versatile Strategies

  1. Prepare multiple game plans to swiftly shift gears.
  2. Keep a versatile hand that can handle diverse scenarios.

Timing Your Moves

  1. Analyse the game’s progress to identify the best moment for execution.
  2. Consider not only your current turn but how it will influence subsequent rounds.

Mastering The Game: Your Path to Victory

Embarking on your journey through Last Will will challenge your strategic thinking and adaptability. Remember, the core of your success lies in wisely choosing your starting properties, managing your actions and errands efficiently, and dynamically adapting your strategies based on your opponents’ moves. Our exploration together has equipped you with the foundational strategies to not just play Last Will, but to play it well. As you advance, keep experimenting with different tactics and learn from each gameplay experience. The most thrilling aspect of Last Will is its unpredictability and the endless strategic possibilities. Embrace each game with a keen mind and an open strategy, and watch as you go from novice to seasoned master. Let the fun of squandering your fortune commence!

Want to know what we think of Last Will? Read our detailed review of Last Will here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.