How To Play: Dungeon Petz – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Mastery of 'How To Play Dungeon Petz' hinges on understanding the nuances of the game, from strategic resource management to attending to the diverse needs of your petz. It's about planning with foresight, choosing pets wisely, and playing the market at the right times.


Welcome fellow dungeon enthusiasts, to the ultimate companion in your pet-rearing journey through ‘How To Play Dungeon Petz’! Have you ever found yourself perplexed while balancing the ever-growing menagerie of whimsical creatures in your care? Fear not, for this guide lays out not only the snug bedrock of gameplay but also the sharp-strategized contours that can elevate you from a mere pet peddler to a legendary pet mogul.

I shall shepherd you through the enchanted forests of initially puzzling rules and into clearings of clarity. Understanding these bewitched machinations is but the first step; it’s the masterful application of winning strategies that separates common background shopkeepers from acclaimed pet emporium owners.

Straight from personal escapades in animistic entrepreneurship, I will delve into the three critical disciplines of dungeon proprioception—Resource Management and Planning, Pet Needs and Exhibitions, and Buying and Selling Pets Strategically—in the hopes that my insights will be the spring underneath your leap towards victory. Let’s embolden your winning spirit with an enchanted scroll of wisdom, starting with game fundamentals and culminating in expert-level stratagems fit for a grandmaster of pet dungeons!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Two-sided Central Board
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 4 Player Order Tokens
  • 20 Pets
  • 54 Need cards
  • 42 Cage cards
  • 36 Mutation cards
  • 8 Two-slot cages
  • 40 Wooden gold coins
  • 14 Other tokens
  • 11 Potion cards
  • 15 Wooden veggies
  • 15 Wooden meat
  • 8 Wooden excrement
  • 9 Wooden suffering tokens
  • 1 Starting Player token
  • 1 Progress token
  • 1 Round Counter
  • 4 Scoring Reference cards
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Dungeon Petz: Rules Summary

Immerse yourself in this whimsical game of pet care in a fantastical dungeon world. If you are brand new to ‘How To Play Dungeon Petz,’you’ll find everything you need to get started right here. By following these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to becoming a master pet merchant in no time!


  1. Place the game board in the center of the table.
  2. Give each player a pet store board, cages, and starting resources.
  3. Arrange the pet cards, cage cards, and addon cards in stacks.
  4. Seed the board with initial pets for purchase and dungeon employees.


  1. Begin by assigning your imps to various tasks to run your pet shop effectively.
  2. Participate in the action phase to buy pets, cages, and addons, or to visit the hospital or market.
  3. Manage your pets and meet their needs with the resources you’ve gathered.
  4. At the end of each turn, attend exhibitions and sell pets to interested buyers.


  1. Accumulate victory points through exhibitions, selling pets, and achieving personal goals.
  2. Strategically buy and sell to take advantage of market phases and the desires of buyers.
  3. Properly caring for your pets and ensuring their happiness leads to higher scores.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. Pay close attention to mutation cards that can change the needs of your pets drastically.
  2. Manage unexpected events which can upend your strategy at a moment’s notice.
  3. Remember to feed your pets and clean their cages—or face the penalties for neglecting them.

Best Dungeon Petz Strategies

Mastering the Art of Usage: Advanced Resource Management and Planning in Dungeon Petz

Meticulous resource management is the cornerstone of success in How To Play Dungeon Petz. Your store of gold, cages, and pet food must be handled with great care to emerge victorious.

Allocate Your Gold Wisely

  1. First, always evaluate the upcoming pets and plan your gold usage. I found budgeting for future rounds prevents the stress of running out of gold mid-game.
  2. Then, consider the auction track. I learned that outbidding on the higher spots grants more actions, but saving some gold can give an edge in the tight mid-game economy.
  3. Don’t neglect Imps’ salaries. Setting aside gold for overtired workers is essential; recall the penalties I faced when overlooking their payment.

Strategically Plan Your Resources

  1. Manage food resources by forecasting your pets’ needs. Invest in a variety of foods, as my sessions have shown an unexpected need can scuttle your best-laid plans.
  2. Remember to upgrade your cages strategically; asses which enhancements will benefit you in the longer run. I regretted investing in temporary upgrades rather than planning ahead for sturdy expansions.

Optimize Your Time and Actions

  1. Always make plans for unforeseen circumstances. When events didn’t go as planned, having a backup saved my game from disaster more than once.
  2. Efficient action planning is crucial. You’ll find as I did that every action counts, especially late in the game when maneuverability is limited and stakes are high.

Implementing these strategies takes practice, but with creativity and foresight, anyone can take their Dungeon Petz game to new achievements.

Mastering Exhibitions and Pet Needs

Navigating through the whimsical world of ‘Dungeon Petz’, your ultimate goal is to raise the creatures in your care and showcase them in dazzling exhibitions. Success hinges on your ability to effectively anticipate and manage your pet’s needs seamlessly. Let’s dissect the elements that will propel you to victory.’

Understanding Pet Needs

Firstly, know thy pet! Each adorable monster has its own unique demands ranging from food to magical artifacts. Foresight is key; review the upcoming needs visible on the pet cards.

  1. Study the pets in the market and cross-reference with your resources.
  2. Anticipate the likely needs for the next round and prepare in advance.
  3. Adapt your strategy if your prediction gets thwarted by unforeseen needs or actions from competitors.

Exhibition Excellence

Exhibitions are your time to shine – a well-groomed pet will impress the judges immensely!

  1. Examine upcoming exhibitions and target pets that fit their criteria.
  2. Score bonus points for matches in pet colors, types, or specific exhibited traits.
  3. Be proactive and train or adorn your pets to fit the exhibition themes.

Strategic Prioritization

Resource management and need fulfillment must beautifully coalesce. Focus your strategy on a few strong pets; spreading yourself too thin can be your downfall.

  1. Prioritize pets with high potential for exhibition success.
  2. Keep a close eye on the competition and have a Plan B exhibit-ready.
  3. The dark horse? A pet that may not be boasting high stats now could be a showstopper later with your guidance.

Mastering the Art of the Deal in Dungeon Petz

Embrace the ebb and flow of the pet market to climb to victory. In ‘How To Play Dungeon Petz,’ buying and selling are not just transactions, they’re crucial to your success. Recall my tension-fueled auction experience where keen observation and timing were everything. Here’s how you can get the same thrilling edge:

Understanding Market Demand

Firstly, ensure that demand surpasses supply. Newly introduced pets often fetch higher prices, so jump at the chance to sell if you can predict a spike. Timing is crucial.

Maximizing Pet Value

  1. Remember, well-tended pets are profitable. Cater to your pet’s needs to increase their selling price; healthy, happy pets attract wealthy buyers!
  2. Capitalize on sodden reputations. This invariably adds value to your pets.
  3. Showcase your pets strategically in exhibitions to accumulate medals, ramping up their market value.

Strategic Buying

  1. Acquire pets that align with upcoming exhibitions – a lesser-known tactic in ‘How To Play Dungeon Petz’ guides – for potential high returns.
  2. Seize pets with valuable mutations. They can be rare finds that will later sell for a windfall.
  3. When you buy, think ahead. Balance current advantages with future gains.

When to Sell

Meticulously prick your earnings threshold; don’t cling to your pets unresolvedly. Know when a pet has reached peak value and be prepared to cash in antesque the market fluctuations leave you regretting. Trust me, selling Arthur the Anteater right before his value plummeted was a game-changer for my winning strategic pillage in one intense game scenario.

Adapt these strategies into your own game, internalize these market rhythms, and ascend each time you sit down to play. ‘How To Play Dungeon Petz’ isn’t merely about pet upkeep; it’s a nuanced balance of judicious buying and astute selling to clinch the victory.

Achieve Victory in the Dungeon Petz Arena

Well, fellow imp entrepreneurs, we’ve toured the depths of the pet dungeons together, armed with stratagems and insights for mastering ‘How To Play Dungeon Petz’. Now, it’s your turn to take these tried-and-true tactics and carve your path to victory. Remember, success sways to those who blend careful planning with adaptable gameplay. Cherish your petz, cater to those quirky judges in exhibitions, and always keep an eye on the market—buy and sell with the cunning of a shrewd imp retail magnate. Rally your resources, tune into your petz’ needs, and may your pens always be filled with the most extraordinary critters of the underworld. Head on into the game with confidence, and watch as your fame (and fortune!) grow within the enchanting, yet challenging, world of Dungeon Petz.

I’ll be rooting for your success—may your pet shop prosper!

Want to know what we think of Dungeon Petz? Read our detailed review of Dungeon Petz here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.